Authored by : TanvirAbbas , MuhammadZia ul Haq , QasidNaveed

26 Pages : 364-374


  • Akca, F. (2014). Prediction of rowing ergometer performance from functional anaerobic power, strength and anthropometric components. Journal of Human Kinetics, 41, 139-140.
  • Arazi, H., Faraji, H., & Mohammadi, S. M. (2011). Anthropometric and Physiological Profiles of Elite Iranian Junior Rowers. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 9(2), 162-166.
  • Bourdin, M. Lacour, J. R., & Messonnier, L. (2009). Physiological correlates of performance. Case study of a world-class rower. European journal of applied physiology, 106(3), 407-413.
  • Bourgois, J., Claessens, A. L., Janssens, M., Renterghem, B., Loos, R., Vrijens, J., Philippaerts, R., Van, B., Thomis, M., & Lefevre, J. (2001). Anthropometric characteristics of elite female junior rowers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 19, 195-202
  • Bourgois, J., Claessens, A. L., Vrijens, J., Philippaerts, R., Van, B., Thomis, M., & Lefevre, J. (2000). Anthropometric characteristics of elite male junior rowers. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(3), 213-216.
  • Carter, J. E. L. (1982). Anthropometry of Montreal Olympic athletes. In J. E. L. Carter (Ed.), Physical structures of Olympic athletes (pp. 25-52). Basel: Karger.
  • Carter, J. E. L., & B. H. Heath. (1991). Sport and Physical Performance, in Somatotyping -Development and Applications, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp 198-286.
  • Changela, P. K., & Bhatt, S. (2016). The correlational study of the vertical jump test and Wingate cycle test as a method to assess anaerobic power in high school basket ballplayers. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2(6), 1-6.
  • Claessens, A. L., Beunen, G., & Malina, R. M. (2000). Anthropometry, physique, body composition, and maturity assessment. In N. Armstrong & W. Mechelen (Eds.), Pediatric exercise science and medicine (pp. 11- 22).Oxford University Press.
  • Cosgrove, M. J., Wilson, J., Watt, D., & Grant, S. F. (1999). The relationship between selected physiological variables of rowers and rowing performance as determined by a 2000m ergometer test. Journal of Sports Sciences, 17, 845-52.
  • Hagerman, F. C. (1984). Applied physiology of rowing. Sports Medicine, 1(4), 303-326.
  • Hahn, A. (1990). Identification and selection of talent in Australian rowing. Excel, 6(3), 5-11.
  • Huang, C. J., Nesser, T. W., & Edwards, J. E. (2007). Strength and power determinants of rowing performance. Journal of Exercise Physiology, 10(4), 43-50.
  • Ingham, S. A., Carter, H., Whyte, G. P., & Doust, J. H. (2007). Comparison of the oxygen uptake kinetics of club and Olympic champion rowers. Medicine Science of Sports Exercise, 39(5), 865-871.
  • Jurimae, J., Maestu, J., Purge, P., & Jurimae, T. (2004). Changes in stress and recovery after heavy training in rowers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,7(3), 335-339.
  • Kaloupsis, S., Bogdanis, G. C., Dimakopoulou, E., & Maridaki, M. (2008). Anthropometric characteristics and somatotype of young Greek rowers. Biology of Sport, 25(1), 57.
  • Karaba-Jakovljević, D., Jovanović, G., Erić, M., KlaÅ¡nja, A., Slavić, D., & Lukač, D. (2016). Anthropometric characteristics and functional capacity of elite rowers and handball players. Medicinski pregled, 69(9-10), 267-273.
  • Kerr, D. A., Ross, W. D., Norton, K., Hume, P., Kagawa, M., & Ackland, T. R. (2007). Olympic lightweight and open-class rowers possess distinctive physical and proportionality characteristics. Journal of Sports Sciences,25(1), 43-53.
  • Kerr, D. A., Schreiner, A. B., & Ackland, T. R. (2007). The elite athlete - assessing body shape, size, proportion and composition. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition,4, 25-29.
  • Leger, L.A., & Lambert, J. (1982). A maximal multistage 20m shuttle run test to predict VO2max. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 49(1), 1-5.
  • Mandic, S., Quinney, H. A., & Bell, G. J. (2004). Modification of the Wingate Anaerobic Power Test for rowing: optimization of the resistance setting. International Journal of Sports Medicines, 25, 409-414.
  • Massidda, M., Toselli, S., Brasili, P., & M Calo, C. (2013). Somatotype of elite Italian gymnasts. Collegium antropologicum, 37(3), 853-857.
  • Mikulic, P. (2008). Anthropometric and physiological profiles of rowers of varying ages and ranks. Kinesiology,40(1), 80-88.
  • Morris, F. L., & Payne, W. R. (1996). Seasonal variations in the body composition of lightweight rowers. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(40), 301- 304.
  • Norton, K., & Olds, T. (Eds.). (1996). Anthropometrica: A textbook of body measurement for sports and health courses. UNSW Press.
  • Piotrowski, J., Sklad, M., Krawczyk, B., & Majle, B. (1992). Somatic indices of junior rowers as related to their athletic experience. Biology of Sport, 9(3), 117.
  • Riechman, S. E., Zoeller, R. F., Balasekaran, G., Goss, F. L., & Robertson, R. J. (2002). Prediction of 2000 m indoor rowing performance using a 30 s sprint and maximal oxygen uptake. Journal of Sports Science, 20(9), 681- 687.
  • Secher, N, H., Vaage, O., Jensen, K., & Jackson, R. C. (1983). Maximal aerobic power in oarsmen, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 51(2), 155-162.
  • Shephard, R. J. (1998). Science and medicine of rowing. Journal of Sports Sciences,16, 603-620.
  • Slater, G. J., Rice, A. J., Mujika, I., Hahn, A. G., Sharpe, K., & Jenkins, D. G. (2005). Physique Traits of lightweight rowers and their relationship to competitive success. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, 736-741.
  • Thomas, D., Fahey, Paul, M., Insel, Walton, T., & Roth. (2005). Fit & Well Core Concepts and LABS. Physical Fitness and Wellness, 6, 186-190.
  • Yoshiga, C., & Higuchi, M. (2003). Rowing performance of female and male rowers. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports,13(5), 317- 321.
  • Akca, F. (2014). Prediction of rowing ergometer performance from functional anaerobic power, strength and anthropometric components. Journal of Human Kinetics, 41, 139-140.
  • Arazi, H., Faraji, H., & Mohammadi, S. M. (2011). Anthropometric and Physiological Profiles of Elite Iranian Junior Rowers. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 9(2), 162-166.
  • Bourdin, M. Lacour, J. R., & Messonnier, L. (2009). Physiological correlates of performance. Case study of a world-class rower. European journal of applied physiology, 106(3), 407-413.
  • Bourgois, J., Claessens, A. L., Janssens, M., Renterghem, B., Loos, R., Vrijens, J., Philippaerts, R., Van, B., Thomis, M., & Lefevre, J. (2001). Anthropometric characteristics of elite female junior rowers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 19, 195-202
  • Bourgois, J., Claessens, A. L., Vrijens, J., Philippaerts, R., Van, B., Thomis, M., & Lefevre, J. (2000). Anthropometric characteristics of elite male junior rowers. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(3), 213-216.
  • Carter, J. E. L. (1982). Anthropometry of Montreal Olympic athletes. In J. E. L. Carter (Ed.), Physical structures of Olympic athletes (pp. 25-52). Basel: Karger.
  • Carter, J. E. L., & B. H. Heath. (1991). Sport and Physical Performance, in Somatotyping -Development and Applications, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp 198-286.
  • Changela, P. K., & Bhatt, S. (2016). The correlational study of the vertical jump test and Wingate cycle test as a method to assess anaerobic power in high school basket ballplayers. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2(6), 1-6.
  • Claessens, A. L., Beunen, G., & Malina, R. M. (2000). Anthropometry, physique, body composition, and maturity assessment. In N. Armstrong & W. Mechelen (Eds.), Pediatric exercise science and medicine (pp. 11- 22).Oxford University Press.
  • Cosgrove, M. J., Wilson, J., Watt, D., & Grant, S. F. (1999). The relationship between selected physiological variables of rowers and rowing performance as determined by a 2000m ergometer test. Journal of Sports Sciences, 17, 845-52.
  • Hagerman, F. C. (1984). Applied physiology of rowing. Sports Medicine, 1(4), 303-326.
  • Hahn, A. (1990). Identification and selection of talent in Australian rowing. Excel, 6(3), 5-11.
  • Huang, C. J., Nesser, T. W., & Edwards, J. E. (2007). Strength and power determinants of rowing performance. Journal of Exercise Physiology, 10(4), 43-50.
  • Ingham, S. A., Carter, H., Whyte, G. P., & Doust, J. H. (2007). Comparison of the oxygen uptake kinetics of club and Olympic champion rowers. Medicine Science of Sports Exercise, 39(5), 865-871.
  • Jurimae, J., Maestu, J., Purge, P., & Jurimae, T. (2004). Changes in stress and recovery after heavy training in rowers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,7(3), 335-339.
  • Kaloupsis, S., Bogdanis, G. C., Dimakopoulou, E., & Maridaki, M. (2008). Anthropometric characteristics and somatotype of young Greek rowers. Biology of Sport, 25(1), 57.
  • Karaba-Jakovljević, D., Jovanović, G., Erić, M., KlaÅ¡nja, A., Slavić, D., & Lukač, D. (2016). Anthropometric characteristics and functional capacity of elite rowers and handball players. Medicinski pregled, 69(9-10), 267-273.
  • Kerr, D. A., Ross, W. D., Norton, K., Hume, P., Kagawa, M., & Ackland, T. R. (2007). Olympic lightweight and open-class rowers possess distinctive physical and proportionality characteristics. Journal of Sports Sciences,25(1), 43-53.
  • Kerr, D. A., Schreiner, A. B., & Ackland, T. R. (2007). The elite athlete - assessing body shape, size, proportion and composition. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition,4, 25-29.
  • Leger, L.A., & Lambert, J. (1982). A maximal multistage 20m shuttle run test to predict VO2max. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 49(1), 1-5.
  • Mandic, S., Quinney, H. A., & Bell, G. J. (2004). Modification of the Wingate Anaerobic Power Test for rowing: optimization of the resistance setting. International Journal of Sports Medicines, 25, 409-414.
  • Massidda, M., Toselli, S., Brasili, P., & M Calo, C. (2013). Somatotype of elite Italian gymnasts. Collegium antropologicum, 37(3), 853-857.
  • Mikulic, P. (2008). Anthropometric and physiological profiles of rowers of varying ages and ranks. Kinesiology,40(1), 80-88.
  • Morris, F. L., & Payne, W. R. (1996). Seasonal variations in the body composition of lightweight rowers. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(40), 301- 304.
  • Norton, K., & Olds, T. (Eds.). (1996). Anthropometrica: A textbook of body measurement for sports and health courses. UNSW Press.
  • Piotrowski, J., Sklad, M., Krawczyk, B., & Majle, B. (1992). Somatic indices of junior rowers as related to their athletic experience. Biology of Sport, 9(3), 117.
  • Riechman, S. E., Zoeller, R. F., Balasekaran, G., Goss, F. L., & Robertson, R. J. (2002). Prediction of 2000 m indoor rowing performance using a 30 s sprint and maximal oxygen uptake. Journal of Sports Science, 20(9), 681- 687.
  • Secher, N, H., Vaage, O., Jensen, K., & Jackson, R. C. (1983). Maximal aerobic power in oarsmen, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 51(2), 155-162.
  • Shephard, R. J. (1998). Science and medicine of rowing. Journal of Sports Sciences,16, 603-620.
  • Slater, G. J., Rice, A. J., Mujika, I., Hahn, A. G., Sharpe, K., & Jenkins, D. G. (2005). Physique Traits of lightweight rowers and their relationship to competitive success. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, 736-741.
  • Thomas, D., Fahey, Paul, M., Insel, Walton, T., & Roth. (2005). Fit & Well Core Concepts and LABS. Physical Fitness and Wellness, 6, 186-190.
  • Yoshiga, C., & Higuchi, M. (2003). Rowing performance of female and male rowers. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports,13(5), 317- 321.

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    CHICAGO : Abbas, Tanvir, Muhammad Zia ul Haq, and Qasid Naveed. 2017. "Somatotyping and Physical Fitness of Pakistani National Rower." Global Regional Review, II (I): 364-374 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).26
    HARVARD : ABBAS, T., HAQ, M. Z. U. & NAVEED, Q. 2017. Somatotyping and Physical Fitness of Pakistani National Rower. Global Regional Review, II, 364-374.
    MHRA : Abbas, Tanvir, Muhammad Zia ul Haq, and Qasid Naveed. 2017. "Somatotyping and Physical Fitness of Pakistani National Rower." Global Regional Review, II: 364-374
    MLA : Abbas, Tanvir, Muhammad Zia ul Haq, and Qasid Naveed. "Somatotyping and Physical Fitness of Pakistani National Rower." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 364-374 Print.
    OXFORD : Abbas, Tanvir, Haq, Muhammad Zia ul, and Naveed, Qasid (2017), "Somatotyping and Physical Fitness of Pakistani National Rower", Global Regional Review, II (I), 364-374
    TURABIAN : Abbas, Tanvir, Muhammad Zia ul Haq, and Qasid Naveed. "Somatotyping and Physical Fitness of Pakistani National Rower." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 364-374.