SAUDI IRAN STRIFE COMPLEXITIES FOR PAKISTAN      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).09      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : MuhammadMuzaffar , RobinaKhan , ZahidYaseen

09 Pages : 119-134


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  • Majin, S. K. (2016). Iranian and Saudi Cultural and Religious Identities: Constructivist Perspective. Open Journal of Political Science, 7(01), 65.
  • Muasher, M., & Sadjadpour, K. (2011). Christopher Boucek 1973-2011. Review of Middle East Studies, 293-295.
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  • MacAskill, E. & Traynor, I. (2003). Saudis consider nuclear bomb. The Guardian, 18.
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  • Tocha, M. (2009). The EU and Iran's Nuclear Programme: Testing the Limits of Coercive Diplomacy. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 1/2009. EU Diplomacy Paper.Vatanka, A. (2012). The guardian of Pakistan's Shia. Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, 13, 5.
  • Wehrey, F., Karasik, T. W., Nader, A., Ghez, J. J., & Hansell, L. (2009). SaudiIranian relations since the fall of Saddam: Rivalry, cooperation, and implications for US Policy. Rand Corporation.
  • Ziring, L. (1997). Pakistan in the twentieth century: A political history. Karachi: Oxford University Press, p. 468
  • Arif, K.M. (1995). Working with Zia: Pakistan Power Politics, 1977-1988. Karachi: Oxford University Press, p.285.
  • Ayub, G, K. (2009). Testing Times as Foreign Minister, Islamabad, Lahore & Karachi: Dost Publications, p.5, p.15, p.74, p.75.
  • Basit, A. (2015).
  • Baxter, C. (Ed.). (2013). Diaries of field marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan 1966- 1972. Karachi: Oxford University Press, p. 20.
  • Black, I., & Tisdall, S. (2010). Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme. The Guardian, 28.
  • Butt, Y. (2015). How Saudi wahhabism is the fountainhead of Islamist terrorism. Online Blog Post
  • Chubin, S. (2009). Iran's power in context. Survival, 51(1), 165-190.
  • Chubin, S., & Litwak, R. S. (2003). Debating Iran's nuclear aspirations. Washington Quarterly, 26(4), 99-114.
  • Chubin, S. (2012). Iran and the Arab Spring: Ascendancy Frustrated. GRC Gulf Papers, 21-27.
  • Dawn, (2015). UAE minister warns Pakistan of 'heavy price for ambiguous stand' on Yemen.
  • Dawn, (2016). Rouhani denies discussing 'RAW's involvement in Balochistan' with Pakistani leadership.
  • el-Nawawy, M., & Elmasry, M. H. (2015). Revolution or crisis? Framing the 2011 Tahrir Square protests in two pan-Arab satellite news networks. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 4(2), 239-258
  • Fahim, K., & Cunningham, E. (2017).
  • Ghani, N. (Ed.). (2010). Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan: A selection of talks and interviews, 1964-1967. Karachi: Oxford University Press, p. 205.
  • Jamshidi, M. (2013). The future of the Arab spring: Civic entrepreneurship in politics, art, and technology startups. Elsevier.
  • Khaitous, T. (2009). Arab reactions to a nuclear-armed Iran. Policy Focus, 94(7).
  • Leiken, R. S. & Brooke, S. (2006). The quantitative analysis of terrorism and immigration: an initial exploration. Terrorism and Political Violence, 18(4), 503-521.
  • Razvi, M. (1981).
  • Majin, S. K. (2016). Iranian and Saudi Cultural and Religious Identities: Constructivist Perspective. Open Journal of Political Science, 7(01), 65.
  • Muasher, M., & Sadjadpour, K. (2011). Christopher Boucek 1973-2011. Review of Middle East Studies, 293-295.
  • Rathore, S, A. (2017). The Saudi-Iran Factor in Pakistan's Sunni-Shia conflicts. Middle East Institute
  • MacAskill, E. & Traynor, I. (2003). Saudis consider nuclear bomb. The Guardian, 18.
  • Sadjadpour, K. (2011). The Battle of Dubai. MIDDLE EAST
  • The Express Tribune, (2017), 'Iran warns will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan',
  • Tocha, M. (2009). The EU and Iran's Nuclear Programme: Testing the Limits of Coercive Diplomacy. College of Europe EU Diplomacy Paper 1/2009. EU Diplomacy Paper.Vatanka, A. (2012). The guardian of Pakistan's Shia. Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, 13, 5.
  • Wehrey, F., Karasik, T. W., Nader, A., Ghez, J. J., & Hansell, L. (2009). SaudiIranian relations since the fall of Saddam: Rivalry, cooperation, and implications for US Policy. Rand Corporation.
  • Ziring, L. (1997). Pakistan in the twentieth century: A political history. Karachi: Oxford University Press, p. 468

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    CHICAGO : Muzaffar, Muhammad, Robina Khan, and Zahid Yaseen. 2017. "Saudi - Iran Strife: Complexities for Pakistan." Global Regional Review, II (I): 119-134 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).09
    HARVARD : MUZAFFAR, M., KHAN, R. & YASEEN, Z. 2017. Saudi - Iran Strife: Complexities for Pakistan. Global Regional Review, II, 119-134.
    MHRA : Muzaffar, Muhammad, Robina Khan, and Zahid Yaseen. 2017. "Saudi - Iran Strife: Complexities for Pakistan." Global Regional Review, II: 119-134
    MLA : Muzaffar, Muhammad, Robina Khan, and Zahid Yaseen. "Saudi - Iran Strife: Complexities for Pakistan." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 119-134 Print.
    OXFORD : Muzaffar, Muhammad, Khan, Robina, and Yaseen, Zahid (2017), "Saudi - Iran Strife: Complexities for Pakistan", Global Regional Review, II (I), 119-134