Authored by : AnjeelaKhurram , ShahzadKhuram , MuhammadNaeem

37 Pages : 336-349


  • Alexander,N. andMyers,H. (2000).Theretail internationalization process.Internationalmarketing review,17(4/5), pp.334-353
  • Aliouche, E. H., & Schlentrich, U. (2011). Towards a strategic model of global franchise expansion. Journal of Retailing, 87(3), 345-365
  • Ang, S.H., Benischke, M.H. and Doh, J.P. (2015). The interactions of institutions on foreign market entry mode.Strategic Management Journal,36(10), 1536-1553.
  • Arrow, K. J. (1969) 'The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market versus Nonmarket Allocation', in The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditure: The PPB System, Vol. 1, US Joint Economic Committee, 91st Congress, 1st Session, Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 47-63
  • Baena, V. (2013). Insights on international franchising: Entry mode decision. Latin America Business Review, 14(1), 1-27
  • Bartlett, C.A. and Ghoshal, S., 2002.Managing across borders: The transnational solution. Harvard Business Press
  • Baur, D. and Schmitz, H.P. (2012). Corporations and NGOs: When accountability leads to co-optation.Journal of Business Ethics,106(1), 9-21
  • Bekaert, G., Harvey, C. R., Lundblad, C. T., & Siegel, S. (2014). Political risk spreads. Journal ofInternational Business Studies,45(4), 471-4
  • Bell, J., McNaughton, R., Young, S., & Crick, D. (2003). Towards an integrative model of small firm internationalisation. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 1(4), 339-362
  • Boddewyn, J. and Doh, J. (2011). Global strategy and the collaboration of MNEs, NGOs, and governments for the provisioning of collective goods in emerging markets.Global Strategy Journal,1(3-4), 345-36
  • Braithwaite, J. and Drahos, P. (2000). Global Business Regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Brouthers, K.D. (2002). Institutional, cultural and transaction cost influences on entry mode choice and performance.Journal of international business studies,33(2), 203-22
  • Brown, C. L., Cavusgil, S. T., & Lord, A. W. (2014). Country risk measurement and analysis: A new conceptualization and managerial tool. International Business Review, 24(2), 246-265
  • Buckley, P.J. and Casson, M.C. (1976). The Future of the Multinational Enterprise, Homes & Meier: London
  • Calof, J. and Beamish, P. (1995) Adapting to Foreign Markets: Explaining Internationalization. International Business Review, 4(2), 115-131
  • Child, J.(1980).Culture, contingency and capitalism in the cross-national study of organizations. University of Aston Management Centre
  • Coase, R.H. (1937). The nature of the firm, 386-405.Economica NS,4, 18-33
  • Coase, R.H. (1960). The problem of social cost. InClassic papers in natural resource economics, 87-137. Palgrave Macmillan, London
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A. and Genc, M. (2008). Transforming disadvantages into advantages: developing-country MNEs in the least developed countries.Journal of international business studies,39(6), 957-979
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2016). Corruption in international business.Journal of World Business,51(1), 35-49.
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Luo, Y., Ramamurti, R. and Ang, S.H. (2018). The impact of the home country on internationalization
  • Czinkota, M. R. and Ronkainen, I. A. (2007): International Marketing(8. ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western
  • Dahan, N.M., Doh, J.P., Oetzel, J. and Yaziji, M. (2010). Corporate-NGO collaboration: Co-creating new business models for developing markets.Long range planning,43(2-3), 326-342
  • Dahlman, C.J. (1979). The problem of externality.The journal of law and economics,22(1), 141-1
  • Davis, L.E., North, D.C. and Smorodin, C. (1971).Institutional change and American economic growth. CUP Archive.
  • Delalieux, G., Kourula, A.E. and De Bakker, F.G. (2019). The Modern Pharmakon: On the Limits of NGOs as Vehicles of Corporate Social Change. In Academy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2019(1), 12131
  • Delios, A., & Henisz, W. J. (2000). Japanese firms' investment strategies in emerging economies. Academy ofManagement Journal, 43(3), 305-323
  • Demsetz, H., 1968. The cost of transacting.The quarterly journal of economics,82(1), 33-53
  • den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G. and Doh, J., 2015. What prompts companies to collaboration with NGOs? Recent evidence from the Netherlands.Business & Society,54(2), 187-228
  • DiMaggio, P. J., & Powell, W. W. (1983). The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American Sociological Review,48(2), 147-160
  • Doh, J. and Teegen, H. (2003). Globalization and NGOs: Transforming business, government, and society. Westport, CT: Praeger Publications
  • Doh, J. P., & Teegen, H. (2002). Nongovernmental organizations as institutionalactors in international business:Theory and implications. International Business Review, 11(6
  • Doh, J., Rodrigues, S., Saka-Helmhout, A. and Makhija, M. (2017). International business responses to institutional voids
  • Doh,J. P., & Guay, T. R.(2006). Globalization and corporate social responsibility: How nongovernmental organizations influence labor and environmental codes of conduct. Management International Review,44(3)
  • Dunning, J. H. (1988). The eclectic paradigm of FDI: A restatement and some possible extensions. Journal of International Business Studies, 19 (1): 1-31
  • Eriksson, K., Johanson, J., MajkgÃ¥rd, A., & Sharma, D. D. (2000). Path dependence and knowledge development in the internationalization process. MIR: Management International Review, 40(4), 307-328
  • Etemad, H., 2004. Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises: a grounded theoretical framework and an overview.Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration,21(1), 1-21
  • Gabrielsson, P., & Gabrielsson, M. (2004). Globalizing internationals: Business portfolio and marketing strategies in the ICT field. International Business Review,13(6), 6
  • Gaur, A. and Kumar, V. (2010). Internationalization of emerging market firms: a case for theoretical extension. InThe past, present and future of international business & management, 603-627. Emerald Group Publishing Limited
  • Geiger, M. and Lee, J.Y. (2019). HR Outsourcing in the US: Reducing Employment Transaction Costs in Small Firms. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019(1), 10363). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management
  • Ghemawat, P. (2001),
  • Gollnhofer, J. F., & Ekaterina, T. (2015). Cultural distance and entry modes: Implications for global expansion strategy. Cross Cultural Management,22(1), 21-41
  • Haack, P., Schoeneborn, D. and Wickert, C. (2012). Talking the talk, moral entrapment, creeping commitment? Exploring narrative dynamics in corporate responsibility standardization.Organization Studies,33(5-6), 815-845
  • Haider, M. and Anwar, A. (2014). Impact of terrorism on FDI flows to Pakistan.Available at SSRN 2463543.
  • Henisz, W. J.& Williamson, O. E.(1999). Comparitiveeconomic organization-Within and between countries. Business and Politics,1
  • Henisz, W. J.& Zelner, B. A.(2006). Interest groups, veto points and electricity infrastucture deployment. International Organization, 60, winter.
  • Henisz, W. J., & Zelner, B.A. (2003). The strategic organization of political risks and opportunities. Strategic Organization, I, 451-460
  • Hill, C.W. L., Hwang, P., & Kim (1990).An electic theory of the choice of international entry mode. Strategic Management Journal, 43(3)
  • Hill, John S. and Still, Richard R. (1984). Adapting Products to LCD Taste. Harvard Business Review62(March-April):92-101.
  • Holzer, B. (2008). Turning stakeseekers into stakeholders: A political coalition perspective on the politics of stakeholder influence.Business & Society,47(1), 50-67
  • Hoskisson, R. E., Eden, L., Lau, C. M., & Wright, M. (2000). Strategy in emerging markets.Academy of Management Journal,43, 249-267
  • Hultman, M., Robson, M. J., & Katsikeas, C. S. (2009). Export product strategy fit and performance: Anempirical investigation. Journal of International Marketing,17(4), 1-23.
  • Johanson, J., & Vahlne, J. (1977). The internalization process of the firm -a model of knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitments. Journal of International Business Studies,8(1), 23-32.
  • Kacker, M.P. (1975). Export-oriented product adaptation: Its patterns and problems.Management International Review, 61-70.
  • Katsikeas, C. S., Samiee, S., & Theodosiou, M. (2006). Strategy fit and performance consequences of international marketing standardization. Strategic Management Journal, 27(9), 867-890
  • Khanna, T. and Palepu, K.G. (2010).Winning in emerging markets: A road map for strategy and execution. Harvard Business Press
  • Khanna, T. and Rivkin, J. (2001). The structure of profitability around the world.
  • Khanna,T., Palepu, K. G., & Sinha, J. (2005). Strategies that fit emerging markets. Harvard Business Review, June
  • Kostova, T. and Hult, G.T.M. (2016). Meyer and Peng's 2005 article as a foundation foran expanded and refined international business research agenda: Context, organizations, and theories.Journal of International Business Studies,47(1), 23-32
  • Kostova, T., & Roth, K. (2002). Adoption of an organizational practice by the subsidiaries of the MNC: Institutional and relational effects.Academy of Management Journal, 45, 215-233
  • Kotler, P., Manrai, L.A., Lascu, D.N. and Manrai, A.K. (2019). Influence of country and company characteristics on international business decisions: A review, conceptual model, and propositions.International Business Review,28(3), 482-498
  • Kumar, V., Singh, D., Purkayastha, A., Popli, M. and Gaur, A. (2019). Springboard internationalization by emerging market firms: Speed of first cross-border acquisition.Journal of International Business Studies, pp.1-22.
  • Lafontaine, F., & Leibsohn, D. (2005). Beyond entry: Examining McDonald's expansion in international markets. In J. Stanworth, & S. Brodie (Eds.). Proceedings of the 19th annual conference of the international society of franchising. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Nova Southeastern University/International Society of Franchising
  • Luo, Y., & Tung, R. L. (2007). International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 481-498
  • Madanoglu, M., Alon, I., & Shoham, A. (2017). Push and pull factors in international franchising.International Marketing Review, 34(1), 29-45
  • Marano, V., Arregle, J., Hitt, M. A., & Spadafora, E. (2016). Home country institutions and the internationalization-performance relationship: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Management, 42, 1075-1110
  • Meyer, K. E., Estrin, S., Bhaumik, S. K., & Peng, M. W. (2009). Institutions, resources, and entry strategies in emerging economies. Strategic Management Journal, 30(1), 61-80
  • Meyer, K.E. (2001). Institutions, transaction costs, and entry mode choice in Eastern Europe. Journal of International Business Studies 32(2), 357-367
  • Mirza, H. (2000). The globalization of business and East Asian developing-country multinationals. InThe globalization of multinational enterprise activity and economic development, 202-224. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Mitchell, G.E. and Schmitz, H.P. (2009). The Strategic Pursuit of Impact: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis of Transnational NGOs.Syracuse: Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.
  • Moen, Ø. (2002). The born globals: A new generation of small European exporters. International Marketing Review, 19, 156-175
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  • Peng, M. W. (2000). Business Strategies in Transition Economies.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
  • Peng, M., Wang, D., & Jiang, Y. (2008). An institution-based view of international business strategy: A focus on emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies, 39: 920-936
  • Rugman, A.M., Collinson, S. and Hodgetts, R.M., 2006.International business. Pearson Education
  • Schmid, S. and Kotulla, T., 2011. 50 years of research on international standardization and adaptation-From a systematic literature analysis to a theoretical framework.International Business Review,20(5), 491-507
  • Scott, W. R. (2013). Institutions and organizations(4th ed.). London: Sage Publications
  • Sorenson, R. Z., & Wiechmann, U. E. (1975). How multinationals view marketing standardization. Harvard Business Review53(3) 38-54, 167
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  • Alexander,N. andMyers,H. (2000).Theretail internationalization process.Internationalmarketing review,17(4/5), pp.334-353
  • Aliouche, E. H., & Schlentrich, U. (2011). Towards a strategic model of global franchise expansion. Journal of Retailing, 87(3), 345-365
  • Ang, S.H., Benischke, M.H. and Doh, J.P. (2015). The interactions of institutions on foreign market entry mode.Strategic Management Journal,36(10), 1536-1553.
  • Arrow, K. J. (1969) 'The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market versus Nonmarket Allocation', in The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditure: The PPB System, Vol. 1, US Joint Economic Committee, 91st Congress, 1st Session, Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 47-63
  • Baena, V. (2013). Insights on international franchising: Entry mode decision. Latin America Business Review, 14(1), 1-27
  • Bartlett, C.A. and Ghoshal, S., 2002.Managing across borders: The transnational solution. Harvard Business Press
  • Baur, D. and Schmitz, H.P. (2012). Corporations and NGOs: When accountability leads to co-optation.Journal of Business Ethics,106(1), 9-21
  • Bekaert, G., Harvey, C. R., Lundblad, C. T., & Siegel, S. (2014). Political risk spreads. Journal ofInternational Business Studies,45(4), 471-4
  • Bell, J., McNaughton, R., Young, S., & Crick, D. (2003). Towards an integrative model of small firm internationalisation. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 1(4), 339-362
  • Boddewyn, J. and Doh, J. (2011). Global strategy and the collaboration of MNEs, NGOs, and governments for the provisioning of collective goods in emerging markets.Global Strategy Journal,1(3-4), 345-36
  • Braithwaite, J. and Drahos, P. (2000). Global Business Regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Brouthers, K.D. (2002). Institutional, cultural and transaction cost influences on entry mode choice and performance.Journal of international business studies,33(2), 203-22
  • Brown, C. L., Cavusgil, S. T., & Lord, A. W. (2014). Country risk measurement and analysis: A new conceptualization and managerial tool. International Business Review, 24(2), 246-265
  • Buckley, P.J. and Casson, M.C. (1976). The Future of the Multinational Enterprise, Homes & Meier: London
  • Calof, J. and Beamish, P. (1995) Adapting to Foreign Markets: Explaining Internationalization. International Business Review, 4(2), 115-131
  • Child, J.(1980).Culture, contingency and capitalism in the cross-national study of organizations. University of Aston Management Centre
  • Coase, R.H. (1937). The nature of the firm, 386-405.Economica NS,4, 18-33
  • Coase, R.H. (1960). The problem of social cost. InClassic papers in natural resource economics, 87-137. Palgrave Macmillan, London
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A. and Genc, M. (2008). Transforming disadvantages into advantages: developing-country MNEs in the least developed countries.Journal of international business studies,39(6), 957-979
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2016). Corruption in international business.Journal of World Business,51(1), 35-49.
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Luo, Y., Ramamurti, R. and Ang, S.H. (2018). The impact of the home country on internationalization
  • Czinkota, M. R. and Ronkainen, I. A. (2007): International Marketing(8. ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western
  • Dahan, N.M., Doh, J.P., Oetzel, J. and Yaziji, M. (2010). Corporate-NGO collaboration: Co-creating new business models for developing markets.Long range planning,43(2-3), 326-342
  • Dahlman, C.J. (1979). The problem of externality.The journal of law and economics,22(1), 141-1
  • Davis, L.E., North, D.C. and Smorodin, C. (1971).Institutional change and American economic growth. CUP Archive.
  • Delalieux, G., Kourula, A.E. and De Bakker, F.G. (2019). The Modern Pharmakon: On the Limits of NGOs as Vehicles of Corporate Social Change. In Academy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2019(1), 12131
  • Delios, A., & Henisz, W. J. (2000). Japanese firms' investment strategies in emerging economies. Academy ofManagement Journal, 43(3), 305-323
  • Demsetz, H., 1968. The cost of transacting.The quarterly journal of economics,82(1), 33-53
  • den Hond, F., de Bakker, F.G. and Doh, J., 2015. What prompts companies to collaboration with NGOs? Recent evidence from the Netherlands.Business & Society,54(2), 187-228
  • DiMaggio, P. J., & Powell, W. W. (1983). The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American Sociological Review,48(2), 147-160
  • Doh, J. and Teegen, H. (2003). Globalization and NGOs: Transforming business, government, and society. Westport, CT: Praeger Publications
  • Doh, J. P., & Teegen, H. (2002). Nongovernmental organizations as institutionalactors in international business:Theory and implications. International Business Review, 11(6
  • Doh, J., Rodrigues, S., Saka-Helmhout, A. and Makhija, M. (2017). International business responses to institutional voids
  • Doh,J. P., & Guay, T. R.(2006). Globalization and corporate social responsibility: How nongovernmental organizations influence labor and environmental codes of conduct. Management International Review,44(3)
  • Dunning, J. H. (1988). The eclectic paradigm of FDI: A restatement and some possible extensions. Journal of International Business Studies, 19 (1): 1-31
  • Eriksson, K., Johanson, J., MajkgÃ¥rd, A., & Sharma, D. D. (2000). Path dependence and knowledge development in the internationalization process. MIR: Management International Review, 40(4), 307-328
  • Etemad, H., 2004. Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises: a grounded theoretical framework and an overview.Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration,21(1), 1-21
  • Gabrielsson, P., & Gabrielsson, M. (2004). Globalizing internationals: Business portfolio and marketing strategies in the ICT field. International Business Review,13(6), 6
  • Gaur, A. and Kumar, V. (2010). Internationalization of emerging market firms: a case for theoretical extension. InThe past, present and future of international business & management, 603-627. Emerald Group Publishing Limited
  • Geiger, M. and Lee, J.Y. (2019). HR Outsourcing in the US: Reducing Employment Transaction Costs in Small Firms. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019(1), 10363). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management
  • Ghemawat, P. (2001),
  • Gollnhofer, J. F., & Ekaterina, T. (2015). Cultural distance and entry modes: Implications for global expansion strategy. Cross Cultural Management,22(1), 21-41
  • Haack, P., Schoeneborn, D. and Wickert, C. (2012). Talking the talk, moral entrapment, creeping commitment? Exploring narrative dynamics in corporate responsibility standardization.Organization Studies,33(5-6), 815-845
  • Haider, M. and Anwar, A. (2014). Impact of terrorism on FDI flows to Pakistan.Available at SSRN 2463543.
  • Henisz, W. J.& Williamson, O. E.(1999). Comparitiveeconomic organization-Within and between countries. Business and Politics,1
  • Henisz, W. J.& Zelner, B. A.(2006). Interest groups, veto points and electricity infrastucture deployment. International Organization, 60, winter.
  • Henisz, W. J., & Zelner, B.A. (2003). The strategic organization of political risks and opportunities. Strategic Organization, I, 451-460
  • Hill, C.W. L., Hwang, P., & Kim (1990).An electic theory of the choice of international entry mode. Strategic Management Journal, 43(3)
  • Hill, John S. and Still, Richard R. (1984). Adapting Products to LCD Taste. Harvard Business Review62(March-April):92-101.
  • Holzer, B. (2008). Turning stakeseekers into stakeholders: A political coalition perspective on the politics of stakeholder influence.Business & Society,47(1), 50-67
  • Hoskisson, R. E., Eden, L., Lau, C. M., & Wright, M. (2000). Strategy in emerging markets.Academy of Management Journal,43, 249-267
  • Hultman, M., Robson, M. J., & Katsikeas, C. S. (2009). Export product strategy fit and performance: Anempirical investigation. Journal of International Marketing,17(4), 1-23.
  • Johanson, J., & Vahlne, J. (1977). The internalization process of the firm -a model of knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitments. Journal of International Business Studies,8(1), 23-32.
  • Kacker, M.P. (1975). Export-oriented product adaptation: Its patterns and problems.Management International Review, 61-70.
  • Katsikeas, C. S., Samiee, S., & Theodosiou, M. (2006). Strategy fit and performance consequences of international marketing standardization. Strategic Management Journal, 27(9), 867-890
  • Khanna, T. and Palepu, K.G. (2010).Winning in emerging markets: A road map for strategy and execution. Harvard Business Press
  • Khanna, T. and Rivkin, J. (2001). The structure of profitability around the world.
  • Khanna,T., Palepu, K. G., & Sinha, J. (2005). Strategies that fit emerging markets. Harvard Business Review, June
  • Kostova, T. and Hult, G.T.M. (2016). Meyer and Peng's 2005 article as a foundation foran expanded and refined international business research agenda: Context, organizations, and theories.Journal of International Business Studies,47(1), 23-32
  • Kostova, T., & Roth, K. (2002). Adoption of an organizational practice by the subsidiaries of the MNC: Institutional and relational effects.Academy of Management Journal, 45, 215-233
  • Kotler, P., Manrai, L.A., Lascu, D.N. and Manrai, A.K. (2019). Influence of country and company characteristics on international business decisions: A review, conceptual model, and propositions.International Business Review,28(3), 482-498
  • Kumar, V., Singh, D., Purkayastha, A., Popli, M. and Gaur, A. (2019). Springboard internationalization by emerging market firms: Speed of first cross-border acquisition.Journal of International Business Studies, pp.1-22.
  • Lafontaine, F., & Leibsohn, D. (2005). Beyond entry: Examining McDonald's expansion in international markets. In J. Stanworth, & S. Brodie (Eds.). Proceedings of the 19th annual conference of the international society of franchising. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Nova Southeastern University/International Society of Franchising
  • Luo, Y., & Tung, R. L. (2007). International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 481-498
  • Madanoglu, M., Alon, I., & Shoham, A. (2017). Push and pull factors in international franchising.International Marketing Review, 34(1), 29-45
  • Marano, V., Arregle, J., Hitt, M. A., & Spadafora, E. (2016). Home country institutions and the internationalization-performance relationship: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Management, 42, 1075-1110
  • Meyer, K. E., Estrin, S., Bhaumik, S. K., & Peng, M. W. (2009). Institutions, resources, and entry strategies in emerging economies. Strategic Management Journal, 30(1), 61-80
  • Meyer, K.E. (2001). Institutions, transaction costs, and entry mode choice in Eastern Europe. Journal of International Business Studies 32(2), 357-367
  • Mirza, H. (2000). The globalization of business and East Asian developing-country multinationals. InThe globalization of multinational enterprise activity and economic development, 202-224. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Mitchell, G.E. and Schmitz, H.P. (2009). The Strategic Pursuit of Impact: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis of Transnational NGOs.Syracuse: Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.
  • Moen, Ø. (2002). The born globals: A new generation of small European exporters. International Marketing Review, 19, 156-175
  • North. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
  • Peng, M. (2004). Identifying the big question in international business research. Journal of International Business Studies, 35: 99-108
  • Peng, M. W. (2000). Business Strategies in Transition Economies.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
  • Peng, M., Wang, D., & Jiang, Y. (2008). An institution-based view of international business strategy: A focus on emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies, 39: 920-936
  • Rugman, A.M., Collinson, S. and Hodgetts, R.M., 2006.International business. Pearson Education
  • Schmid, S. and Kotulla, T., 2011. 50 years of research on international standardization and adaptation-From a systematic literature analysis to a theoretical framework.International Business Review,20(5), 491-507
  • Scott, W. R. (2013). Institutions and organizations(4th ed.). London: Sage Publications
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    APA : Khurram, A., Khuram, S., & Naeem, M. (2019). NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 336-349.
    CHICAGO : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. 2019. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 336-349 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).37
    HARVARD : KHURRAM, A., KHURAM, S. & NAEEM, M. 2019. NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?. Global Regional Review, IV, 336-349.
    MHRA : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. 2019. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review, IV: 336-349
    MLA : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 336-349 Print.
    OXFORD : Khurram, Anjeela, Khuram, Shahzad, and Naeem, Muhammad (2019), "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 336-349
    TURABIAN : Khurram, Anjeela, Shahzad Khuram, and Muhammad Naeem. "NGOs Activism Against Firms in Varying Institutional Contexts: Is the Picture Portrayed by Vachani and Associates Complete?." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 336-349.