Authored by : HumaKhan , SajjadAhmadParacha

42 Pages : 388-397


  • Abbas, A., Azeem, M., Naveed, M., Latif, A., Bashir, S., Ali, A., ... & Ali, L. (2020). Synergistic use of biochar and acidified manure for improving growth of maize inchromium contaminated soil. International journal of phytoremediation, 22(1), 52-61
  • Askehave, I., & Swales, J. M. J. A. l. (2001). Genre identification and communicative purpose: A problem and a possible solution.22(2), 195-212.
  • Barr, R., Lauricella, A., Zack, E., & Calvert, S. L. (2010). Infant and early childhood exposure to adult-directed and child-directed television programming: Relations with cognitive skills at age four. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1982-), 21-48
  • Cohen 1988: Hall -Lande Eisenberg ,Christenson , & Neumark -Sztainer ,2007;Rockhill ,Stoep ,MaCaulay& Katon ,2009 Rubinet al ., 2006; Uchino ,2006 ),
  • Fuenzalida, V. (2008). Cambios en la relación de los niños con la televisión. Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, (30), 49-54.
  • Gibson, S. K. (2004). Social learning (cognitive) theory and implications for human resource development. Advances in developing human resources, 6(2), 193-210
  • Glickman, C. D., Gordon, S. P., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2001). Supervision and instructional leadership: A developmental approach. Allyn & Bacon/Longman Publishing, a Pearson Education Company, 1760 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA02494. Web site: http://www. abacon. com
  • Huston, A., & Bentley, A. (2009). Human Development in Societal Context. Annual review of psychology, 61, 411-437, C411. DOI:10.1146/annurev.psych.093008.100442
  • Jordan, A. B., & Woodward, E. (1997, June). The 1997state of children's television report: Programming for children over broadcast and cable television. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg Public Policy Center
  • Kirkorian, H. L., Wartella, E. A., & Anderson, D. R. (2008). Media and young children's learning. The Future of Children, 39-61
  • Kirkorian, H., Wartella, E., & Anderson, D. (2008). Media and Young Children's Learning.The Future of Children,18(1), 39-61. Retrieved February 11, 2020, from
  • Linck, G. J. O. E. (1992). Über den Umgang mit dem Feuer im vormodernen China und was sich dahinter verbirgt. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sung-und Ming-Zeit.35(1/2), 107-158
  • Livingstone, S., & Lunt, P. (2002). Talk on television: Audience participation and public debate: Routledge.Sandra L. Calvert, Amy Beth Jordan, Rodney R. Cocking, (2019)”Children in the Digital Age: Influences of Electronic Media on Development
  • Schement, J. (2002).Encyclopedia of communication and information. New York: Macmillan Reference USA.
  • Schement, J. R. (Ed.). (2002). Encyclopedia of Communication and Information: Por-Zoo. Index (Vol. 3). MacMillan Reference Library
  • Shauna L. Tominey, Ph.D., Tonya A. Leslie, M.A., Steven M. Southwick, M.D., Linda C. Mayes, M.D., Yale Child Study Cente
  • Singhal, A., Cody, M. J., Rogers, E. M., & Sabido, M. (2003). Entertainment-education and social change: History, research, and practice: Routledge
  • Skinner, E. A., Wellborn, J. G., & Connell, J. P. (1990). What it takes to dowell in school and whether I've got it: A process model of perceived control and children's engagement and achievement in school. Journal of educational psychology, 82(1), 22
  • Svartvik, J. (2011). Directions in corpus linguistics: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82 Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991(Vol. 65): Walter de Gruyte
  • U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Center for Education Statistics. (1999).National Assessment of Educational Progress. [Washington, D.C.?].
  • Varon, E. J. (1936). Alfred Binet's concept of intelligence. Psychological Review, 43(1), 32.
  • Wang, H., & Singhal, A. (2009). Entertainment-education through digital games. Serious games: Mechanisms and effects, 271-292
  • Zarb, G. (1994). Gillian Parker, With This Body: Caring and Disability in Marriage, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1993, 137 pp., hbk£ 37.50, ISBN 0 335 09947 5, pbk£ 12.95, ISBN 0 335 09946 7. Ageing & Society, 14(1), 139-141
  • Abbas, A., Azeem, M., Naveed, M., Latif, A., Bashir, S., Ali, A., ... & Ali, L. (2020). Synergistic use of biochar and acidified manure for improving growth of maize inchromium contaminated soil. International journal of phytoremediation, 22(1), 52-61
  • Askehave, I., & Swales, J. M. J. A. l. (2001). Genre identification and communicative purpose: A problem and a possible solution.22(2), 195-212.
  • Barr, R., Lauricella, A., Zack, E., & Calvert, S. L. (2010). Infant and early childhood exposure to adult-directed and child-directed television programming: Relations with cognitive skills at age four. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1982-), 21-48
  • Cohen 1988: Hall -Lande Eisenberg ,Christenson , & Neumark -Sztainer ,2007;Rockhill ,Stoep ,MaCaulay& Katon ,2009 Rubinet al ., 2006; Uchino ,2006 ),
  • Fuenzalida, V. (2008). Cambios en la relación de los niños con la televisión. Comunicar: Revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación, (30), 49-54.
  • Gibson, S. K. (2004). Social learning (cognitive) theory and implications for human resource development. Advances in developing human resources, 6(2), 193-210
  • Glickman, C. D., Gordon, S. P., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2001). Supervision and instructional leadership: A developmental approach. Allyn & Bacon/Longman Publishing, a Pearson Education Company, 1760 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA02494. Web site: http://www. abacon. com
  • Huston, A., & Bentley, A. (2009). Human Development in Societal Context. Annual review of psychology, 61, 411-437, C411. DOI:10.1146/annurev.psych.093008.100442
  • Jordan, A. B., & Woodward, E. (1997, June). The 1997state of children's television report: Programming for children over broadcast and cable television. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg Public Policy Center
  • Kirkorian, H. L., Wartella, E. A., & Anderson, D. R. (2008). Media and young children's learning. The Future of Children, 39-61
  • Kirkorian, H., Wartella, E., & Anderson, D. (2008). Media and Young Children's Learning.The Future of Children,18(1), 39-61. Retrieved February 11, 2020, from
  • Linck, G. J. O. E. (1992). Über den Umgang mit dem Feuer im vormodernen China und was sich dahinter verbirgt. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sung-und Ming-Zeit.35(1/2), 107-158
  • Livingstone, S., & Lunt, P. (2002). Talk on television: Audience participation and public debate: Routledge.Sandra L. Calvert, Amy Beth Jordan, Rodney R. Cocking, (2019)”Children in the Digital Age: Influences of Electronic Media on Development
  • Schement, J. (2002).Encyclopedia of communication and information. New York: Macmillan Reference USA.
  • Schement, J. R. (Ed.). (2002). Encyclopedia of Communication and Information: Por-Zoo. Index (Vol. 3). MacMillan Reference Library
  • Shauna L. Tominey, Ph.D., Tonya A. Leslie, M.A., Steven M. Southwick, M.D., Linda C. Mayes, M.D., Yale Child Study Cente
  • Singhal, A., Cody, M. J., Rogers, E. M., & Sabido, M. (2003). Entertainment-education and social change: History, research, and practice: Routledge
  • Skinner, E. A., Wellborn, J. G., & Connell, J. P. (1990). What it takes to dowell in school and whether I've got it: A process model of perceived control and children's engagement and achievement in school. Journal of educational psychology, 82(1), 22
  • Svartvik, J. (2011). Directions in corpus linguistics: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82 Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991(Vol. 65): Walter de Gruyte
  • U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Center for Education Statistics. (1999).National Assessment of Educational Progress. [Washington, D.C.?].
  • Varon, E. J. (1936). Alfred Binet's concept of intelligence. Psychological Review, 43(1), 32.
  • Wang, H., & Singhal, A. (2009). Entertainment-education through digital games. Serious games: Mechanisms and effects, 271-292
  • Zarb, G. (1994). Gillian Parker, With This Body: Caring and Disability in Marriage, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1993, 137 pp., hbk£ 37.50, ISBN 0 335 09947 5, pbk£ 12.95, ISBN 0 335 09946 7. Ageing & Society, 14(1), 139-141

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    CHICAGO : Khan, Huma, and Sajjad Ahmad Paracha. 2019. "Educational Programs on Children Television: A Content Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 388-397 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).42
    HARVARD : KHAN, H. & PARACHA, S. A. 2019. Educational Programs on Children Television: A Content Analysis. Global Regional Review, IV, 388-397.
    MHRA : Khan, Huma, and Sajjad Ahmad Paracha. 2019. "Educational Programs on Children Television: A Content Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV: 388-397
    MLA : Khan, Huma, and Sajjad Ahmad Paracha. "Educational Programs on Children Television: A Content Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 388-397 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Huma and Paracha, Sajjad Ahmad (2019), "Educational Programs on Children Television: A Content Analysis", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 388-397