http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).27      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).27      Published : Jun 2
Authored by : SayyedRashidAli , HussainAhmad , ArshadAliKhan

27 Pages : 254-262


  • Alabi, A.O. & Babatunde, M.A. (2001). Primary English curriculum and methods.Oyo,Odumatt Press and Publishers.
  • Alfallaj, F. S. S., & Al-Ahdal, A. A. M. H. (2017). Authentic assessment: Evaluating the SaudiEFL tertiary examination system.Theory and Practice in Language Studies,7(8), 597607
  • Alotabi, K. A. (2014). Student assessment strategies in Saudi Arabia: a case study of pre and postclassroom practices.Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal(LICEJ),3(1), 1786-1763
  • Alrabai, F. (2014). A model of foreign language anxiety in the Saudi EFL context.Englishlanguage teaching,7(7), 82
  • Alsadaawi, A. S. (2017). Factor Structure and Reliability of Test Items for Saudi TeacherLicence Assessment.International Education Studies,10(2), 26.
  • Bachman, L. F. (1990). Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press
  • Bachman, L. F. (1991). What does language testing have to offer?.Tesol Quarterly,25(4), 671-704
  • Bachman, L. F. (2011). Fundamental considerations in language testing.Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press
  • Bachman, L. F., & Palmer, A. S. (1996).Language testing in practice: Designing anddeveloping useful language tests(Vol. 1). Oxford University Press
  • Brophy, T.S. (2012). Writing effective rubrics. Institutional Assessment Continuous QualityEnhancement Series
  • Brown, D., &Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment principles and classroompractices (2nd ed.). Pearson Education
  • Brown, H.D. (2007). Teaching by principles.
  • Buck, G. (2001).Assessing listening. Cambridge University Press
  • Corder, S. P. (1973). The elicitation of interlanguage.Errata: Papers in error analysis, 36-48
  • Crocker, L., & Algina J. (2006). Introduction to classical and modern test theory. ThomsonLearning
  • DeLuca, C., & Klinger, D. A.(2010). Assessment literacy development: Identifying gaps inteacher candidates'learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 17,419-438
  • DeLuca, C., LaPointe-McEwan, D., & Luhanga, U. (2016a). Teacher assessment literacy: areview of international standards and measures. Educational Assessment, Evaluation andAccountability, 28(3), 251-272. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1112727
  • Desheng, C., & Varghese, A. (2013). Testing and evaluation of language skills.IOSR Journal ofResearch & Method in Education.,1(2), 31-33
  • Flemming, M. & Stevens, D. (2004). English Teaching in the Secondary School.(2nded.), 113114). London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd
  • Hall, G. (2010). International English language testing: a critical response. ELT Journal, 64(3):321‒328
  • Halliday, M.K.A. et al.(1966). The Linguistics Science and Language Teaching. London:Longman
  • HAMP-LYONS, L. I. Z. (1998). Ethical test preparation practice: The case of the TOEFL.TesolQuarterly,32(2), 329-337
  • Hashemi, M. R., Khodadady, E., & Yazdanmehr, E. (2010). Learnersevaluation of EFL writingtasks in Iran ESOL exam preparation courses.Journal of English Language Teachingand Learning,52
  • Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Malinova, А., & Ivanova, V. (2011). Automation of Electronic Testing Examination in EnglishLanguage using DeTC.Plovdiv University
  • Mansory, M. (2016). EFL Teachers' Beliefs and Attitudes towards English Language Assessment in a Saudi Universit's English Language Institute
  • Obeid, R. (2017). Second Language Writing and Assessment: Voices from within the Saudi EFLContext.English Language Teaching,10(6), 174-181
  • Ozerova, A. (2004), Types of Tests Used in English Language.Bachelor Paper. S. (2, 4, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  • Plack, B. (2015). Assessment in the Service of Learning. Presented in the Second InternationalConference for assessment and evaluation: Learning outcomes assessment. Retrievedfrom http://ica.qiyas.sa/Presentations/ResearchSummary/En.pdf
  • Popham, W. J. (2004). Why assessment illiteracy is professional suicide. EducationalLeadership, 62, 82-83. Retrieved from http://www.ascd.org/publications/educationalleadership/sept04/vol62/num01
  • Ridhwan, M. (2017). Understanding Formative and Summative Assessment for EFL Teachers:nTheoretical Reflections on Assessment for Learning.Journal of English forAcademic,4(1), 40-50
  • Rogers, W. T., Cheng, L., & Hu, H. (2007). ESL/EFL instructors' beliefs about assessment andevaluation.Comparative and International Education/Éducation Comparée etInternationale,36(1), 39-61
  • Sancha, M. A. D. C. L. (2007).Communicative EFL Assessment in Cape Verde: Perceptions,Constraints and Suggestions for Effective Testing Tools(Bachelor's thesis
  • Sardareh, S. A., Saad, R, M. (2013). Defining assessment for learning: A proposed definitionfrom a sociocultural perspective, Life Science Journal, 10(2), 2493-2497
  • Sook, K. H. (2003). The types of speaking assessment tasks used by Korean Junior Secondaryschool English teachers.Asian EFL Journal, 1-11
  • Stiggins, R. (2002). Assessment crisis: the absence of assessment for learning. Phi Delta Kappan,83, 758-765
  • Stiggins, R. (2004). New assessment beliefs for a new school mission. Phi Delta Kappan, 86, 22-27.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F. Y. (2017). Testing and evaluation in ELT methodology.Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net
  • Tomlinson, B. (2005). Testing to learn: a personal view of language testing. ELT Journal,OxfordUniversity Press 59/1, 44
  • Tütüniş, E. Ş. B. (2011). The washback effect of testing on students' learning in EFL writingclasses.
  • Umer, M., Zakaria, M. H., & Alshara, M. A. (2018). Investigating Saudi University EFLTeachers' Assessment Literacy: Theory and Practice.Inte rnational Journal of English Linguistics,8(3), 345.
  • Volante, L., & Melahn, C. (2005). Promoting assessment literacy in teachers: Lessons from theHawaii school assessment liaison program. Pacific Educational Journal, 13, 19-34
  • Alabi, A.O. & Babatunde, M.A. (2001). Primary English curriculum and methods.Oyo,Odumatt Press and Publishers.
  • Alfallaj, F. S. S., & Al-Ahdal, A. A. M. H. (2017). Authentic assessment: Evaluating the SaudiEFL tertiary examination system.Theory and Practice in Language Studies,7(8), 597607
  • Alotabi, K. A. (2014). Student assessment strategies in Saudi Arabia: a case study of pre and postclassroom practices.Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal(LICEJ),3(1), 1786-1763
  • Alrabai, F. (2014). A model of foreign language anxiety in the Saudi EFL context.Englishlanguage teaching,7(7), 82
  • Alsadaawi, A. S. (2017). Factor Structure and Reliability of Test Items for Saudi TeacherLicence Assessment.International Education Studies,10(2), 26.
  • Bachman, L. F. (1990). Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press
  • Bachman, L. F. (1991). What does language testing have to offer?.Tesol Quarterly,25(4), 671-704
  • Bachman, L. F. (2011). Fundamental considerations in language testing.Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press
  • Bachman, L. F., & Palmer, A. S. (1996).Language testing in practice: Designing anddeveloping useful language tests(Vol. 1). Oxford University Press
  • Brophy, T.S. (2012). Writing effective rubrics. Institutional Assessment Continuous QualityEnhancement Series
  • Brown, D., &Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment principles and classroompractices (2nd ed.). Pearson Education
  • Brown, H.D. (2007). Teaching by principles.
  • Buck, G. (2001).Assessing listening. Cambridge University Press
  • Corder, S. P. (1973). The elicitation of interlanguage.Errata: Papers in error analysis, 36-48
  • Crocker, L., & Algina J. (2006). Introduction to classical and modern test theory. ThomsonLearning
  • DeLuca, C., & Klinger, D. A.(2010). Assessment literacy development: Identifying gaps inteacher candidates'learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 17,419-438
  • DeLuca, C., LaPointe-McEwan, D., & Luhanga, U. (2016a). Teacher assessment literacy: areview of international standards and measures. Educational Assessment, Evaluation andAccountability, 28(3), 251-272. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1112727
  • Desheng, C., & Varghese, A. (2013). Testing and evaluation of language skills.IOSR Journal ofResearch & Method in Education.,1(2), 31-33
  • Flemming, M. & Stevens, D. (2004). English Teaching in the Secondary School.(2nded.), 113114). London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd
  • Hall, G. (2010). International English language testing: a critical response. ELT Journal, 64(3):321‒328
  • Halliday, M.K.A. et al.(1966). The Linguistics Science and Language Teaching. London:Longman
  • HAMP-LYONS, L. I. Z. (1998). Ethical test preparation practice: The case of the TOEFL.TesolQuarterly,32(2), 329-337
  • Hashemi, M. R., Khodadady, E., & Yazdanmehr, E. (2010). Learnersevaluation of EFL writingtasks in Iran ESOL exam preparation courses.Journal of English Language Teachingand Learning,52
  • Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Malinova, А., & Ivanova, V. (2011). Automation of Electronic Testing Examination in EnglishLanguage using DeTC.Plovdiv University
  • Mansory, M. (2016). EFL Teachers' Beliefs and Attitudes towards English Language Assessment in a Saudi Universit's English Language Institute
  • Obeid, R. (2017). Second Language Writing and Assessment: Voices from within the Saudi EFLContext.English Language Teaching,10(6), 174-181
  • Ozerova, A. (2004), Types of Tests Used in English Language.Bachelor Paper. S. (2, 4, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  • Plack, B. (2015). Assessment in the Service of Learning. Presented in the Second InternationalConference for assessment and evaluation: Learning outcomes assessment. Retrievedfrom http://ica.qiyas.sa/Presentations/ResearchSummary/En.pdf
  • Popham, W. J. (2004). Why assessment illiteracy is professional suicide. EducationalLeadership, 62, 82-83. Retrieved from http://www.ascd.org/publications/educationalleadership/sept04/vol62/num01
  • Ridhwan, M. (2017). Understanding Formative and Summative Assessment for EFL Teachers:nTheoretical Reflections on Assessment for Learning.Journal of English forAcademic,4(1), 40-50
  • Rogers, W. T., Cheng, L., & Hu, H. (2007). ESL/EFL instructors' beliefs about assessment andevaluation.Comparative and International Education/Éducation Comparée etInternationale,36(1), 39-61
  • Sancha, M. A. D. C. L. (2007).Communicative EFL Assessment in Cape Verde: Perceptions,Constraints and Suggestions for Effective Testing Tools(Bachelor's thesis
  • Sardareh, S. A., Saad, R, M. (2013). Defining assessment for learning: A proposed definitionfrom a sociocultural perspective, Life Science Journal, 10(2), 2493-2497
  • Sook, K. H. (2003). The types of speaking assessment tasks used by Korean Junior Secondaryschool English teachers.Asian EFL Journal, 1-11
  • Stiggins, R. (2002). Assessment crisis: the absence of assessment for learning. Phi Delta Kappan,83, 758-765
  • Stiggins, R. (2004). New assessment beliefs for a new school mission. Phi Delta Kappan, 86, 22-27.
  • Tilfarlioglu, F. Y. (2017). Testing and evaluation in ELT methodology.Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net
  • Tomlinson, B. (2005). Testing to learn: a personal view of language testing. ELT Journal,OxfordUniversity Press 59/1, 44
  • Tütüniş, E. Ş. B. (2011). The washback effect of testing on students' learning in EFL writingclasses.
  • Umer, M., Zakaria, M. H., & Alshara, M. A. (2018). Investigating Saudi University EFLTeachers' Assessment Literacy: Theory and Practice.Inte rnational Journal of English Linguistics,8(3), 345.
  • Volante, L., & Melahn, C. (2005). Promoting assessment literacy in teachers: Lessons from theHawaii school assessment liaison program. Pacific Educational Journal, 13, 19-34

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    APA : Ali, S. R., Ahmad, H., & Khan, A. A. (2019). Testing in English Language Teaching and its Significance in EFL Contexts: A Theoretical Perspective. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 254-262. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).27
    CHICAGO : Ali, Sayyed Rashid, Hussain Ahmad, and Arshad Ali Khan. 2019. "Testing in English Language Teaching and its Significance in EFL Contexts: A Theoretical Perspective." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 254-262 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).27
    HARVARD : ALI, S. R., AHMAD, H. & KHAN, A. A. 2019. Testing in English Language Teaching and its Significance in EFL Contexts: A Theoretical Perspective. Global Regional Review, IV, 254-262.
    MHRA : Ali, Sayyed Rashid, Hussain Ahmad, and Arshad Ali Khan. 2019. "Testing in English Language Teaching and its Significance in EFL Contexts: A Theoretical Perspective." Global Regional Review, IV: 254-262
    MLA : Ali, Sayyed Rashid, Hussain Ahmad, and Arshad Ali Khan. "Testing in English Language Teaching and its Significance in EFL Contexts: A Theoretical Perspective." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 254-262 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Sayyed Rashid, Ahmad, Hussain, and Khan, Arshad Ali (2019), "Testing in English Language Teaching and its Significance in EFL Contexts: A Theoretical Perspective", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 254-262
    TURABIAN : Ali, Sayyed Rashid, Hussain Ahmad, and Arshad Ali Khan. "Testing in English Language Teaching and its Significance in EFL Contexts: A Theoretical Perspective." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 254-262. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).27