http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).19      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).19      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : HaleemaKhalid , MuhammadShahbaz , BehzadAnwar

19 Pages : 273-288


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  • Richardson, K. (2006). The dark arts of good people: How popular culture negotiates 'spin' in NBC's The West Wing 1. Journal of Sociolinguistics 10(1), 52-69.
  • Riegert, K. (2007). The ideology of The West Wing: the TV show that wants to be real. 213-236.
  • Riegert, K. ed. (2007). Politicotainment: Television's take on the real. Vol. 13. Peter Lang Publishers
  • Russell, B. (1946). History of western philosophy and its connection with political and social circumstances from the earliest times to the present day. NY: Simon & Shuster.
  • Van Zoonen, L. (2005) Entertaining the citizen: When politics and popular culture converge. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Wodak, R. (2001). The discourse-historical approach. Methods of critical discourse analysis 1, 63-95.
  • Wodak, R. (2009). The discourse of politics in action: Politics as usual. Springer Publishers.
  • Wodak, R. (2011). Staging politics in television: fiction and/or reality? In Einigkeitsdiskurse, pp. 33-57.VS VerlagfürSozialwissenschaften.

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    CHICAGO : Khalid, Haleema, Muhammad Shahbaz, and Behzad Anwar. 2017. "Politicotainment: Fictionalizing Politics in Pakistani Cinema." Global Regional Review, II (I): 273-288 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).19
    HARVARD : KHALID, H., SHAHBAZ, M. & ANWAR, B. 2017. Politicotainment: Fictionalizing Politics in Pakistani Cinema. Global Regional Review, II, 273-288.
    MHRA : Khalid, Haleema, Muhammad Shahbaz, and Behzad Anwar. 2017. "Politicotainment: Fictionalizing Politics in Pakistani Cinema." Global Regional Review, II: 273-288
    MLA : Khalid, Haleema, Muhammad Shahbaz, and Behzad Anwar. "Politicotainment: Fictionalizing Politics in Pakistani Cinema." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 273-288 Print.
    OXFORD : Khalid, Haleema, Shahbaz, Muhammad, and Anwar, Behzad (2017), "Politicotainment: Fictionalizing Politics in Pakistani Cinema", Global Regional Review, II (I), 273-288
    TURABIAN : Khalid, Haleema, Muhammad Shahbaz, and Behzad Anwar. "Politicotainment: Fictionalizing Politics in Pakistani Cinema." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 273-288. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).19