Authored by : SherMuhammad , MuhammadNawazBhatti , MuhammadWarisAwan

31 Pages : 292-302


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  • Ballington, J. and Karam, A. (Eds.) (2005), Women in Parliament: Beyond numbers. Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
  • Ballington, J., & Kahane, M. (2014). Women in politics: Financing for gender equality. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
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  • Free and Fair Election Network, (2013). 2013 General Election National Assembly Election Results Analysis Report. Islamabad. Retrieved at
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  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (2014). Women in national parliaments: World and regional averages, accessed at [accessed from 30 August 2014].
  • Mansbridge, J. (2005). ‘Quota problems: combating the dangers of essentialism', Politics and Gender, 1(4), 622- 38.
  • Mumtaz, K., and Shaheed, F. (1987). Women of Pakistan two steps forward, one step back. Lahore: Vanguard Books.
  • National Assembly of Pakistan (1975), The Senate (Election) Act, retrieved at
  • National Assembly of Pakistan (2017), Elections Act 2017, retrieved at
  • Ohman, M., & Lintari, C. (2015). Political party financing and equal participation of women in Kenyan electoral politics: A situation overview. International Institute for Democracy and
  • Pakistan Bureau Of Statistics (2014), Compendium On Gender Statistics Of Pakistan, Islamabad: Bureau Of Statistics Division, Government Of Pakistan
  • Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (2007). Howrich are Pakistani MNAs? 12th National Assembly of Pakistan, an analysis of the declaration of assets submitted by MNAs, Islamabad: PILDAT.
  • Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (2009). How rich are Pakistani MNAs?, Analysis of the declaration of assets submitted by MNAs for the Years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, Islamabad: PILDAT.
  • Phillips, A. (1995). The Politics of Presence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sachet, Teresa, 'Political Parties and the (Under)representation of Women in Legislative Spheres: A Study on Electoral Recruitment and Campaign Finance', Paper presented at the IPSA-ECPR Joint Conference 'Whatever Happened to North-South?' hosted by the Brazilian Political Science Association, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 16-19 February 2011
  • The Representation Of The People Act, 1976, retrieved at of the People Act_1976_en.pdf
  • United Nations Development Programme (2008), Annual Report, Retrieved at
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  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2005). Political andlegislative participation of women in Pakistan: Issues and perspectives. Islamabad: UNDP Pakistan.
  • Wängnerud, L. (2009). 'Women in parliaments: Descriptive and substantive representation', Annual Review of Political Science, 12, 51-69.
  • World Economic Forum (2018), Annual Report, 2017-2018,
  • Zetterberg, P. (2009). Do gender quotas foster women's political engagement? Lessons from Latin America. Political Research Quarterly, 62(4), 715-730.
  • Zia, S. and Bari, F. (1999). Baseline report on women's participation in political and public life in Pakistan. Lahore: Aurat Publication and Resource Services.
  • Austin, R., & Tjernstrom, M. (2003). Funding of political parties and election campaigns. . International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
  • Bacchi, C. (2009). Arguing for and against quotas: Theoretical issues. In D. Dahlerup, Women, quotas and politics (pp. 32-51). London: Routlesge.
  • Baker, A. (2006).
  • Ballington, J. (2003). Gender equality in political party funding. Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns, 157-168. . International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
  • Ballington, J. and Karam, A. (Eds.) (2005), Women in Parliament: Beyond numbers. Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
  • Ballington, J., & Kahane, M. (2014). Women in politics: Financing for gender equality. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
  • Barrow-Giles, Cynthia. (2005).
  • Bilal, G. (2004). Women parliamentarians: Swimming against the tide. Islamabad: Freedom Publishers.
  • Brodie, J. (1991).
  • Elections Commission of Pakistan (2019), General Elections 2018 results,
  • Free and Fair Election Network, (2013). 2013 General Election National Assembly Election Results Analysis Report. Islamabad. Retrieved at
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (2011). Women in national parliaments: World and regional averages, accessed at
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (2014). Women in national parliaments: World and regional averages, accessed at [accessed from 30 August 2014].
  • Mansbridge, J. (2005). ‘Quota problems: combating the dangers of essentialism', Politics and Gender, 1(4), 622- 38.
  • Mumtaz, K., and Shaheed, F. (1987). Women of Pakistan two steps forward, one step back. Lahore: Vanguard Books.
  • National Assembly of Pakistan (1975), The Senate (Election) Act, retrieved at
  • National Assembly of Pakistan (2017), Elections Act 2017, retrieved at
  • Ohman, M., & Lintari, C. (2015). Political party financing and equal participation of women in Kenyan electoral politics: A situation overview. International Institute for Democracy and
  • Pakistan Bureau Of Statistics (2014), Compendium On Gender Statistics Of Pakistan, Islamabad: Bureau Of Statistics Division, Government Of Pakistan
  • Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (2007). Howrich are Pakistani MNAs? 12th National Assembly of Pakistan, an analysis of the declaration of assets submitted by MNAs, Islamabad: PILDAT.
  • Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (2009). How rich are Pakistani MNAs?, Analysis of the declaration of assets submitted by MNAs for the Years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, Islamabad: PILDAT.
  • Phillips, A. (1995). The Politics of Presence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sachet, Teresa, 'Political Parties and the (Under)representation of Women in Legislative Spheres: A Study on Electoral Recruitment and Campaign Finance', Paper presented at the IPSA-ECPR Joint Conference 'Whatever Happened to North-South?' hosted by the Brazilian Political Science Association, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 16-19 February 2011
  • The Representation Of The People Act, 1976, retrieved at of the People Act_1976_en.pdf
  • United Nations Development Programme (2008), Annual Report, Retrieved at
  • United Nations Development Programme (2017), Annual Report, retrieved at
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2005). Political andlegislative participation of women in Pakistan: Issues and perspectives. Islamabad: UNDP Pakistan.
  • Wängnerud, L. (2009). 'Women in parliaments: Descriptive and substantive representation', Annual Review of Political Science, 12, 51-69.
  • World Economic Forum (2018), Annual Report, 2017-2018,
  • Zetterberg, P. (2009). Do gender quotas foster women's political engagement? Lessons from Latin America. Political Research Quarterly, 62(4), 715-730.
  • Zia, S. and Bari, F. (1999). Baseline report on women's participation in political and public life in Pakistan. Lahore: Aurat Publication and Resource Services.

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    APA : Muhammad, S., Bhatti, M. N., & Awan, M. W. (2019). Money, Politics and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Assets of Women Legislators in Pakistan (2002-13). Global Regional Review, IV(I), 292-302.
    CHICAGO : Muhammad, Sher, Muhammad Nawaz Bhatti, and Muhammad Waris Awan. 2019. "Money, Politics and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Assets of Women Legislators in Pakistan (2002-13)." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 292-302 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).31
    HARVARD : MUHAMMAD, S., BHATTI, M. N. & AWAN, M. W. 2019. Money, Politics and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Assets of Women Legislators in Pakistan (2002-13). Global Regional Review, IV, 292-302.
    MHRA : Muhammad, Sher, Muhammad Nawaz Bhatti, and Muhammad Waris Awan. 2019. "Money, Politics and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Assets of Women Legislators in Pakistan (2002-13)." Global Regional Review, IV: 292-302
    MLA : Muhammad, Sher, Muhammad Nawaz Bhatti, and Muhammad Waris Awan. "Money, Politics and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Assets of Women Legislators in Pakistan (2002-13)." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 292-302 Print.
    OXFORD : Muhammad, Sher, Bhatti, Muhammad Nawaz, and Awan, Muhammad Waris (2019), "Money, Politics and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Assets of Women Legislators in Pakistan (2002-13)", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 292-302
    TURABIAN : Muhammad, Sher, Muhammad Nawaz Bhatti, and Muhammad Waris Awan. "Money, Politics and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Assets of Women Legislators in Pakistan (2002-13)." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 292-302.