Authored by : FouziaParveen , AbidShahzad , SobiaAltaf

30 Pages : 274-280


  • Agatston, P. W., Kowalski, R., & Limber, S. (2007). Students' Perspectives on Cyber Bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health.
  • Bailey, S. (1993). Personality development in adolescents. Taylor & Francis
  • Bester, G. (2007). Personality development of the adolescent: peer group versus parents. South African Journal of Education, 27(2)
  • Dooley, J. J., Pyżalski, J., & Cross, D. (2009). Cyberbullying Versus Face-to-Face Bullying. Zeitschrift Für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 3(1), 1-11
  • Extremera, N., Quintana-Orts, C., Mérida-López, S., & Rey, L. (2018). Cyberbullying victimization, self-esteem and suicidal ideation in adolescence: does emotional intelligence play a buffering role? Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 367
  • Fahy, A. E., Stansfeld, S. A., Smuk, M., Smith, N. R., Cummins, S., & Clark, C. (2016). Longitudinal associations between cyberbullying involvement and adolescent mental health. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(5), 502-509
  • Fantuzzo, J. W., & Rohrbeck, C. A. (1992). Self-managed groups: Fitting self-management approaches into classroom systems. School Psychology Review, 21(2), 255-263.
  • Finkelhor, D. (2014). Trends in bullying and peer victimization.
  • Fogarty, J. L., & Wang, M. C. (1982). An investigation of the cross-age peer tutoring process: Some implications for instructional design and motivation. The Elementary School Journal, 82(5), 451-469
  • Franz, C. E., & White, K. M. (1985). Individuation and attachment in personality development: Extending Erikson's theory. Journal of Personality, 53(2), 224-256
  • Greenwood, C. R., Dinwiddie,G., Terry, B., Wade, L., Stanley, S. O., Thibadeau, S., & Delquadri, J. C. (1984). Teacher-versus peer-mediated instruction: An ecobehavioral analysis of achievement outcomes. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 17(4), 521-538
  • Hamm, M. P., Newton, A. S., Chisholm, A., Shulhan, J., Milne, A., Sundar, P., ... Hartling, L. (2015). Prevalence and effect of cyberbullying on children and young people: A scoping review of social media studies. JAMA Pediatrics, 169(8), 770-777.
  • Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2007). Offline consequences of online victimization: School violence and delinquency. Journal of School Violence, 6(3), 89-112
  • Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2014). Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Corwin Press
  • John, A., Glendenning, A. C., Marchant, A., Montgomery, P., Stewart, A., Wood, S., ... Hawton, K. (2018). Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: Systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(4), e129.
  • Jones, L. M., Mitchell, K. J., & Finkelhor, D. (2013). Online harassment in context: Trends from three youth internet safety surveys (2000, 2005, 2010). Psychology of Violence, 3(1), 53.
  • Kim, S., Colwell, S. R., Kata, A., Boyle, M. H., & Georgiades, K. (2018). Cyberbullying victimization and adolescent mental health: Evidence of differential effects by sex and mental health problem type. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(3), 661-672
  • King, R., Iliff, W. P., Ramírez, É., Bracey, L., Palmer, T., Lindo, D.,... Greenberg, G. B. (n.d.). Point Break (2015 film)
  • Mearns, D., Thorne, B., & McLeod, J. (2013). Person-centred counselling in action. Sage
  • Messias, E., Kindrick, K., & Castro, J. (2014). School bullying, cyberbullying, or both: correlates of teen suicidality in the 2011 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55(5), 1063-1068
  • Molcho, M., Craig, W., Due, P., Pickett, W., Harel-Fisch, Y., & Overpeck, M. (2009). Cross-national time trends in bullying behaviour 1994-2006: findings from Europe and North America. International Journal of Public Health, 54(2), 225-234
  • Nixon, C. L. (2014). Current perspectives: the impact of cyberbullying on adolescent health. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 5, 14
  • Olweus, D. (n.d.). 1993. (null, Ed.) (Vol. null)
  • Olweus, Dan. (1978). Aggression in the schools: Bullies and whipping boys.Hemisphere
  • Olweus, Dan. (1994). Bullying at school: basic facts and effects of a school based intervention program. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35(7), 1171-1190.
  • f Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35(7), 1171-1190.Olweus, Dan. (2003). A profile of bullying at school. Educational Leadership, 60(6), 12-17
  • Olweus, Dan. (2012). Cyberbullying: An overrated phenomenon? European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9(5), 520-538
  • Olweus, Dan, & Limber, S. P. (2018). Some problems with cyberbullying research. Current Opinion in Psychology, 19, 139-143.
  • Park, S., Na, E.-Y., & Kim, E. (2014). Therelationship between online activities, netiquette and cyberbullying. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 74-81
  • Rosenthal, D. A., Gurney, R. M., & Moore, S. M. (1981). From trust on intimacy: A new inventory for examining EriksonÂ’s stages of psychosocial development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 10(6), 525-537.
  • Schenk, A. M. (2011). Psychological impact of cyberbully victimization among college students
  • Selkie, E. M., Kota, R., Chan, Y.-F., & Moreno, M. (2015). Cyberbullying, depression, and problem alcohol use in female college students: a multisite study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(2), 79-86
  • Slavin, R. E. (1990). Cooperative learning: Theory, research, and practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
  • Smith, P. K. (2012). Cyberbullying: Challenges and opportunities for a research program-A response to Olweus (2012). European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9(5), 553-558.
  • Spano, S. (2004). Stages of adolescent development
  • Tural Hesapcioglu, S., & Ercan, F. (2017). Traditional and cyberbullying co-occurrence and its relationship to psychiatric symptoms. Pediatrics International, 59(1), 16-22
  • Vogt, W. P., & Johnson, B. (2011). Dictionary of statistics & methodology: A nontechnical guide for the social sciences. Sage
  • Von Marées, N., & Petermann, F. (2012). Cyberbullying: An increasing challenge for schools. School Psychology International, 33(5), 467-476.
  • Waasdorp, T. E., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2015). The overlap between cyberbullying and traditional bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(5), 483-488.
  • Walther, B. (2012). Cyberbullying: Holding grownups liable for negligent entrustment. Hous. L. Rev., 49, 531
  • Wang, J., Iannotti, R. J., & Nansel, T. R. (2009). School Bullying Among Adolescents in the United States: Physical, Verbal, Relational, and Cyber. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(4), 368-375.
  • Willard, N. E. (2007). Cyberbullying and cyberthreats: Responding to the challenge of online social aggression, threats, and distress. Research press
  • Ybarra, M. L., Boyd, D., Korchmaros, J. D., & Oppenheim, J. K. (2012). Defining and measuring cyberbullying within the larger context of bullying victimization. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51(1), 53-58
  • Ybarra, M. L., Espelage, D. L., & Mitchell, K. J. (2014). Differentiating youth who are bullied from other victims of peer-aggression: The importance of differential power and repetition. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(2), 293-300.
  • Young, R., Subramanian, R., Miles, S., Hinnant, A., & Andsager, J. L. (2017). Social representation of cyberbullying and adolescent suicide: A mixed-method analysis of news stories. Health Communication, 32(9), 1082-1092
  • Zeichner, K. (2013). Two Visions of Teaching and Teacher Education for the Twenty-First Century. In X. Zhu & K. Zeichner (Eds.), Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century,New Frontiers of Educational Research(pp. 3-19). Heidelberg: Springr
  • Shahzad, A., Valcke, M., & Bahoo, R. (2012). A study to analyze the teacher's perceptions about the adoption of collaborative learning in post-graduate classes of IUB. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3056-3059
  • Agatston, P. W., Kowalski, R., & Limber, S. (2007). Students' Perspectives on Cyber Bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health.
  • Bailey, S. (1993). Personality development in adolescents. Taylor & Francis
  • Bester, G. (2007). Personality development of the adolescent: peer group versus parents. South African Journal of Education, 27(2)
  • Dooley, J. J., Pyżalski, J., & Cross, D. (2009). Cyberbullying Versus Face-to-Face Bullying. Zeitschrift Für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 3(1), 1-11
  • Extremera, N., Quintana-Orts, C., Mérida-López, S., & Rey, L. (2018). Cyberbullying victimization, self-esteem and suicidal ideation in adolescence: does emotional intelligence play a buffering role? Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 367
  • Fahy, A. E., Stansfeld, S. A., Smuk, M., Smith, N. R., Cummins, S., & Clark, C. (2016). Longitudinal associations between cyberbullying involvement and adolescent mental health. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(5), 502-509
  • Fantuzzo, J. W., & Rohrbeck, C. A. (1992). Self-managed groups: Fitting self-management approaches into classroom systems. School Psychology Review, 21(2), 255-263.
  • Finkelhor, D. (2014). Trends in bullying and peer victimization.
  • Fogarty, J. L., & Wang, M. C. (1982). An investigation of the cross-age peer tutoring process: Some implications for instructional design and motivation. The Elementary School Journal, 82(5), 451-469
  • Franz, C. E., & White, K. M. (1985). Individuation and attachment in personality development: Extending Erikson's theory. Journal of Personality, 53(2), 224-256
  • Greenwood, C. R., Dinwiddie,G., Terry, B., Wade, L., Stanley, S. O., Thibadeau, S., & Delquadri, J. C. (1984). Teacher-versus peer-mediated instruction: An ecobehavioral analysis of achievement outcomes. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 17(4), 521-538
  • Hamm, M. P., Newton, A. S., Chisholm, A., Shulhan, J., Milne, A., Sundar, P., ... Hartling, L. (2015). Prevalence and effect of cyberbullying on children and young people: A scoping review of social media studies. JAMA Pediatrics, 169(8), 770-777.
  • Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2007). Offline consequences of online victimization: School violence and delinquency. Journal of School Violence, 6(3), 89-112
  • Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2014). Bullying beyond the schoolyard: Preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Corwin Press
  • John, A., Glendenning, A. C., Marchant, A., Montgomery, P., Stewart, A., Wood, S., ... Hawton, K. (2018). Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: Systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(4), e129.
  • Jones, L. M., Mitchell, K. J., & Finkelhor, D. (2013). Online harassment in context: Trends from three youth internet safety surveys (2000, 2005, 2010). Psychology of Violence, 3(1), 53.
  • Kim, S., Colwell, S. R., Kata, A., Boyle, M. H., & Georgiades, K. (2018). Cyberbullying victimization and adolescent mental health: Evidence of differential effects by sex and mental health problem type. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(3), 661-672
  • King, R., Iliff, W. P., Ramírez, É., Bracey, L., Palmer, T., Lindo, D.,... Greenberg, G. B. (n.d.). Point Break (2015 film)
  • Mearns, D., Thorne, B., & McLeod, J. (2013). Person-centred counselling in action. Sage
  • Messias, E., Kindrick, K., & Castro, J. (2014). School bullying, cyberbullying, or both: correlates of teen suicidality in the 2011 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55(5), 1063-1068
  • Molcho, M., Craig, W., Due, P., Pickett, W., Harel-Fisch, Y., & Overpeck, M. (2009). Cross-national time trends in bullying behaviour 1994-2006: findings from Europe and North America. International Journal of Public Health, 54(2), 225-234
  • Nixon, C. L. (2014). Current perspectives: the impact of cyberbullying on adolescent health. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 5, 14
  • Olweus, D. (n.d.). 1993. (null, Ed.) (Vol. null)
  • Olweus, Dan. (1978). Aggression in the schools: Bullies and whipping boys.Hemisphere
  • Olweus, Dan. (1994). Bullying at school: basic facts and effects of a school based intervention program. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35(7), 1171-1190.
  • f Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35(7), 1171-1190.Olweus, Dan. (2003). A profile of bullying at school. Educational Leadership, 60(6), 12-17
  • Olweus, Dan. (2012). Cyberbullying: An overrated phenomenon? European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9(5), 520-538
  • Olweus, Dan, & Limber, S. P. (2018). Some problems with cyberbullying research. Current Opinion in Psychology, 19, 139-143.
  • Park, S., Na, E.-Y., & Kim, E. (2014). Therelationship between online activities, netiquette and cyberbullying. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 74-81
  • Rosenthal, D. A., Gurney, R. M., & Moore, S. M. (1981). From trust on intimacy: A new inventory for examining EriksonÂ’s stages of psychosocial development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 10(6), 525-537.
  • Schenk, A. M. (2011). Psychological impact of cyberbully victimization among college students
  • Selkie, E. M., Kota, R., Chan, Y.-F., & Moreno, M. (2015). Cyberbullying, depression, and problem alcohol use in female college students: a multisite study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(2), 79-86
  • Slavin, R. E. (1990). Cooperative learning: Theory, research, and practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
  • Smith, P. K. (2012). Cyberbullying: Challenges and opportunities for a research program-A response to Olweus (2012). European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9(5), 553-558.
  • Spano, S. (2004). Stages of adolescent development
  • Tural Hesapcioglu, S., & Ercan, F. (2017). Traditional and cyberbullying co-occurrence and its relationship to psychiatric symptoms. Pediatrics International, 59(1), 16-22
  • Vogt, W. P., & Johnson, B. (2011). Dictionary of statistics & methodology: A nontechnical guide for the social sciences. Sage
  • Von Marées, N., & Petermann, F. (2012). Cyberbullying: An increasing challenge for schools. School Psychology International, 33(5), 467-476.
  • Waasdorp, T. E., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2015). The overlap between cyberbullying and traditional bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(5), 483-488.
  • Walther, B. (2012). Cyberbullying: Holding grownups liable for negligent entrustment. Hous. L. Rev., 49, 531
  • Wang, J., Iannotti, R. J., & Nansel, T. R. (2009). School Bullying Among Adolescents in the United States: Physical, Verbal, Relational, and Cyber. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(4), 368-375.
  • Willard, N. E. (2007). Cyberbullying and cyberthreats: Responding to the challenge of online social aggression, threats, and distress. Research press
  • Ybarra, M. L., Boyd, D., Korchmaros, J. D., & Oppenheim, J. K. (2012). Defining and measuring cyberbullying within the larger context of bullying victimization. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51(1), 53-58
  • Ybarra, M. L., Espelage, D. L., & Mitchell, K. J. (2014). Differentiating youth who are bullied from other victims of peer-aggression: The importance of differential power and repetition. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(2), 293-300.
  • Young, R., Subramanian, R., Miles, S., Hinnant, A., & Andsager, J. L. (2017). Social representation of cyberbullying and adolescent suicide: A mixed-method analysis of news stories. Health Communication, 32(9), 1082-1092
  • Zeichner, K. (2013). Two Visions of Teaching and Teacher Education for the Twenty-First Century. In X. Zhu & K. Zeichner (Eds.), Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century,New Frontiers of Educational Research(pp. 3-19). Heidelberg: Springr
  • Shahzad, A., Valcke, M., & Bahoo, R. (2012). A study to analyze the teacher's perceptions about the adoption of collaborative learning in post-graduate classes of IUB. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3056-3059

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    APA : Parveen, F., Shahzad, A., & Altaf, S. (2019). Prevalence of Cyber Bullying and its Effect on Adolescents: A Literature Review. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 274-280.
    CHICAGO : Parveen, Fouzia, Abid Shahzad, and Sobia Altaf. 2019. "Prevalence of Cyber Bullying and its Effect on Adolescents: A Literature Review." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 274-280 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).30
    HARVARD : PARVEEN, F., SHAHZAD, A. & ALTAF, S. 2019. Prevalence of Cyber Bullying and its Effect on Adolescents: A Literature Review. Global Regional Review, IV, 274-280.
    MHRA : Parveen, Fouzia, Abid Shahzad, and Sobia Altaf. 2019. "Prevalence of Cyber Bullying and its Effect on Adolescents: A Literature Review." Global Regional Review, IV: 274-280
    MLA : Parveen, Fouzia, Abid Shahzad, and Sobia Altaf. "Prevalence of Cyber Bullying and its Effect on Adolescents: A Literature Review." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 274-280 Print.
    OXFORD : Parveen, Fouzia, Shahzad, Abid, and Altaf, Sobia (2019), "Prevalence of Cyber Bullying and its Effect on Adolescents: A Literature Review", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 274-280
    TURABIAN : Parveen, Fouzia, Abid Shahzad, and Sobia Altaf. "Prevalence of Cyber Bullying and its Effect on Adolescents: A Literature Review." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 274-280.