Authored by : DostMuhammadKhan , TariqAzizRao , NajiaSehr

24 Pages : 214-222


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  • Ge, X., Yang, J., Gharavi, H., & Sun, Y. (2017). Energy efficiency challenges of 5G small cell networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(5), 184-191
  • H. Q. Ngo, E. G. Larsson and T. L. Marzetta,
  • Hossain, E., Rasti, M., Tabassum, H., & Abdelnasser, A. (2014). Evolution towards 5G multi-tier cellular wireless networks: An interference management perspective. arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.5530.
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  • Krikidis, I., Timotheou, S., Nikolaou, S., Zheng, G., Ng, D. W. K., & Schober, R. (2014). Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in modern communication systems. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(11), 104-110
  • M. Azhar, M., & A. Shabbir. (2018)
  • Mishra, S., & Singh, M. (2017). Research Challenges and Opportunities in 5G Network. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 10(6), 13-21.
  • Ngo, H. Q., Larsson, E. G., & Marzetta, T. L. (2013). Energy and spectral efficiency of very large multiuser MIMO systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61(4), 1436-1449.
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  • T. T. Tran, Y. Shin and O. S. Shin,
  • Tran, T. T., Shin, Y., & Shin, O. S. (2012). Overview of enabling technologies for 3GPP LTE-advanced. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012(1), 54.
  • Wan, L., Han, G., Rodrigues, J. J., Si, W., & Feng, N. (2015). An energy efficient DOA estimation algorithm for uncorrelated and coherent signals in virtual MIMO systems. Telecommunication Systems, 59(1), 93- 110.
  • Wu, G., Yang, C., Li, S., & Li, G. Y. (2015). Recent advances in energy-efficient networks and their application in 5G systems. IEEE Wireless Communications, 22(2), 145-151.
  • Abrol, A., & Jha, R. K. (2016). Power optimization in 5G networks: A step towards GrEEn communication. IEEE Access, 4, 1355-1374
  • Ahmad, I., Kumar, T., Liyanage, M., Okwuibe, J., Ylianttila, M., & Gurtov, A. (2017, September). 5G security: Analysis of threats and solutions. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN) (pp. 193-199). IEEE.
  • Buzzi, S., Chih-Lin, I., Klein, T. E., Poor, H. V., Yang, C., & Zappone, A. (2016). A survey of energy-efficient techniques for 5G networks and challenges ahead. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(4), 697-709
  • D. Feng, C. Jiang, G. Lim, L. J. Cimini, G. Feng and G. Y. Li,
  • Gandotra, P., & Jha, R. K. (2017). A survey on green communication and security challenges in 5G wireless communication networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 96, 39-61
  • Ge, X., Yang, J., Gharavi, H., & Sun, Y. (2017). Energy efficiency challenges of 5G small cell networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(5), 184-191
  • H. Q. Ngo, E. G. Larsson and T. L. Marzetta,
  • Hossain, E., Rasti, M., Tabassum, H., & Abdelnasser, A. (2014). Evolution towards 5G multi-tier cellular wireless networks: An interference management perspective. arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.5530.
  • Huang, K. & Larsson, E. (2013)
  • Jiang, Y. (2019). Wireless resource management mechanism with green communication for multimedia streaming. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(7), 8699-8710
  • Krikidis, I., Timotheou, S., Nikolaou, S., Zheng, G., Ng, D. W. K., & Schober, R. (2014). Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in modern communication systems. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(11), 104-110
  • M. Azhar, M., & A. Shabbir. (2018)
  • Mishra, S., & Singh, M. (2017). Research Challenges and Opportunities in 5G Network. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 10(6), 13-21.
  • Ngo, H. Q., Larsson, E. G., & Marzetta, T. L. (2013). Energy and spectral efficiency of very large multiuser MIMO systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61(4), 1436-1449.
  • Obeid, A. M., Atitallah, N., Loukil, K., Abid, M., & Bensalah, M. (2018). A survey on efficient power consumption in adaptive wireless sensor networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 101(1), 101-117.
  • T. T. Tran, Y. Shin and O. S. Shin,
  • Tran, T. T., Shin, Y., & Shin, O. S. (2012). Overview of enabling technologies for 3GPP LTE-advanced. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012(1), 54.
  • Wan, L., Han, G., Rodrigues, J. J., Si, W., & Feng, N. (2015). An energy efficient DOA estimation algorithm for uncorrelated and coherent signals in virtual MIMO systems. Telecommunication Systems, 59(1), 93- 110.
  • Wu, G., Yang, C., Li, S., & Li, G. Y. (2015). Recent advances in energy-efficient networks and their application in 5G systems. IEEE Wireless Communications, 22(2), 145-151.

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    CHICAGO : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Najia Sehr. 2019. "Energy Proficient Strategies and Future Challenges in 5G Networks in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 214-222 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).24
    HARVARD : KHAN, D. M., RAO, T. A. & SEHR, N. 2019. Energy Proficient Strategies and Future Challenges in 5G Networks in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 214-222.
    MHRA : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Najia Sehr. 2019. "Energy Proficient Strategies and Future Challenges in 5G Networks in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 214-222
    MLA : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Najia Sehr. "Energy Proficient Strategies and Future Challenges in 5G Networks in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 214-222 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Rao, Tariq Aziz, and Sehr, Najia (2019), "Energy Proficient Strategies and Future Challenges in 5G Networks in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 214-222
    TURABIAN : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Najia Sehr. "Energy Proficient Strategies and Future Challenges in 5G Networks in Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 214-222.