Authored by : IrfanAhmadTahir , ManzoorKhanAfridi

27 Pages : 250-259


    The advent of internet, its confluence with Communication and Information Technology (C&IT) has given an exponential rise to generate waves of hyper information thus providing an opportunity to the enemies to launch transitional level of Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) from various platforms. The present internet dominated age coupled with Media sine qua non usage of deceitful information, baffled news and fabricated themes launched through hostile think tanks and hostile intelligence agencies through their spoofing agents under cover of Media imposters, Media Memes and scintillating campaigns with covert commercial clientele. Such slanderers aim to undermine State capacity and capability to act and react during odds/under tense situations. The enemy hired slanderers, their tittle tale imposters propagate the sugar coated lethal contents to the masses especially the youth has many varying dimension and blatant angles corroborated into 5GW.

    Key Words

    Media Imposters, Media Memes. Fabricated themes, Baffled news and Commercial 



    5GW cultivation syndrome is sown to germinate the seeds of hate to sprout the divide and its unprecedented usage made to develop en-kindled arrow effect on target public fitted/directed in a free democratic society. The paradoxes are crafted by hostile think tanks, funded by their agencies and launched by Media imposters and related spoofing agents. The prime objective of such campaign is to hit the ideological foundations and deprive the state institutions from populace support. Specified Media knitted semiotics paradigms with satirical travesty are used to mislead the consumers (readers/viewers) from the original issues and truthful contents. They are presented like many onion layers trapping containing sulphur contents and presented in a Media as an epistic anthology as opposed to ontological foundations of greater transparency and authenticity Axiomatically speaking their murky presentation on the Media scintillating words of hiding the facts is a part of their libelous and slandering enemies subversive strategies to create further cleavage encapsulated into concocted themes and stories.

    The paper unveils the elusive and deceitful use of media and explores many flat-out lies and blatant angles of enemy launched 5GW. The study attains unequivocal importance in present day media generated tumultuous environment. A candid effort is made to debunk Media psychic usage with a view to create awareness among users and especially to sensitised  the youth which is more susceptible to their target, thereby;  providing shield against any caveat attempt to disparage own State organs/institutions. 

    The Conceptus of Generations of Warfare and the ongoing Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)

    With the change of time, resources, existence of modern weapon system, technological advancement in the battlefield scenario and techniques to harm/damage the adversaries also contributed to this classification of warfare.   

    First Generations Warfare (1GW), based on swords, axes and arches

    Second ………………….. (2GW), based on the use of gunpowder through automatics

    Third……………………..(3GW), based on Non State Actors in State affairs 

    Fourth…………………… (4GW), based on hitting the economic objectives

    Fifth……………………... (5GW), based on mass communication and Information   As a hybrid warfare through dissemination of through fake news, web sites, imitative themes, Fabricated imageries, concocted stories and planted agents (Imposters/lurking lies experts) on Media believing that a hoax cannot do that billet doux, what a fake news and these satirical meimeries can do to create chaos, confusion and consternation in their enemies camps. Instead of publically appreciating the efforts and sacrifices of their own Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), certain media persons engage in underscoring rather discrediting them, in the maintenance of peace and rule of law in the country.  Cultivation syndrome of fake news, media persons tittle-tattle made comments and lurking lies to distort facts on vital issues carry negative messages, adversely affect the morale of nation and shatter the confidence which they reposed on their national institutions. The spread of fake news and the misuse of modern gadgets and technology have become new platform to launch hostile agenda on intended targets under Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW). Under this warfare, media campaigns are launched/ sponsored through media memies and imposters which are designed and intended to create more gaps and enhance the levels distrust among masses and their institutions. Vulnerabilities are exploited to further disengements to harm and cause more damages to the national fibre and one unit cohesiveness. Onion layer trapped narratives are crafted with vivid themes which are encapsulated through sugar coating and handed over to corporate nurtured media outlets which usually engage without weighing their cardinal virtue for their commercial gains and start generating baffled exaggerations as part of media and psychological warfare. Since the modern media has established indelible relationships with the readers and its viewers, hence becoming more and more effective day by day.

    Islamic Oerspective of Blatant Angles of Informations and News Received through Individuals and others Propagating Quarters.

    “O you who believe, if there comes a Fasiq (Liar-evil person) to you with any news (information), verify it, lest you should harm people out of ignorance and afterwards you become over regretful, for what you have done.”

    Al-Hujraat (The inner apartments, the chambers) (6:49)

    “And He knoweth what you conceal and what you reveal and Allah is all knower what is in your chests”. Taghabun (Mutual loss and Gains) (4:64)

    “An-Nifaq (Hypocracy) in its major forms, Kufr-al-Raad (turning away from the truth and Kufr-un-Nifaq (Hiding and screening the truth with evil designs) - such people will be in the lowest depth (grades) of hell”. Sahi Muslim The characteristics of hypocrites, 29/6).

    The messanger of Allah (PBUH) said, “It is sufficient for a man to be a lier, when he passes the information (News) to the next one without verifying it” (Sahi Muslim The characteristics of hypocrates, 30/6).

    The messanger of Allah (PBUH) said,” It is enough sin for a man to speak of everything that he hears” (44/6). 

    One of the important segment of media is a free and fair reporting to the public. In the garb of freedom of media, certain quarters start doing false and unauthentic reporting for greed/personal gains and even go to an extent to blackmail key elements of the society. Some ignorant persons/ Societal groups start blindly believing what they listen and convey it to the next without checking the validity of the informations passed to the next one. At times to gain wealth, media persons are found themselves care free from reporting national secrets, thereby harming the National interests and damaging the image of State in the eyes of the global community.  Media should demonstrate as a watch dog of national interest as a prime duty and must provide authentic informationsfor the awareness and absortioption in the society for better civic sense and display of good citizen ship. Media acts as a bridge between government and public and plays a key role in promotion of National harmony and cohesiveness. Dramatic representations of certain themes, pictorial representation and use of attractive language do attract the viewers/readers but must not deceit/cheat its consumers.

    The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “who (so) ever deceives (the people), does not belong to me” (Sahi Muslim 35/6). 

    Deceiving or cheating to someone is a sin and must be avoided. Similarly giving false information and portraying wrong picture with intentions to hide the real issues/ true facts for some personal gains or entrepreneurs interests through propagating on media cannot be supported. Jang Group irresponsible reporting in the events of Bombay and Pathankot incidences in the garb of race for first to report as a “Breaking News” without verifying the authenticity of news. Ironically to say that at later stage, the Indian government has to officially negate any Pakistani State involvement in those incidences. Therefore; the validity of sizable objection remains affirmative on media that its inhibited reigns must not be allowed as free and unchecked especially involving the State and Security related issues. Media must report within given space and work with prescribed limits and ethical boundaries as involving the sensitive issues. They must not create unnecessary hype and issue bombard statements in the private controlled channels. They must be educated how to talk especially in those programmes which are broadcast live simultaneously. Therefore the anchor persons must feel responsibility before uttering on sensitive issues.   

    The Concept of Security, the Levels of its Scope and S3 Corroborative Typologies

    The term of “Security” is extensively used in a society but also of paramount importance in the eyes of IR scholars. The word has been amply used in military and non-military purposes. It has diverse dimensions from mental satisfaction to physical protection. The etymology of the word is derived from Latin taxonomy with closer combination of two English words,i.e, Se-Cura in which Se stands for without and Cura means care, the place or a state which donot require any care. It is the ability to provide care free enviornment by giving a sense of freedom/independence from odds to individuals, organization, society /state/states. In socio-political sense, it is the social order in which any community lives without fear or danger and in military sense, it is the provision of physical protection from impending threats to your land, sea and air domain and in IR typology, it is the safeguarding of interests ranging from individual to territorial to economic interests of state/states within a globe from potential dangers/threats.

    1. Security may be required at three levels,

    Individual level. e.g, Personal security- security to the individual,s life, food, health, shelter and to its valuables in his possession.

    National level. e.g, Survival through the Security of the five domain i.e,territorial, sea, air, space and cyber space dimensions. At a state level, protection of its resources,assets and life of its citizenry.

    International level,e.g, Ensuring Mutual Survival through providing  protection to the states from all sort of dangers for peaceful co-existance.e.g, freedom from violence/wars, freedom from wants and dangers to humanity. 

    S3 corroborative typologies may be differentiated as,

    1.  Secrecy – of the intentions, plans and classified data etc

    2. Safety- of the human beings from potent threats. e.g, x rays, Fire and diseases 

    3. Safe guards- of the physical infrastructures e.g, valuables, buildings etc

    Security paradigms and paradoxes in Realists domain of IR

    The State centric theorists of IR both Realists and Neo-Realist focus on the study of interstate system using the State as fundamental aspect and with a concept of State, the Security and Sovergnity are of supreme importance

    1. Old or Classical school of thought (Realists) 

    The traditional school main exponents believe on the security of direct threat from the enemy to the State, thereby, believing on the physical means of military potentials and capabilities in the warfare e.g, 1GW, 2GW and 3GW 

    2. New school of thought lore (Neo Realists)

    The Non-traditional/Modern school of thought proponents focus on the contemporary scenario and see beyond the military means. The difference in thought is that the Neo Realist believe that State Survival at minimum while Realists assume that National interests as State power as maximum. They also believe in the indirect threat like indirect interventions and latest techniques of the human beings emancipations from the powerful states. D may not adversly affect their life. The State policies has to be pro- human being and they focus human safety and security from the odd and human resource development and wellbeing. In the Generations of warfare, 4GW and 5GW, the human beings are direct/ indirect targets of the Hostile States and therefore it is also the responsibility of the State to prove awareness and means to prevent and counter the potent threats from 4GW and 5GW.

    Importance of Security in a Nation State System of IR

    The subject of Security is a fundamental aspect and of paramount important in IR. The lore of Realists consider the State the most imperative player in the nation state system of IR. The state excel for their survival through safeguarding their security and sovereignty above all means. The state possesses the sole authority within its geographical limits and full authority in its internal domain. No external power can intervene into its domestic affairs. All the states have equal entity in the comity of nations and all are bound to respect the sovereignty of other states. Such a unique system which IR model provides to ensure mutual respect and close interactions at regional and international forums. The state resort to military power being necessity to ensure their survival against internal and external threats from the enemies. For a smaller state like Pakistan which anticipates both physical (hard means) and Non-physical (ideological to economic  to cyber Security etc.) from its enemies, hence finds challenges to its National survival of complex nature and high magnitude. Therefore the ultimate apprehension of Pakistan is ‘Security of the State’ which is overriding concern in the national life. The realists assume that national interests to be State power while Neo- realist lore assumes that State Survival minimum and State power maximum. State prepares their policies and within a State, the citizens are bound to respect and implement on them. However, they should be given chance to express their grievances and State is responsible to address them. The Non State Actors be given full liberty since they do not pose any direct threat to the State Security and Survival. If a State finds any threat from NSAs, it has the legitimate authority within its boundaries to sort out foes to ensure its supremacy. Therefore the importance of State in the IR cannot be questioned, provided that the State should keep its citizenry of prime interests within a state and defense and security from external invasions to maintain peace and stability, therefore; State will remain vital in the times to come.

    Pakistan’s Security Concern from India and safeguards

    1. “That He might establish the truth as truth and falsify the false, though the guilty might dislike it.”

    Al-Quran, Al-Anfaal (the spoils of war) (8:8)

    2.“And make ready (your strength) against them all you can (able) of power, including the steeds of war(tanks, planes, missiles, artillery) to threaten the enemies of Allah and your enemy and other besides, whom you may not know but Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you and you should not be treated unjustly. And if they incline towards peace, than incline you also and put trust in Allah. Lo (Indeed), He is the one, that Hearth and Knowth (all things).

    Al-Quran, Al-Anfaal (the spoils of war)   (60-61:8) 

    As a Muslims it is ordained on us to have love with your mother land and make endless efforts to ensure the safety, security and sovergnity of the State and above all Pakistani state has been established on the name of Islam and with the rheutoric of “Pakistan ka matlab kia, LA ILA HA ILLALAH, (What Pakistan means, there is no other god except one God). The State is a historical institution which came into European lexicon in the sixteenth and seventeenth century but the Muslim concept started when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) defended Medina (a newly formed Muslim State) from Meccan Infidels. In Political theory, in vogue the Westphalia model of State foundations, the concept is derived from French word “souverainete” which means its attainment and retention. Thomas Hobbbes developed theory of sovereignty in which he describes that sovereignty as absolute power (Lev, chapter 18, para13) the need of sovereignty arose from self-seeking and power interested nature of humans which means that in the absence of sovereign principles, the life would diminish into war. Thomas Hobbes sixteenth century biblical leviathan (Chapter 10) synopsis mirror, how a state should claim and defend sovergnity as the soverign never forefeit their rights to rule and the subjects justify the sovereign action e.g the Christian subjects must not authorize any Infidel ruler (Lev, Chapter42, para 11). Sovereign actions are prescribed by him are, the “Concern the Peace and Security” (Lev, Chapter17, para 13). In a modern State system, in its functional aspect a dualistic model is seen with two faces, some looking inward and other segments looking outward. The inward looking face in State relations pertains to the individuals and groups which dwell into the boundary of the State and possess the ability to maintain the domestic order while outward looking segments ensure the security and carry our measures which ensure the internal and external security of the State. Pakistan is not an exception to this Nation’s State model which developed its segments to ensure the security of Ideological State especially its civil and military leaders of 1950 introduced and ensured such principles and policies to defend it from all the gargantuan conspiracies, odds and evens to come. Perceptions and misperception of threat at various tiers perfected its defensive pasture. Certain disbelief are required to be thwarted out at the very onset e.g. Israeli intelligence, government officials  lacks perceptions of Arab assault on them in 1973 and their Print Media could not provide any rationale for their wrong belief that there will be no war with the Arabs. They had incorrect assessment about the enemy intentions and their capabilities. Their ignorance provided strength to their adversaries and they exposed their intentions in the shape of invasion.  Defensive Offensive Realism exponents like Elman believe that if all State seek security they can avoid war but inherent uncertainty about adversary intentions and invoking tendencies leading towards possession of offensive capabilities tend towards potential War.  Huntington arguments are that, The Nation States are most power full actors in the International System. Future conflict will be based on, not an ideological or economical but on Culture and Religions. The clash of civilizations will dominate in the global politics. Hindu’s hate, hostility and hegemony greed towards Pakistan’s Muslim State is no more a secret now, just to reiterate and reverting back to the theme of the research thesis topic, it is mandatory to overview Security concern of Pakistani State despite Media mantra of Indian pro-verb “Aman ki Aasha” on Pakistani Print Media. The more things change, the more remain the same. This dictum is true reflection of Indo-Pak relations in the last almost Seventy years. Indians cruelty of geo-politics did not ended with dismemberment of East Pakistan while still India is occupying a vast territory including Kashmir, Siachin, Kargil and Water resources that belong to Pakistan. Pakistan will continue clamoring for Peace and will neither compromise on national security nor surrender against national interests. Some so-liberals and kleptomaniac elites are willfully distorting the Indo-Pak history and making propaganda that Indo-Pak border is just an artificial thin line and Pakistan was created as an accident of history. They are naïve enough to believe that if they would to erase this thin line than there will be no Indo-Pak dispute. Pakistan was neither a drama which raised on globe rather it was a huge efforts and long struggle of Muslims of India which finally came true. I quote phrases from National anthem of Pakistan,

    “Parchame sitarohilal

    Rahbare taraqiokemal

    Tarjumanemazi shanehaal

    Jaane istaqbaal

    Sayae khudae zuljilal”

    “The flag of crescent and star

    Leads the way to progress and perfection

    Interpreter of our past, glory of our present

    Inspirations of our future”

    No wonder from the very beginning of our independent state-hood, Pakistan remained confronted with security challenges that perhaps none of other country ever experienced on this globe. Ironically, rather awfully to say, our Muslim country on the North West was the only country which voted negative for Pakistan, for its joining  as a member in UNGA on September 30, 1947 which was under the clout of  Indian Congress leaders mislead bogey rheutaric of Pashtunistan with ambitions to reunite the area  of NWFP and adjacent areas into Indian Union. This tactical ploy of Gandhi thinking was to be further destined to incorporation of state of Jammu and Kashmir, thereby squeezing Pakistan to small territorial boundaries which could not sustain as sovereign state and succumb to temptations only. Such were the inner shades and grand schemes of Congress leaders which never missed any opportunity to isolate Pakistan, to weaken enough to dismember Pakistan, right from the start of its inception. It is a very painful aspect from self-serving, muckraking champions of democracy which are continuously repeating tragedies in Indian occupied Kashmir and not even missing a single opportunity to harm Pakistani interests in the regional and global forums. They want to see Nehru vision true of September 1946, that there will be only four great powers on the globe, USA, USSR, China and India. For British, he saw no more political role after independence of India from Great Britain and for Pakistan he alluded that Pakistan will only be seen as a separate cultural identity and will no more survive as an independent State. This was the ambitious state of founding fathers of India and they foresaw the future of Pakistan as bleak and a very weak state which would die its fate in the times to come. Nehru visited Khyber, Malakand ,North and South Waziristan  Agencies in the autumn of 1946 with a view to have support for congress party under the collaboration of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan in Muslim majority areas despite of the growing of support for Muslim league in these areas to counter the support of Pir sahib of Manki Sharif. According to Olaf Caroe, who was governor at that time, described that, “Tribals of Waziristan gave very hostile reception to them at Miranshah and Razmak. At Razmak (South Waziristan), he got loose his temper and was going to be slapped by Malik Mehr Dil Khan Mahsud, for playing anti Muslims sentiments and ploying against Pakistan (Sir, O.Caroe, The transfer of Powers, 1942-7, Volume 8, page786, Parachinar, October, 23,1946). Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (also known as Bacha Khan as well called by Media as Sarhadi Gandhi), who sought political asylum in Aghanistan and preferred to get buried in Afghanistan during his meeting with Kaldeep Nayar (a vetran Indian Journalist and Peace activist) complained to him for cheating by Nehru as he did not fulfill the promises made to him and Nehru acceptance of Pakistan as an independent State (KaldipNayar, article published in daily EXPRESS, “Bainussatoor”, October 7, 2016). Congress leaders endeavoured to create maximum obstacles in pre and post partition period of Pakistan as they wanted to see Pakistan left as truncated as possible to make its survival as an independent state as difficult if not possible. Historically speaking, Dr, Khan Sahib lead Congress ministry NWFP was to oppose referendum while overwhelmingly majority of the pashtuns supported Muslim league to join Pakistan. This Congress leaders Stratagem aimed to bring back NWFP into Indian Union along with the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Thanks to Quaid-e-Azam vision and persistent vigilance and NWFP Muslims political stalwarts and religious notables that NWFP referendum did took place and they voted for Pakistan. Afghan government not only voted against Pakistan for its inclusion in UNGA but left know stone to continue its mysterious activities. 1st Prime Minister of Pakistan was assassinated at Company Bagh (formerly East India Company Garden) in Rawalpindi on October 16, 1951, during a public address, by Afghan national assassin, Mr. Said Akbar. The assassin family had been receiving a monthly allowance of Rs450 from the NWFP government (NY Times, Shrowded Murder of Liaquat Ali Khan, November edition, 1949), ( Afghan foreign office has been explaining their stance but it is publically known who patronage the assassin and under whom clout this heinous assassination was made under nefarious designs to destabilize Pakistan immediate after the death of Quaid-e-Azam. Although Pakistan emerged as an autonomous state with two territorial halves between presence of a big hostile enemy with no parallel example in the world.  

    Indian Army Chief, Mr. Bupin Rawat statement in a seminar held in New Delhi on September 7. 2017 that, “We may attack on Pakistan at any time on the time and place of own choosing” are matter of concern for the regional peace and security of South Asian region. Jang daily September, 9 2017. Contrarily, neither any Pakistani Politicians nor any military person made any threat or boasted to create unrest in India especially in the political upheaved areas of NE region with separatist tendency having states of Nagaland, Tripura, Assam and Sikkim. It is a clear evident that Pakistan believes in Non Involvement policy and desires complete Peace despite bitter sweet symphony of relationships of India and Pakistan in the region. Indian leadership keeps on repeating its bellicose stance and jingoistic rhetorics towards Pakistan but Pakistani leadership always resorted amicable approach while these solving thorny issues through peaceful means. BJP leadership (who unlike Congress party which believe on the tactics of {Japhi (Hugging) and Kutti (Bycott)} hurling threatening statements of war mongering through its Media and Media crafted themes and lethal contents. One of BJP member Mr. Sunget Some desired that Pakistan actors should be beaten with shoes and thrown out of India. Although Pakistani artists exclaim their sentiments saying that, “Art has no boundaries and are staunch exponent of similar culture”. Indian ruthless behaviors with them has proved that Art may not be having boundaries but the land in which they belong, possess ideological and physical boundaries and the exponents of “Two Nations Theory” were absoluty right in their approach and conduct towards Hindus. Certain Pakistani Print Media columnist like Hamid Mir , Cyril Almeida are trying to create rift between Civil and Military leadership on handling Security related issues while the Indian leadership is threatening to Pakistan for conducting surgical strike and infuriating unlawfulness and accentuating dissiparous and centrifugal tendencies. Are they providing services to RAW/Modi narratives for Pakistan or working for Richie riches media masters who have sold their properties and settled themselves in sheikhdoms of UAE. They have become pawns of chess through their newspapers and always try to salvage, not only their interests but to please certain crook politicians (who believes on this Urdu rhetoric, “Raqam barhao hum tumharay sath hain” (Increase the amount, we are with you), at the cost of National interests of Pakistan.

    Indian government has still not replied to Pakistan that Kalbhoshan Yadev (A serving Naval officer employed by RAW) and its unfolding of nexus with Brahamdagh Bugti (who deserted from Pakistan after disclosing of its links with RAW and now asked asylum from India while sitting in Europe) to create unrest in Balochistan and to bribe saboteurs to undo CPEC project in Pakistan. 

    Indian resorting of war through other means are remindful of Sun Tzu,

    “All Warfare is based on deception”

    Indian has prepared many narratives with deceitful tactics to project Pakistan as a terrorist State and is committed to justify actions as she did in East Pakistan in 1971 to systematically mobilizing world opinion to its favour. Modi has threatened Pakistan to stir up trouble in GB and Baluchistan to undermine CPEC, a project of future life line of economic boost and developments. Certain Media persons are making bizarre contentions and amply exposed ambitions to exploit Pakistani weak points or to influence China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), multi billion dollars trade and development project in Pakistan. There are blanket attempts on Print Media to block the vision and to trap the readers by creating phobia of taking over of China on the name of trade and aid to Pakistan. Such propagandists do not want to see Pakistan on the pedestal of glory and progress.  

    Pakistan’s assumptions against Indian Multi-dimensional Security Threat

    Pakistan Security threat assumptions from Indian sides are based upon harsh experiences of the past and potential offensives capabilities by the Indian armed forces and their large possession of nuclear arsenal. In the scenario where offensive are no possible/ feasible, India may like to go many alternate options against Pakistan with a view to weaken defense and economic potentials,

    a. Due to nuclear stalemate in the region and fear of strong response from Pakistan, India may not embroil and push herself in conventional war with Pakistan rather resort herself in creating the unrest and  Law and Order situation in Pakistan through funding the NGO, in the garb of development work, conducting social/cultural activities, Media groups/ anchor persons financial patronizing, abetting the terrorist groups for destroying Pakistan’s fighting potentials, diminishing political image and destroying the industrial hub, line of communications and economic resources. 

    b. India may endeavour to isolate Pakistan diplomatically through wrong projecting its image as a terrorist harbor state in front of the world through its massive Media propaganda campaigns and discredit its agencies in their efforts in Global War on Terror (GWOT). 

    c. Pakistan economic condition is poor and volatile but Security concern are forcing it to go for arm race in search of military equilibrium with India. India has already taken steps to ruin our agriculture economy which is the life line of Pakistan by closing and diverting our riverheads which has dried up our dams and canal water system.

    Therefore, Pakistan Security concern from Indian sides entail multiple aspects ranging from Physical Security to Ideological Frontiers to Social aspects, hence demands a level of vigilance by its armed forces and constant monitoring of intellectuals, economists and staunch analysts from all segments of society. 

    In Media propaganda campaign, Indian Media with sweet choir of same cultural affinity and détente in the region, will continue sponsoring strong Media campaigns for overt rapprochements between the two countries like “Aman- Ki –Aasha, Hope for Peace” to fill her covert designs and ulterior objectives.

    Formation of South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) and Pakistan’s Threat Perceptions through Counter Intelligence Techniques

    SAFMA consists of surreptitious media persons of Indo-Pak nexus to create soft corner between the people of both sides ignoring the core interests of Pakistani state but to safe guard own financial interests and their Media owners and business tycoons. After tax evasion in Pakistan, the owners belonging to Pakistan have shifted their head offices in Middle East. Not even a single person from India has a history of speaking against Indian constitution, its judiciary or Armed forces but coming on Pakistani sides, they speak volumes of critical against Armed forces of Pakistan, repealing of Article 62-63 from the Islamic republic of Pakistan constitution, critically carryout barrage of bombardment against decisions of Pakistani judiciary. They want to accolade tip of iceberg silence on Water issue with India, ostracization of Pakistani government policy towards IHK and possess strong urge of rolling back of Pakistan nuclear programme. In the race of containing equilibrium between their professional ethics and reporting, they hide the truthfulness and resort to false reporting for pretty financial gains. Their hidden agenda of SAFMA can be summarized from their views and thematic expression through using the counter intelligence technique and collate intelligence,

    1. Defy Two Nations Theory

    2. Defy Islamic values and norms.

    3. Promote Secular norms and social values.

    4. Defaming of Pakistani institutions like judiciary and its Armed Forces as a part of 5GW.

    The present Chairman is Mr. N. Ram from India while its Secretary General, Mr. Najam Sethi hails from Pakistan. It is a known fact that Najam Sethi migrated from India to Pakistan in 1963 and he was tried by Bhutto regime for working for RAW and secretly funding the Baloch rebels in Balochistan, How such persons can work for National interests of Pakistan? The other mainstream bigoted and shadowed personalities from Pakistan like Imtiaz Aalam (Jang Group who expressed that Huzoor (SAWW) was wrong by treaty of Hudaybiya), Marvi Sarmad (Secular women who pretends to be Muslim but openly supports lesbians in the programmes and her leniency towards India and extra ordinary liberal ideas fairly be judged from these print Media pen pricks, “Kashmir coverage by Pakistani Media is over exaggerated and a mere propaganda through Pakistani narrative”.

     “Pakistani liberals have to embrace the Kashmiri narratives like Arundhatti Roy etc. Kashmiri desire to leave us alone as it has done us enough damage. Pakistani are not aware of the real Kashmir Narrative”. (The Nation, July19, 2016)

    It appears that wealth lust flies and scoundrel gang have gathered around “Gurr (continental name of raw sugar in sub-continent). According to Zaid Hamid, one of the critical analyst and staunch patriot, disclosed during famous anchor programme of Dr. Shahid Masud at ARY News Channel that SAFMA is heavily funded by Indian secret agency, RAW to distort Islamic ideology and disintegrate unity of Pakistan. Thanks God. Such personalities donot have any credibility in the eyes of the masses and majority of the Pakistani reject their secular messages and anti-Islamic ideological approach. The establishment of South Asia Free Media Association (SAFMA) in the UAE, the membership awarded to SAFMA to anti State working elements in Pakistan is a matter of concern and possesses an existential threat to the roots of sovereignty and internal Security of Pakistan. Its members are key position holders and deeply involved in political realm of Pakistan. Their members seems to be more worried about terrorism in Mumbai and Delhi than in IHK and in Pakistan. Its active member Marvi Sarmad who also works for UNDP and Jang, open confession that she donot believe on “Two Nations Theory” and say that government of Pakistan Article 62 and 63 and supporting arguments through Quranic verses are Khurafaat (baseless absurdy argument) and shamelessly believes to see Pakistan as “Sex Free State, a heaven for gays and lesbians” and justifies detention of Aafia Siddiqui. Another member Imtiaz Alam (President of SAFMA in Pakistan, never believes on religious codes in Pakistani constitution and exponent of Secularism in Pakistan. One of the outspoken women of this forum was Asma Jehangir who can be seen in social Media by putting saffron costume. Occasionally she carried out Artillery bombardment of words on the Defense personnel and judicial judgments in Pakistan but kept tight lips silent on Indian brutalities in Kashmir and Indian RAW sponsored confessional statement in Pakistani Media as he was involved in terrorist acts in Pakistan. In one of the TV programme once Air Marshal® Shahid Latif ex Vice Chief of the Air Staff of PAF requested, not to use Hindi words in her talks, she derogatory remarked, why he was insisting her to use Urdu words. According to Justice Syed Jamshaid Ali commission report of Supreme Court of Pakistan, She along with her Husband Mian Tahir Jehangir, got Rs 50 Million charged off from Hala Spinning Mills. Although she has declared her religion Islam in government documents but whole Lahore knows that She, her Husband and her Father Malik Jilani all are “Qadyanis” (Roznama-Jasarat,Karchi, February 7, 2013) and they leave no stone unturned to malign Pakistan Armed forces. Her legal aid office which is working on the name of “Dastak” a shelter for house deserter women is being looked after by Mr. Muneeb Ahmad who is also co- anchor person of Mr. Sethi programme “Apas ki Baat” run under Geo channel of Jang Group. During Bombay blast she was present in India when without any proof she stated to Indian channel that Pakistani ISI is behind this blast. Such selfish leeches also in SAFMA are sucking the blood of Pakistani nation and tarnishing Pakistan’s image. Another member Aroosa Aalam who had affairs with Sikh, the son of a former CM of Indian Punjab, Mr. Amrinder Singh, preferred wealth accumulation than Islamic religion bindings. Gandhu, Nehru and Patel all together opposed Two Nations Theory and now they are doing support of Indian leaders ideological and political ideas and related mantras. SAFMA members are directly and indirectly hitting the separate entity and Islamic ideology of Pakistan which are the basis of creation of Pakistan. According to Ahmad Qureshi who writes for English dailies in Pakistan and is public policy commentator SAFMA is a group of defeatist minded Pakistanis who believe in Anti-Pakistanism. This minority is Indian implant group receiving undeclared funds from foreign governments. SAFMA is a darling baby of RAW which pay them heavily in arranging functions and seminars on regional politics and related issues for their undercover journalists, especially with regards to Pakistan. They are involved in maligning Pakistan and systematically organize poor image of Pakistan in front of international readers and viewers. SAFMA is a RAW funded nexus in Pakistani electronic and print Media.”


    The paper attributed to proffer views to gain insight and describe this new category of obscurely enemy launched physic warfare. Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) in impromptu and non-traditional blurred format of modern warfare. It was aimed to forestall shield and to mitigate the effects already caused by the irreversible changing of this new dimension of warfare. Since its targets are deprived classes/destituted groups, therefore it was necessary to educate, and to benefit the end users.


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  • Aalberg, T., & James C. (1998). How Media informs the Democracy. London, New York: Routeledge Publishing Group.
  • Durrani, M. (2012). Strengthening Relations, Aman-ki -Asha
  • Earle, A.D. (1978). Scholastic Journalism. Iowa: UniversityPress.
  • Hussain, Shaheed. (2013). Indo-Pak Cold War, THE NEWS, March 3, p.3
  • Lambert, C. (2011). Media & Politics in Pakistan, NewYork: Academic Publishers
  • Raza. A. (2013). Sensationalism of Indian Media and aggressiveness of blame game in Indo-Pak relationship, Pakistan Times, February 22, p. 4.
  • Shamshi, A. N. (2006). Media Organization and Management. New Delhi: Anmol Publishers.
  • Tasir, H. M. (2012). RAW Unconventional wars against Pakistan, World Time, 7.
  • Tikoo, R. (1987). Indo-Pak relations: politics of divergence and convergence, New Delhi: National Publications House.
  • Ting, S. L. (2008). Essential shared values Peace and 21st century journalism: Peace Journalism. London, New York: Rout ledge Publishing Group.
  • Yussouf, M. M. (1999). Exploring Journalism. Lahore: A- One publishers.

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    APA : Tahir, I. A., & Afridi, M. K. (2019). Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)-The New Dimensions of Enemies Launched Warfare and Security Concern of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 250-259.
    CHICAGO : Tahir, Irfan Ahmad, and Manzoor Khan Afridi. 2019. "Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)-The New Dimensions of Enemies Launched Warfare and Security Concern of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 250-259 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).27
    HARVARD : TAHIR, I. A. & AFRIDI, M. K. 2019. Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)-The New Dimensions of Enemies Launched Warfare and Security Concern of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 250-259.
    MHRA : Tahir, Irfan Ahmad, and Manzoor Khan Afridi. 2019. "Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)-The New Dimensions of Enemies Launched Warfare and Security Concern of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 250-259
    MLA : Tahir, Irfan Ahmad, and Manzoor Khan Afridi. "Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)-The New Dimensions of Enemies Launched Warfare and Security Concern of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 250-259 Print.
    OXFORD : Tahir, Irfan Ahmad and Afridi, Manzoor Khan (2019), "Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)-The New Dimensions of Enemies Launched Warfare and Security Concern of Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 250-259
    TURABIAN : Tahir, Irfan Ahmad, and Manzoor Khan Afridi. "Fifth Generations Warfare (5GW)-The New Dimensions of Enemies Launched Warfare and Security Concern of Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 250-259.