Authored by : MuryumJamil , FarooqAhmad , ShahidaMariam

47 Pages : 438-447


  • Aga, D. A., Noorderhaven, N., & Vallejo, B. (2016). Transformational leadership and project success: The mediating role of team-building.International Journal of Project Management,34(5), 806-818
  • Almeida, M. V., & Soares, A. L. (2014). Knowledge sharing in project-based organizations: Overcoming the informational limbo.International Journal of Information Management,34(6), 770-779.
  • Andreeva, T., &Kianto, A. (2011). Knowledge processes, knowledge-intensity and innovation: a moderated mediation analysis.Journal of Knowledge Management,15(6), 1016-1034.
  • Asiamah, N., Mensah, H. K., & Oteng-Abayie, E. F. (2017). Do larger samples really lead to more precise estimates? A simulation studies.American Journal of Educational Research,5(1), 9-17
  • Austin, S., Newton, A., Steele, J., &Waskett, P. (2002). Modeling and managing project complexity.International Journal of project management,20(3), 191-198.
  • Azim, S. W. (2010).Understanding and managing project complexity(Doctoral dissertation, University of Manchester)
  • Baccarini, D. (1996). The concept of project complexity -a review.International journal of project management,14(4), 201-204.
  • Blair, E., & Zinkhan, G. M. (2006). From the editor: nonresponse and generalizability in academic research.
  • Boer, C. A., de Bruin, A., & Verbraeck, A. (2009). A survey on distributed simulation in industry.Journal of Simulation,3(1), 3-16.
  • Boh, W. F. (2007). Mechanisms for sharing knowledge in project-based organizations.Information and organization,17(1), 27-58.
  • Bryde, D. J. (2003). Project management concepts, methodsand application.International Journal of Operations & Production Management,23(7), 775-793
  • Burke, C. M., & Morley, M. J. (2016). On temporary organizations: A review, synthesis and research agenda.Human relations,69(6), 1235-1258.
  • Chen, X., Li, X., Clark, J. G., & Dietrich, G. B. (2013). Knowledge sharing in open source software project teams: A transactive memory system perspective.International Journal of Information Management,33(3), 553-563
  • Choo, H. J., Hammond, J., Tommelein, I. D., Austin, S.A., & Ballard, G. (2004). DePlan: a tool for integrated design management.Automation in Construction,13(3), 313-326
  • Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The real success factors on projects.International journal of project management,20(3), 185-190
  • Cooper, D.R., & Schindler, P. S. (2006). Business research methods: Empirical investigation.Journal of service research,1(2), 108-28.
  • De Wit, A. (1988). Measurement of project success.International journal of project management,6(3), 164-170.
  • Eveleens, J. L., &Verhoef, C. (2009). The rise and fall of the chaos report figures.IEEE software, (1), 30-36
  • Fong, P. S. (2003). Knowledge creation in multidisciplinary project teams: an empirical study of the processes and their dynamic interrelationships.InternationalJournal of Project Management,21(7), 479-486.
  • Geraldi, J. G., & Adlbrecht, G. (2007). On faith, fact, and interaction in projects.Project Management Journal,38(1), 32-43.
  • Gunduz, M., & Yahya, A. M. A. (2018). Analysis of project success factors in construction industry.Technological and Economic Development of Economy,24(1), 67-80
  • He, Q., Luo, L., Hu, Y., & Chan, A. P. (2015). Measuring the complexity of mega construction projects in China-A fuzzy analytic network process analysis.International Journal of Project Management,33(3), 549-563.
  • He, Q., Luo, L., Hu, Y., & Chan, A. P. (2015). Measuring the complexity of mega construction projects in China-A fuzzy analytic network process analysis.International journal of project management,33(3), 549-563
  • Hirschman, A. O. (1967). The principle of the hiding hand.The public interest,6, 10
  • Hussain, H., Conner, L., Jansen, C., & Mayo, E. (2010, 6-9 Dec 2010). Exploring emergence in complexity research: Comparison of emergence across projects. Paper presented at the NZARE conference and annual meeting 2010, Auckland
  • Iqbal, M. J., Rasli, A., Heng, L. H., Ali, M. B. B., Hassan, I., &Jolaee, A. (2011). Academicstaff knowledge sharing intentions and university innovation capability.African Journal of Business Management,5(27), 11051-11059
  • Kamara, J., Anumba, C., & Carrillo, P. M. 2008. Cross-Project Knowledge Management. In C. J., C. E. Anumba, & P. M. Carrillo (Eds.), Knowledge Management in Construction. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
  • Kennedy, D. M., McComb, S. A., &Vozdolska, R. R. (2011). Aninvestigation of project complexity's influence on team communication using Monte Carlo simulation.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,28(3), 109-127
  • Laufer, A., Denker, G. R., &Shenhar, A. J. (1996). Simultaneous management: the key to excellence in capital projects.International Journal of Project Management,14(4), 189-199.
  • Liebowitz, J. (2001). Knowledge management and its link to artificial intelligence.Expert systems with applications,20(1), 1-6
  • Liu, A. M. (1999). A research model of project complexity and goal commitment effects on project outcome.Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,6(2), 105-111
  • Luo, L., He, Q., Xie, J., Yang, D., & Wu, G. (2016). Investigating the relationship between project complexity and success in complex construction projects.Journal of Management in Engineering,33(2), 04016036
  • McComb, S. A., Green, S. G., & Compton, W. D. (2007). Team flexibility's relationship to staffing and performancein complex projects: An empirical analysis.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,24(4), 293-313.
  • Miller, N. E., & Dollard, J. (1941). Social learning and imitation. New Haven: Yale University. Press
  • Müller, R., & Turner, R. (2007). Theinfluence of project managers on project success criteria and project success by type of project.European management journal,25(4), 298-309.
  • Müller, R., Geraldi, J., & Turner, J. R. (2011). Relationships between leadership and success in different types of project complexities.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,59(1), 77-90
  • Niedergassel, B., &Leker, J. (2011). Different dimensions of knowledge in cooperative R&D projects of university scientists.Technovation,31(4), 142-150
  • Nunally, J.C., & Bernstein, I.H. (1994). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw-Hill
  • Park, J. G., & Lee, J. (2014). Knowledge sharing in information systems development projects: Explicating the role of dependence and trust.International Journal of Project Management,32(1), 153-165
  • Reich, B. H. (2007). Managing knowledge and learning in IT projects: A conceptual framework and guidelines for practice.Project Management Journal,38(2), 5-17
  • Reich, B. H., Gemino, A., & Sauer, C. (2012). Knowledge management and project-based knowledge in itprojects: A model and preliminary empirical results.International Journal of Project Management,30(6), 663-674.
  • Savolainen, P., Ahonen, J. J., & Richardson, I. (2012). Software development project success and failure from the supplier's perspective: A systematic literature review.International Journal of Project Management,30(4), 458-469
  • Signori, A., & Vismara, S. (2018). Does success bring success? The post-offering lives of equity-crowdfunded firms.Journal of Corporate Finance,50, 575-591.
  • Signori, A., & Vismara, S. (2018). Does success bring success? The post-offering lives of equity-crowdfunded firms.Journal of Corporate Finance,50, 575-591.
  • Suppiah, V., & Singh Sandhu, M. (2011). Organisationalculture's influence on tacit knowledge-sharing behaviour.Journal of knowledge management,15(3), 462-477.
  • Teng, J. T. C. and Song, S. (2011). An exploratory examination of knowledge-sharing behaviours: solicited and voluntary. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 104-117.
  • Todorović, M. L., Petrović, D. Č., Mihić, M. M., Obradović, V. L.,& Bushuyev, S. D. (2015). Project success analysis framework: A knowledge-based approach in project management.International Journal of Project Management,33(4), 772-783.
  • Turner, J. R., & Müller, R. (2005). The project manager's leadership style as a success factor on projects: A literature review.Project management journal,36(2), 49-61
  • Wang, D., Su, Z. & Yang, D. (2011). Organizational culture and knowledge creation capability. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(3), 363-373
  • Wickramasinghe, V., &Widyaratne, R. (2012). Effects of interpersonal trust, team leader support, rewards, and knowledge sharing mechanisms on knowledge sharing in project teams.Vine,42(2), 214-236.
  • Williams, T. M. (1999). The need for new paradigms for complex projects.International journal of project management,17(5), 269-273.
  • Williamson, D. J. (2011). Acorrelational study assessing the relationships among information technology project complexity, project complication, and project success.Capella Univ., Minneapolis
  • Xia,W., & Lee, G. (2005). Complexity of information systems development projects: conceptualization and measurement development.Journal of management information systems,22(1), 45-83
  • Yatim, F., Bredillet, C. N., & Ruiz, P. (2009). Investigating the deployment of project management: A new perspective based on the concept of certification.International Journal of Managing Projects in Business,2(3), 445-454
  • Aga, D. A., Noorderhaven, N., & Vallejo, B. (2016). Transformational leadership and project success: The mediating role of team-building.International Journal of Project Management,34(5), 806-818
  • Almeida, M. V., & Soares, A. L. (2014). Knowledge sharing in project-based organizations: Overcoming the informational limbo.International Journal of Information Management,34(6), 770-779.
  • Andreeva, T., &Kianto, A. (2011). Knowledge processes, knowledge-intensity and innovation: a moderated mediation analysis.Journal of Knowledge Management,15(6), 1016-1034.
  • Asiamah, N., Mensah, H. K., & Oteng-Abayie, E. F. (2017). Do larger samples really lead to more precise estimates? A simulation studies.American Journal of Educational Research,5(1), 9-17
  • Austin, S., Newton, A., Steele, J., &Waskett, P. (2002). Modeling and managing project complexity.International Journal of project management,20(3), 191-198.
  • Azim, S. W. (2010).Understanding and managing project complexity(Doctoral dissertation, University of Manchester)
  • Baccarini, D. (1996). The concept of project complexity -a review.International journal of project management,14(4), 201-204.
  • Blair, E., & Zinkhan, G. M. (2006). From the editor: nonresponse and generalizability in academic research.
  • Boer, C. A., de Bruin, A., & Verbraeck, A. (2009). A survey on distributed simulation in industry.Journal of Simulation,3(1), 3-16.
  • Boh, W. F. (2007). Mechanisms for sharing knowledge in project-based organizations.Information and organization,17(1), 27-58.
  • Bryde, D. J. (2003). Project management concepts, methodsand application.International Journal of Operations & Production Management,23(7), 775-793
  • Burke, C. M., & Morley, M. J. (2016). On temporary organizations: A review, synthesis and research agenda.Human relations,69(6), 1235-1258.
  • Chen, X., Li, X., Clark, J. G., & Dietrich, G. B. (2013). Knowledge sharing in open source software project teams: A transactive memory system perspective.International Journal of Information Management,33(3), 553-563
  • Choo, H. J., Hammond, J., Tommelein, I. D., Austin, S.A., & Ballard, G. (2004). DePlan: a tool for integrated design management.Automation in Construction,13(3), 313-326
  • Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The real success factors on projects.International journal of project management,20(3), 185-190
  • Cooper, D.R., & Schindler, P. S. (2006). Business research methods: Empirical investigation.Journal of service research,1(2), 108-28.
  • De Wit, A. (1988). Measurement of project success.International journal of project management,6(3), 164-170.
  • Eveleens, J. L., &Verhoef, C. (2009). The rise and fall of the chaos report figures.IEEE software, (1), 30-36
  • Fong, P. S. (2003). Knowledge creation in multidisciplinary project teams: an empirical study of the processes and their dynamic interrelationships.InternationalJournal of Project Management,21(7), 479-486.
  • Geraldi, J. G., & Adlbrecht, G. (2007). On faith, fact, and interaction in projects.Project Management Journal,38(1), 32-43.
  • Gunduz, M., & Yahya, A. M. A. (2018). Analysis of project success factors in construction industry.Technological and Economic Development of Economy,24(1), 67-80
  • He, Q., Luo, L., Hu, Y., & Chan, A. P. (2015). Measuring the complexity of mega construction projects in China-A fuzzy analytic network process analysis.International Journal of Project Management,33(3), 549-563.
  • He, Q., Luo, L., Hu, Y., & Chan, A. P. (2015). Measuring the complexity of mega construction projects in China-A fuzzy analytic network process analysis.International journal of project management,33(3), 549-563
  • Hirschman, A. O. (1967). The principle of the hiding hand.The public interest,6, 10
  • Hussain, H., Conner, L., Jansen, C., & Mayo, E. (2010, 6-9 Dec 2010). Exploring emergence in complexity research: Comparison of emergence across projects. Paper presented at the NZARE conference and annual meeting 2010, Auckland
  • Iqbal, M. J., Rasli, A., Heng, L. H., Ali, M. B. B., Hassan, I., &Jolaee, A. (2011). Academicstaff knowledge sharing intentions and university innovation capability.African Journal of Business Management,5(27), 11051-11059
  • Kamara, J., Anumba, C., & Carrillo, P. M. 2008. Cross-Project Knowledge Management. In C. J., C. E. Anumba, & P. M. Carrillo (Eds.), Knowledge Management in Construction. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
  • Kennedy, D. M., McComb, S. A., &Vozdolska, R. R. (2011). Aninvestigation of project complexity's influence on team communication using Monte Carlo simulation.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,28(3), 109-127
  • Laufer, A., Denker, G. R., &Shenhar, A. J. (1996). Simultaneous management: the key to excellence in capital projects.International Journal of Project Management,14(4), 189-199.
  • Liebowitz, J. (2001). Knowledge management and its link to artificial intelligence.Expert systems with applications,20(1), 1-6
  • Liu, A. M. (1999). A research model of project complexity and goal commitment effects on project outcome.Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,6(2), 105-111
  • Luo, L., He, Q., Xie, J., Yang, D., & Wu, G. (2016). Investigating the relationship between project complexity and success in complex construction projects.Journal of Management in Engineering,33(2), 04016036
  • McComb, S. A., Green, S. G., & Compton, W. D. (2007). Team flexibility's relationship to staffing and performancein complex projects: An empirical analysis.Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,24(4), 293-313.
  • Miller, N. E., & Dollard, J. (1941). Social learning and imitation. New Haven: Yale University. Press
  • Müller, R., & Turner, R. (2007). Theinfluence of project managers on project success criteria and project success by type of project.European management journal,25(4), 298-309.
  • Müller, R., Geraldi, J., & Turner, J. R. (2011). Relationships between leadership and success in different types of project complexities.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,59(1), 77-90
  • Niedergassel, B., &Leker, J. (2011). Different dimensions of knowledge in cooperative R&D projects of university scientists.Technovation,31(4), 142-150
  • Nunally, J.C., & Bernstein, I.H. (1994). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw-Hill
  • Park, J. G., & Lee, J. (2014). Knowledge sharing in information systems development projects: Explicating the role of dependence and trust.International Journal of Project Management,32(1), 153-165
  • Reich, B. H. (2007). Managing knowledge and learning in IT projects: A conceptual framework and guidelines for practice.Project Management Journal,38(2), 5-17
  • Reich, B. H., Gemino, A., & Sauer, C. (2012). Knowledge management and project-based knowledge in itprojects: A model and preliminary empirical results.International Journal of Project Management,30(6), 663-674.
  • Savolainen, P., Ahonen, J. J., & Richardson, I. (2012). Software development project success and failure from the supplier's perspective: A systematic literature review.International Journal of Project Management,30(4), 458-469
  • Signori, A., & Vismara, S. (2018). Does success bring success? The post-offering lives of equity-crowdfunded firms.Journal of Corporate Finance,50, 575-591.
  • Signori, A., & Vismara, S. (2018). Does success bring success? The post-offering lives of equity-crowdfunded firms.Journal of Corporate Finance,50, 575-591.
  • Suppiah, V., & Singh Sandhu, M. (2011). Organisationalculture's influence on tacit knowledge-sharing behaviour.Journal of knowledge management,15(3), 462-477.
  • Teng, J. T. C. and Song, S. (2011). An exploratory examination of knowledge-sharing behaviours: solicited and voluntary. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(1), 104-117.
  • Todorović, M. L., Petrović, D. Č., Mihić, M. M., Obradović, V. L.,& Bushuyev, S. D. (2015). Project success analysis framework: A knowledge-based approach in project management.International Journal of Project Management,33(4), 772-783.
  • Turner, J. R., & Müller, R. (2005). The project manager's leadership style as a success factor on projects: A literature review.Project management journal,36(2), 49-61
  • Wang, D., Su, Z. & Yang, D. (2011). Organizational culture and knowledge creation capability. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(3), 363-373
  • Wickramasinghe, V., &Widyaratne, R. (2012). Effects of interpersonal trust, team leader support, rewards, and knowledge sharing mechanisms on knowledge sharing in project teams.Vine,42(2), 214-236.
  • Williams, T. M. (1999). The need for new paradigms for complex projects.International journal of project management,17(5), 269-273.
  • Williamson, D. J. (2011). Acorrelational study assessing the relationships among information technology project complexity, project complication, and project success.Capella Univ., Minneapolis
  • Xia,W., & Lee, G. (2005). Complexity of information systems development projects: conceptualization and measurement development.Journal of management information systems,22(1), 45-83
  • Yatim, F., Bredillet, C. N., & Ruiz, P. (2009). Investigating the deployment of project management: A new perspective based on the concept of certification.International Journal of Managing Projects in Business,2(3), 445-454

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    APA : Jamil, M., Ahmad, F., & Mariam, S. (2019). Knowledge Sharing Accelerates Success of Complex Projects: An Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 438-447.
    CHICAGO : Jamil, Muryum, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. 2019. "Knowledge Sharing Accelerates Success of Complex Projects: An Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 438-447 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).47
    HARVARD : JAMIL, M., AHMAD, F. & MARIAM, S. 2019. Knowledge Sharing Accelerates Success of Complex Projects: An Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 438-447.
    MHRA : Jamil, Muryum, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. 2019. "Knowledge Sharing Accelerates Success of Complex Projects: An Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 438-447
    MLA : Jamil, Muryum, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. "Knowledge Sharing Accelerates Success of Complex Projects: An Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 438-447 Print.
    OXFORD : Jamil, Muryum, Ahmad, Farooq, and Mariam, Shahida (2019), "Knowledge Sharing Accelerates Success of Complex Projects: An Evidence from Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 438-447
    TURABIAN : Jamil, Muryum, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. "Knowledge Sharing Accelerates Success of Complex Projects: An Evidence from Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 438-447.