SOCIAL TABOOS IN PAKISTANI PRIME TIME URDU DRAMAS      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).08      Published : Jun 2
Authored by : FarrukhNazir , ArshadAli , MuhammadFarooq

08 Pages : 67-77


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  • Berelson, B. (1952). Content Analysis in Communication Research. Newyork, Free Press
  • Graber, D.A. (1990). Seeing is Remembering: How Visuals Contribute to Learning from Television News. Journal of Communication, 40(3), 134-15
  • Dale,W.R.,& Cristel,A.R.(2009). Alcohol Messages in Prime Time Television Series. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 43(1), 108-128
  • Dixon, R.L. (2008). Crime News and Racialized Beliefs: Understandinf the Relationship between Local News Viewing and Perception of African Americans and Crime. Journal of Communication, 58(1), 106-125
  • Eschholz, S., Mallard, M., & Flynn, S. (2004). Imagesof Prime Time Justice: A Content Analysis of 'NYPD Blue' and 'Law and Order'. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 10(3), 161-180
  • Farberow, N.L. (1963). Taboo Topics, Newyork, Atherton
  • Fershtman, et. al. (2011). Taboo and Identity: Considering the Unthinkable. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics,3(2), 139-164
  • Gary,M.C., Jia-Fang,Z., Sally,C., & Silva, P.A.(1994). Alcohol in the Mass Media and Drinking by Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study. Addiction, 89(10), 1255-1263
  • Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study. Addiction, 89(10), 1255-1263.Hornby, A.S. (2010). Oxford Advanced LearnerÂ’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press
  • Krug,E.G., et al. (2002). World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, World Health Organization
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  • Toynbee, A.J. (1948). Civilization on Trial. Oxford University Press
  • Alberto,C.,& Eliana,L.F.(2009). Television and Divorce: Evidence from Brazilian Novelas. Journal of the European Economic Association,7(2-3), 458-468
  • itken, P. P., & Leathar, D. S., Scott, A. C., Eadie, D. R. & McNeill, R. E. J. (1988). Television Advertisements for Alcoholic Drinks Do Reinforce Underage Drinking. British Journal of Addiction, 83(12), 1399-1419
  • Amy,I.N., Stacy,L.S., & Barbara,J.W.(2002). Prime Time Television: Assessing Violence During the Most Popular Viewing Hours. Journal of Communication, 52(1), 84-111
  • Breed, W., & De Foe, J.R. (1981). The Portrayal of the Drinking Process onPrime Time Television. Journal of Communication, 31(1), 58-67
  • Bnabou, T., & Roland, J.(2011). Identity, Morals, and Taboos: Beliefs as Assets. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(2), 805-85
  • Barry,S.,Sapolsky & Barbara,K.K. (2009). Taboo or Not Taboo? That is the Question: Offensive Language on Prime Time Broadcast and Cable Programming. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. March 2009
  • Berelson, B. (1952). Content Analysis in Communication Research. Newyork, Free Press
  • Graber, D.A. (1990). Seeing is Remembering: How Visuals Contribute to Learning from Television News. Journal of Communication, 40(3), 134-15
  • Dale,W.R.,& Cristel,A.R.(2009). Alcohol Messages in Prime Time Television Series. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 43(1), 108-128
  • Dixon, R.L. (2008). Crime News and Racialized Beliefs: Understandinf the Relationship between Local News Viewing and Perception of African Americans and Crime. Journal of Communication, 58(1), 106-125
  • Eschholz, S., Mallard, M., & Flynn, S. (2004). Imagesof Prime Time Justice: A Content Analysis of 'NYPD Blue' and 'Law and Order'. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 10(3), 161-180
  • Farberow, N.L. (1963). Taboo Topics, Newyork, Atherton
  • Fershtman, et. al. (2011). Taboo and Identity: Considering the Unthinkable. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics,3(2), 139-164
  • Gary,M.C., Jia-Fang,Z., Sally,C., & Silva, P.A.(1994). Alcohol in the Mass Media and Drinking by Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study. Addiction, 89(10), 1255-1263
  • Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study. Addiction, 89(10), 1255-1263.Hornby, A.S. (2010). Oxford Advanced LearnerÂ’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press
  • Krug,E.G., et al. (2002). World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, World Health Organization
  • Severin,W.J.,& Tankard, J.W.Jr. (2001). Communication Theories: Origins, Methods, and Uses in the Mass Media, Fifth Edition. Newyork, Addison Wesley Longman
  • Toynbee, A.J. (1948). Civilization on Trial. Oxford University Press

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    CHICAGO : Nazir, Farrukh, Arshad Ali, and Muhammad Farooq. 2019. "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 67-77 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).08
    HARVARD : NAZIR, F., ALI, A. & FAROOQ, M. 2019. Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas. Global Regional Review, IV, 67-77.
    MHRA : Nazir, Farrukh, Arshad Ali, and Muhammad Farooq. 2019. "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas." Global Regional Review, IV: 67-77
    MLA : Nazir, Farrukh, Arshad Ali, and Muhammad Farooq. "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 67-77 Print.
    OXFORD : Nazir, Farrukh, Ali, Arshad, and Farooq, Muhammad (2019), "Social Taboos in Pakistani Prime Time Urdu Dramas", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 67-77