http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).33      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).33      Published : Dec 4
Authored by : BismaButt , BehzadAnwar

33 Pages : 299-309


  • Ali, A. (1993). English in South Asia: A historical perspective.The English Language inPakistan,3(2),3-12
  • Altenberg, B. (1993). Recurrent word combinations in spoken English. InProceedings ofthe fifth Nordic association for English studies conference. Reykjavik, Iceland: University of Iceland.
  • Ahn, H. (2014). Teachers' attitudes towards Korean English in South Korea.World Englishes,33(2), 195-222.
  • Baumgardner, R. J., & Brown, K. (2003). World Englishes: Ethics and pedagogy.World Englishes,22(3), 245-251
  • Bell, A. (1991).The language of news media. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Bernaisch, T., & Koch, C. (2015). Attitudes towards Englishes in India.World Englishes,35(1), 118-132
  • Bergen, B., & Chang, N. (2005). Embodied construction grammar in simulation-basedlanguage understanding.Construction Grammars: Cognitive Grounding and Theoretical Extensions,3(4), 147-190
  • Bowers,J.(1993).The syntax of predication. Linguistic Inquiry, 24(3),591-652.
  • Chomsky,N.(1981).Lecturesongovernmentandbinding.Dordrecht:Foris.
  • Chomsky, N. (2008). On phases.Current Studies in Linguistics Series,4(5), 133-144.
  • reswell, J. W., Plano, C.V. L., Gutmann, M. L., & Hanson, W. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs.Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and Behavioral Research,5(2)209-240.
  • Darus, S., & Subramaniam, K. (2009). Error analysis of the written English essays of secondary school students in Malaysia: A case study.European Journal of Social Sciences,8(3), 483-495
  • De Ersson, E. O., & Shaw, P. (2003). Verb complementation patterns in Indian standard English.English World-Wide,24(2), 137-161.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Handbook of qualitative research thousand Oaks.SagePublisher.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Handbook of qualitative research thousand Oaks.SagePublisher.
  • Dewey, M. (2007). English as a lingua franca and globalization: An interconnected perspective.International Journal of Applied Linguistics,17(3), 332-346
  • Ersson, E. O., & Shaw, P. (2003). Verb complementation patterns in Indian standard English.English World Wide,24(2), 137-161
  • Gibbs, R. W. (1997).Identifying the factors of meaning in the home. University of Minnesota
  • Gee, J. P., & Hayes, E. R. (2011).Language and learning in the digital age. Routledge.
  • Hamid, M. O., & Baldauf, J. R. B. (2013). Second language errors and features of world Englishes.World Englishes,32(4), 476-494.
  • Hoffmann, S., & Mukherjee, J. (2007). Ditransitive verbs in Indian English and BritishEnglish: A corpus-linguistic study.AAA: Arbeiten Aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2(4), 5-24.
  • Hunston, S. (2002).Corpora in applied linguistics. Ernst Klett SprachenPublisher.
  • Hussain, Z., & Mahmood, M. A. (2014). Invariant tag questions in Pakistani English: A comparison with native and other non-native Englishes.Asian Englishes,16(3), 229-238
  • Huddleston, R. (1971). The sentence in written English: A syntactic study based on an analysis of scientific texts.Cambridge University Press.
  • James, C. (2013).Errors in language learning and use: Exploring error analysis. Routledge
  • Kachru, B. B. (1983). South Asian English: toward an identity in diaspora.South Asian English: Structure, Use, and Users, 7(3), 9-28
  • Kachru, B.B. (1983).The Indianization of English: The English Language in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press
  • Kachru, B.B. (2005).Asian Englishes: Beyond the Canon.Hong Kong University Press
  • Kirkpatrick, A. (2008).Linguistic imperialism? English as a global language.Handbook of languageand communication: Diversity and change,9(3), 333-344
  • Khan, H. I. (2012). English teachers' perceptions about creativity and teaching creativewriting in Pakistan.American International Journal of Contemporary Research,2(3), 57-67
  • Larson,R.(1988).Onthedoubleobjectconstruction.LinguisticInquiry,19(1),335-391
  • Larson,R.(1990).DoubleObjectRevisited:ReplytoJackendoff.LinguisticInquiry,21(3),589-632.Macalister, J. (2001). Introducing a New Zealand newspaper corpus.New Zealand English Journal,15(4), 35-50
  • Marlina, R. (2014). The pedagogy of English as an international language (EIL): More reflections and dialogues. The Pedagogy of English as an International Language,3(2), 1-19
  • Mukherjee, J., & Hoffmann, S. (2007). Describing verb complementationprofiles of new englishes: A pilot study of Indian english.English World Wide,27(2), 147-173
  • Mahboob, A. (2012). English as an Islamic language: Acase study of Pakistani english.World Englishes,28(2), 175-189
  • Mair, C. (2002). Three changing patterns of verb complementation in late modern english: A real-time study based on matching text corpora.English Language and Linguistics,6(1), 105-131
  • Matsuda, P. K. (2013). It's the wild west out there: A new linguistic frontier in US college composition.Literacy as translingual practice: Between communities and classrooms,6(2),128-138
  • Mackey, A., & Gass, S. (2005). Common data collection measures.Second language research: Methodology and design. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum,8(3)43-99
  • Nihalani, P.,Tongue, R. K., &Hosali, P.(1979).Indian and British English: A Handbook of Usage and Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Nihalani, P.T. R. K., Hosali, P., &Crowther, J.(2004).Indian and British English. A handbook of usage and pronunciation (2ndedn). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Poole, S. C. (1999).An introduction to linguistics. Macmillan International HigherEducationPublisher
  • Saleemi, A. (1993). Universal grammarand language learnability.Cambridge University Press.
  • Schneider, E. W. (2001). The dynamics of new Englishes: From identity construction to dialect birth.Language,79(2), 233-281
  • Selinker, L., & Rutherford, W. E. (2013).Rediscovering interlanguage. Routledge
  • Shastri, S. V. (1996). Using computer corpora in the description of language with special reference to complementation in Indian English.South Asian English: Structure, Use, and Users, 2(4), 70-8
  • Shastri,S. V. (1992). Opaque and transparent features ofIndianEnglish.New directions in English language corpora:Methodology, Results, Software Developments, 13(4), 263-275
  • Shastri, L. (1988).A connectionist approach to knowledge representation and limited inference. Cognitive Science, 12(1), 331-392.
  • Sheikh, Q. A. (2012). An analysis ofthe vowel sounds of Pakistani english.Bulletin of Education and Research,34(1), 1-18.
  • Yoo, I. W. (2014).Nonnative teachers in the expanding circle and the ownership of English.Applied linguistics,35(1), 82-86
  • Ali, A. (1993). English in South Asia: A historical perspective.The English Language inPakistan,3(2),3-12
  • Altenberg, B. (1993). Recurrent word combinations in spoken English. InProceedings ofthe fifth Nordic association for English studies conference. Reykjavik, Iceland: University of Iceland.
  • Ahn, H. (2014). Teachers' attitudes towards Korean English in South Korea.World Englishes,33(2), 195-222.
  • Baumgardner, R. J., & Brown, K. (2003). World Englishes: Ethics and pedagogy.World Englishes,22(3), 245-251
  • Bell, A. (1991).The language of news media. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Bernaisch, T., & Koch, C. (2015). Attitudes towards Englishes in India.World Englishes,35(1), 118-132
  • Bergen, B., & Chang, N. (2005). Embodied construction grammar in simulation-basedlanguage understanding.Construction Grammars: Cognitive Grounding and Theoretical Extensions,3(4), 147-190
  • Bowers,J.(1993).The syntax of predication. Linguistic Inquiry, 24(3),591-652.
  • Chomsky,N.(1981).Lecturesongovernmentandbinding.Dordrecht:Foris.
  • Chomsky, N. (2008). On phases.Current Studies in Linguistics Series,4(5), 133-144.
  • reswell, J. W., Plano, C.V. L., Gutmann, M. L., & Hanson, W. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs.Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and Behavioral Research,5(2)209-240.
  • Darus, S., & Subramaniam, K. (2009). Error analysis of the written English essays of secondary school students in Malaysia: A case study.European Journal of Social Sciences,8(3), 483-495
  • De Ersson, E. O., & Shaw, P. (2003). Verb complementation patterns in Indian standard English.English World-Wide,24(2), 137-161.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Handbook of qualitative research thousand Oaks.SagePublisher.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Handbook of qualitative research thousand Oaks.SagePublisher.
  • Dewey, M. (2007). English as a lingua franca and globalization: An interconnected perspective.International Journal of Applied Linguistics,17(3), 332-346
  • Ersson, E. O., & Shaw, P. (2003). Verb complementation patterns in Indian standard English.English World Wide,24(2), 137-161
  • Gibbs, R. W. (1997).Identifying the factors of meaning in the home. University of Minnesota
  • Gee, J. P., & Hayes, E. R. (2011).Language and learning in the digital age. Routledge.
  • Hamid, M. O., & Baldauf, J. R. B. (2013). Second language errors and features of world Englishes.World Englishes,32(4), 476-494.
  • Hoffmann, S., & Mukherjee, J. (2007). Ditransitive verbs in Indian English and BritishEnglish: A corpus-linguistic study.AAA: Arbeiten Aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2(4), 5-24.
  • Hunston, S. (2002).Corpora in applied linguistics. Ernst Klett SprachenPublisher.
  • Hussain, Z., & Mahmood, M. A. (2014). Invariant tag questions in Pakistani English: A comparison with native and other non-native Englishes.Asian Englishes,16(3), 229-238
  • Huddleston, R. (1971). The sentence in written English: A syntactic study based on an analysis of scientific texts.Cambridge University Press.
  • James, C. (2013).Errors in language learning and use: Exploring error analysis. Routledge
  • Kachru, B. B. (1983). South Asian English: toward an identity in diaspora.South Asian English: Structure, Use, and Users, 7(3), 9-28
  • Kachru, B.B. (1983).The Indianization of English: The English Language in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press
  • Kachru, B.B. (2005).Asian Englishes: Beyond the Canon.Hong Kong University Press
  • Kirkpatrick, A. (2008).Linguistic imperialism? English as a global language.Handbook of languageand communication: Diversity and change,9(3), 333-344
  • Khan, H. I. (2012). English teachers' perceptions about creativity and teaching creativewriting in Pakistan.American International Journal of Contemporary Research,2(3), 57-67
  • Larson,R.(1988).Onthedoubleobjectconstruction.LinguisticInquiry,19(1),335-391
  • Larson,R.(1990).DoubleObjectRevisited:ReplytoJackendoff.LinguisticInquiry,21(3),589-632.Macalister, J. (2001). Introducing a New Zealand newspaper corpus.New Zealand English Journal,15(4), 35-50
  • Marlina, R. (2014). The pedagogy of English as an international language (EIL): More reflections and dialogues. The Pedagogy of English as an International Language,3(2), 1-19
  • Mukherjee, J., & Hoffmann, S. (2007). Describing verb complementationprofiles of new englishes: A pilot study of Indian english.English World Wide,27(2), 147-173
  • Mahboob, A. (2012). English as an Islamic language: Acase study of Pakistani english.World Englishes,28(2), 175-189
  • Mair, C. (2002). Three changing patterns of verb complementation in late modern english: A real-time study based on matching text corpora.English Language and Linguistics,6(1), 105-131
  • Matsuda, P. K. (2013). It's the wild west out there: A new linguistic frontier in US college composition.Literacy as translingual practice: Between communities and classrooms,6(2),128-138
  • Mackey, A., & Gass, S. (2005). Common data collection measures.Second language research: Methodology and design. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum,8(3)43-99
  • Nihalani, P.,Tongue, R. K., &Hosali, P.(1979).Indian and British English: A Handbook of Usage and Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Nihalani, P.T. R. K., Hosali, P., &Crowther, J.(2004).Indian and British English. A handbook of usage and pronunciation (2ndedn). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Poole, S. C. (1999).An introduction to linguistics. Macmillan International HigherEducationPublisher
  • Saleemi, A. (1993). Universal grammarand language learnability.Cambridge University Press.
  • Schneider, E. W. (2001). The dynamics of new Englishes: From identity construction to dialect birth.Language,79(2), 233-281
  • Selinker, L., & Rutherford, W. E. (2013).Rediscovering interlanguage. Routledge
  • Shastri, S. V. (1996). Using computer corpora in the description of language with special reference to complementation in Indian English.South Asian English: Structure, Use, and Users, 2(4), 70-8
  • Shastri,S. V. (1992). Opaque and transparent features ofIndianEnglish.New directions in English language corpora:Methodology, Results, Software Developments, 13(4), 263-275
  • Shastri, L. (1988).A connectionist approach to knowledge representation and limited inference. Cognitive Science, 12(1), 331-392.
  • Sheikh, Q. A. (2012). An analysis ofthe vowel sounds of Pakistani english.Bulletin of Education and Research,34(1), 1-18.
  • Yoo, I. W. (2014).Nonnative teachers in the expanding circle and the ownership of English.Applied linguistics,35(1), 82-86

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    CHICAGO : Butt, Bisma, and Behzad Anwar. 2019. "NDTs in Non-native English: A Syntactic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 299-309 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).33
    HARVARD : BUTT, B. & ANWAR, B. 2019. NDTs in Non-native English: A Syntactic Analysis. Global Regional Review, IV, 299-309.
    MHRA : Butt, Bisma, and Behzad Anwar. 2019. "NDTs in Non-native English: A Syntactic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV: 299-309
    MLA : Butt, Bisma, and Behzad Anwar. "NDTs in Non-native English: A Syntactic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 299-309 Print.
    OXFORD : Butt, Bisma and Anwar, Behzad (2019), "NDTs in Non-native English: A Syntactic Analysis", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 299-309