http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).41      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).41      Published : Dec 4
Authored by : MuhammadAwais , NazimaEllahi , AhmedSher

41 Pages : 381-387


  • Acosta, P., Baerg, R., & Mandelman, F. (2009 ). Financial Development, Remittancesand Real Exchange Rate Appreciation. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, 94, 1-12
  • Adams, Jr, R. H. ( (2005)). International remittances and the household: Analysis and review of global evidence. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper # 4116. Washington D.C., USA
  • AFFORD. ( 2004. ). Maximising the benefits of migration and development: AFFORD's comments to the International Development Committee's Inquiry on Migration and Development
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  • Calderon, C. (2003,). The Direction of Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth. Journal of Development Economics, 72(1 Oct), 321-334
  • Chami, R., Fullenkamp, C., & Jahjah, S. (2003). Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for Development. International Monetary Fund WorkingPapers 03/189
  • Chami, R., Hakura, D., & Montiel, P. ((2009)). Remittances: An Automatic Output Stabilizer?. IMF Working Papers: 91/2009
  • Edwards, A., & Cox, M.U. (2003). International Migration, Remittances, and Schooling: Evidence from El Salvador. Journal of Development Economics .72, 429-461
  • Favara, G. (2003,). An Empirical Reassessment of the Relationship between Finance and Growth. IMF Working Paper 3/123 (Washington: International Monetary Fund
  • Fayissa, B.N. (2008). The impact of remittances oneconomic growth and development in Africa. Department of Economics and Finance, Working paper Series
  • Ferda, B. (2007). Financial Liberalization, Financial Development and Economic Growth in LDCs. Journal of International Development, 15(15), 1041-1051
  • Giuliano, P., & Ruiz Arranz, M. (2005). Remittances, Financial Development and Growth. International Monetary Fund Working Paper
  • Goldring, L. ( 2004.). Family and Collective Remittances to Mexico: A Multi-dimensional Typology. Development and Change , 35(4), 799-840
  • Hansen, P. ( 2003). Revolving Returnees: Return Migration in Somaliland. Determinants of Transnational Engagement, DIIS, Copenhagen and FLASCO
  • Harris, N. (2002). Thinking the Unthinkable: The Immigration Myth Exposed. New York: I.B. Tauris & Co.
  • Jongwanich, J. (2007). Workers' remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty in Developing Asia and the Pacific Countries. UNESCAP Working Paper, WP/07/01 January.
  • Kandel, W., & Kao, G. (2001). The Impact of Temporary Labour Migration on Mexican Children's Educational Aspirations and Performance. International Migration Review, 35(4), 1205-27
  • Khan, M. A. (2003). Restructuring Financial Sector in Pakistan. Journal of Institute of Bankers Pakistan, 70(3), 49-68.
  • Kumar, R. (2010). Do remittances matter for economics growth of the Philippines? An investigation using bound test analysis. Draft paper,Retrieved from http://papers.ssrn.com/ sol3/ papers.cfm?abstract_id=1565903
  • Levine, R. (1997). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda. journal of Economics Literature, 35(2), 688--726
  • Lopez, H., Molina, L., & Bussolo, M. (2007). Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate. World Bank Policy Research Paper 4213
  • Mc Cormick, B., & Wahba, J. (2003). Return international migration and geographical inequality: the case of Egypt. Journal of African Economies,12(4), 500-532
  • Mundaca, G. B. (2005 ). Can Remittances Enhance Economic Growth? The Role of Financial Markets Development. Mimeo: University of Oslo
  • Natalia, C., Leon, L., & Piracha, N. (2006). Remittances, Institution and Growth. IZA Discussion Paper No. 2139, May 2006. Retrieved from http://ftp.iza.org/dp2139.pdf
  • Orozco, M., & Fedewa, R. (2005). Leveraging Efforts on Remittances and FinancialnIntermediation. Report Commissioned by the Inter-American Development Bank.
  • Quartey, P. (2005). Shared Growth in Ghana: Do Migrant Remittances Have a Role?. World Bank International Conference on Shared Growth in Africa, Ghana
  • Rao, B.H.G. (2009). Are the Direct and Indirect Growth Effects of Remittances Significant?. MPRA Paper, 18641, Retrieved from http://mpra.ub.uni/muenchen.de/18641 /1/MPRA_ paper_18641.pdf
  • Ratha, D. ((2010)). http://mpra.ub.uni/muenchen.de/18641 /1/MPRA_ paper_18641.pdf
  • Ratha, D. (2005). Remittances: A Lifeline for Development. Finance Development, 42(4): 42-43
  • Siddiqui, H. (2000.). The share of Pakistan in oversees job. The Daily Dawn, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Solimano, A. (2003). Workers Remittances to the Andean Region: Mechanisms, Costs and Development Impact. Paper prepared for the Multilateral Investment Fund-IDB's Conference on Remittances and Development
  • Van Hear, N. (1998). New Diasporas: The Mass Exodus, Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities. Washington: University of Washington Press.
  • Wu, T. ( 2006). The Role of remittances in crisis. A Research Study. Oversees Dev. Instt. London.
  • Acosta, P., Baerg, R., & Mandelman, F. (2009 ). Financial Development, Remittancesand Real Exchange Rate Appreciation. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, 94, 1-12
  • Adams, Jr, R. H. ( (2005)). International remittances and the household: Analysis and review of global evidence. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper # 4116. Washington D.C., USA
  • AFFORD. ( 2004. ). Maximising the benefits of migration and development: AFFORD's comments to the International Development Committee's Inquiry on Migration and Development
  • Ahmad U, F. S. (2009).
  • Barajas, A., Chami, R., Fullenkamp, C., Gapen, M., & Montiel, R. ((2009)).
  • Calderon, C. (2003,). The Direction of Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth. Journal of Development Economics, 72(1 Oct), 321-334
  • Chami, R., Fullenkamp, C., & Jahjah, S. (2003). Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for Development. International Monetary Fund WorkingPapers 03/189
  • Chami, R., Hakura, D., & Montiel, P. ((2009)). Remittances: An Automatic Output Stabilizer?. IMF Working Papers: 91/2009
  • Edwards, A., & Cox, M.U. (2003). International Migration, Remittances, and Schooling: Evidence from El Salvador. Journal of Development Economics .72, 429-461
  • Favara, G. (2003,). An Empirical Reassessment of the Relationship between Finance and Growth. IMF Working Paper 3/123 (Washington: International Monetary Fund
  • Fayissa, B.N. (2008). The impact of remittances oneconomic growth and development in Africa. Department of Economics and Finance, Working paper Series
  • Ferda, B. (2007). Financial Liberalization, Financial Development and Economic Growth in LDCs. Journal of International Development, 15(15), 1041-1051
  • Giuliano, P., & Ruiz Arranz, M. (2005). Remittances, Financial Development and Growth. International Monetary Fund Working Paper
  • Goldring, L. ( 2004.). Family and Collective Remittances to Mexico: A Multi-dimensional Typology. Development and Change , 35(4), 799-840
  • Hansen, P. ( 2003). Revolving Returnees: Return Migration in Somaliland. Determinants of Transnational Engagement, DIIS, Copenhagen and FLASCO
  • Harris, N. (2002). Thinking the Unthinkable: The Immigration Myth Exposed. New York: I.B. Tauris & Co.
  • Jongwanich, J. (2007). Workers' remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty in Developing Asia and the Pacific Countries. UNESCAP Working Paper, WP/07/01 January.
  • Kandel, W., & Kao, G. (2001). The Impact of Temporary Labour Migration on Mexican Children's Educational Aspirations and Performance. International Migration Review, 35(4), 1205-27
  • Khan, M. A. (2003). Restructuring Financial Sector in Pakistan. Journal of Institute of Bankers Pakistan, 70(3), 49-68.
  • Kumar, R. (2010). Do remittances matter for economics growth of the Philippines? An investigation using bound test analysis. Draft paper,Retrieved from http://papers.ssrn.com/ sol3/ papers.cfm?abstract_id=1565903
  • Levine, R. (1997). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda. journal of Economics Literature, 35(2), 688--726
  • Lopez, H., Molina, L., & Bussolo, M. (2007). Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate. World Bank Policy Research Paper 4213
  • Mc Cormick, B., & Wahba, J. (2003). Return international migration and geographical inequality: the case of Egypt. Journal of African Economies,12(4), 500-532
  • Mundaca, G. B. (2005 ). Can Remittances Enhance Economic Growth? The Role of Financial Markets Development. Mimeo: University of Oslo
  • Natalia, C., Leon, L., & Piracha, N. (2006). Remittances, Institution and Growth. IZA Discussion Paper No. 2139, May 2006. Retrieved from http://ftp.iza.org/dp2139.pdf
  • Orozco, M., & Fedewa, R. (2005). Leveraging Efforts on Remittances and FinancialnIntermediation. Report Commissioned by the Inter-American Development Bank.
  • Quartey, P. (2005). Shared Growth in Ghana: Do Migrant Remittances Have a Role?. World Bank International Conference on Shared Growth in Africa, Ghana
  • Rao, B.H.G. (2009). Are the Direct and Indirect Growth Effects of Remittances Significant?. MPRA Paper, 18641, Retrieved from http://mpra.ub.uni/muenchen.de/18641 /1/MPRA_ paper_18641.pdf
  • Ratha, D. ((2010)). http://mpra.ub.uni/muenchen.de/18641 /1/MPRA_ paper_18641.pdf
  • Ratha, D. (2005). Remittances: A Lifeline for Development. Finance Development, 42(4): 42-43
  • Siddiqui, H. (2000.). The share of Pakistan in oversees job. The Daily Dawn, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Solimano, A. (2003). Workers Remittances to the Andean Region: Mechanisms, Costs and Development Impact. Paper prepared for the Multilateral Investment Fund-IDB's Conference on Remittances and Development
  • Van Hear, N. (1998). New Diasporas: The Mass Exodus, Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities. Washington: University of Washington Press.
  • Wu, T. ( 2006). The Role of remittances in crisis. A Research Study. Oversees Dev. Instt. London.

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    APA : Awais, M., Ellahi, N., & Sher, A. (2019). Effects of Remittances on Financial Development: A Time Series Analysis for Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 381-387. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).41
    CHICAGO : Awais, Muhammad, Nazima Ellahi, and Ahmed Sher. 2019. "Effects of Remittances on Financial Development: A Time Series Analysis for Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 381-387 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).41
    HARVARD : AWAIS, M., ELLAHI, N. & SHER, A. 2019. Effects of Remittances on Financial Development: A Time Series Analysis for Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 381-387.
    MHRA : Awais, Muhammad, Nazima Ellahi, and Ahmed Sher. 2019. "Effects of Remittances on Financial Development: A Time Series Analysis for Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 381-387
    MLA : Awais, Muhammad, Nazima Ellahi, and Ahmed Sher. "Effects of Remittances on Financial Development: A Time Series Analysis for Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 381-387 Print.
    OXFORD : Awais, Muhammad, Ellahi, Nazima, and Sher, Ahmed (2019), "Effects of Remittances on Financial Development: A Time Series Analysis for Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 381-387
    TURABIAN : Awais, Muhammad, Nazima Ellahi, and Ahmed Sher. "Effects of Remittances on Financial Development: A Time Series Analysis for Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 381-387. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).41