Authored by : ZunairaFatima , Shaziabibi , MuhammadZaighamQadeer

18 Pages : 166-173


  • Abazaoğlu, I., & Serdar, A. (2016).The Role of Teacher Morale and Motivation on Students' Science and Math Achievement: Findings from Singapore, Japan, Finland and Turkey.Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(11): 2606-2617.
  • AnneF,Lisa,R.,&Davis, J. (2015),Developing Knowledge and Leadership in Pre-Service Teacher Education Systems. Published online by Cambridge University Press. Vol 31, Issue 2.
  • Bentley, R. R. & Rempel, A. M. (1980), Manual for the Purdue Teacher Opinionaire
  • Eboka, O.C. (2016), Principals Leadership Styles and Gender Influence on Teachers
  • Evans, L. (1998). Teacher Morale and Job Satisfaction,Sage Publications.
  • Ganihar,N.N. (2005). Leadership Behavior and Teacher Morale, Discovery Publishing House, New Dehli
  • Gore, & Suzanne. (1983). A study of teacher morale in Tennessee (abstract). Retrieved November 30, 2007, Retreived from: 7dicN7529665ll
  • Gowland, M. J., & Augustino, M. K. (June 2002). Factors related to the morale of agriculture teachers in Machakos District, (pp. 31-42). Retrieved November 21, 2007 from: http://muse.jhu.ed /login?uri=/journals/eastern_ africa_social_science_research_r eview/vOl 8/18.2mwangi.pdf
  • Kelly, A.V. (2004). The Curriculum .'Theory and Ppractice, London: New Dehli
  • Lane, L. (2018). Teacher Morale in a Turnaround School. Unpublished derertation submitted for the partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctorate of Education.Walden University.
  • Lumsden & Linda. (March 1998). Teacher Morale. Retrieved December 24, 2007 from:
  • Mark G. Y. (n.d). Education process. Retrieved January 10, 2008 from: http://www. answers. com/topic/education7cathealth
  • Miraj, S., & Riba, A. (2018). A Comparative Study regarding TeachersÂ’ Morale among Public and Private Schools at Secondary Level in Peshawar. Bulletin of Education and Research. Vol. 40, No. 2 pp. 27-40.Morale in Public Secondary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online). Vol.7, No.15.
  • Nadeem, .M. Saeed, M. (Oct. 2011) TeacherÂ’s Competencies and Factors Affecting the Performance of Female Teachers in Bahawalpur (Southern Punjab) Pakistan. International Journal of Business and social sciences, 2(19
  • Patricia, N. (n.d). Teacher and leaching as a profession. Retrieved January 10, 2008 from:
  • Paul, E., L., & Lloyd, B., K. (n.d). A Hand Book of Test and Measurement in Education and Social Sciences,TECHNOMIC Publishing Co, Lencester-Basel.
  • Salman, K. Zohaib, M. (Jan 2012), Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff: A Comparative Analysis between Public and Private Sector Universities of Punjab, Pakistan, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol 7(1).
  • Sharma, R., B., (2007), A Hand BOOK of School Administration, Sarup and Sons, New Dehli.
  • Shouriamma, B., (2008), Educational Administration, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Dehli.The University Book Store, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • Young, D. J. (May 2000). Teacher morale in Western Australia: A multilevel model. Journal of Learning Environments Research. Retrieved November 26, 2007 from: .
  • Abazaoğlu, I., & Serdar, A. (2016).The Role of Teacher Morale and Motivation on Students' Science and Math Achievement: Findings from Singapore, Japan, Finland and Turkey.Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(11): 2606-2617.
  • AnneF,Lisa,R.,&Davis, J. (2015),Developing Knowledge and Leadership in Pre-Service Teacher Education Systems. Published online by Cambridge University Press. Vol 31, Issue 2.
  • Bentley, R. R. & Rempel, A. M. (1980), Manual for the Purdue Teacher Opinionaire
  • Eboka, O.C. (2016), Principals Leadership Styles and Gender Influence on Teachers
  • Evans, L. (1998). Teacher Morale and Job Satisfaction,Sage Publications.
  • Ganihar,N.N. (2005). Leadership Behavior and Teacher Morale, Discovery Publishing House, New Dehli
  • Gore, & Suzanne. (1983). A study of teacher morale in Tennessee (abstract). Retrieved November 30, 2007, Retreived from: 7dicN7529665ll
  • Gowland, M. J., & Augustino, M. K. (June 2002). Factors related to the morale of agriculture teachers in Machakos District, (pp. 31-42). Retrieved November 21, 2007 from: http://muse.jhu.ed /login?uri=/journals/eastern_ africa_social_science_research_r eview/vOl 8/18.2mwangi.pdf
  • Kelly, A.V. (2004). The Curriculum .'Theory and Ppractice, London: New Dehli
  • Lane, L. (2018). Teacher Morale in a Turnaround School. Unpublished derertation submitted for the partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctorate of Education.Walden University.
  • Lumsden & Linda. (March 1998). Teacher Morale. Retrieved December 24, 2007 from:
  • Mark G. Y. (n.d). Education process. Retrieved January 10, 2008 from: http://www. answers. com/topic/education7cathealth
  • Miraj, S., & Riba, A. (2018). A Comparative Study regarding TeachersÂ’ Morale among Public and Private Schools at Secondary Level in Peshawar. Bulletin of Education and Research. Vol. 40, No. 2 pp. 27-40.Morale in Public Secondary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online). Vol.7, No.15.
  • Nadeem, .M. Saeed, M. (Oct. 2011) TeacherÂ’s Competencies and Factors Affecting the Performance of Female Teachers in Bahawalpur (Southern Punjab) Pakistan. International Journal of Business and social sciences, 2(19
  • Patricia, N. (n.d). Teacher and leaching as a profession. Retrieved January 10, 2008 from:
  • Paul, E., L., & Lloyd, B., K. (n.d). A Hand Book of Test and Measurement in Education and Social Sciences,TECHNOMIC Publishing Co, Lencester-Basel.
  • Salman, K. Zohaib, M. (Jan 2012), Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff: A Comparative Analysis between Public and Private Sector Universities of Punjab, Pakistan, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol 7(1).
  • Sharma, R., B., (2007), A Hand BOOK of School Administration, Sarup and Sons, New Dehli.
  • Shouriamma, B., (2008), Educational Administration, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Dehli.The University Book Store, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • Young, D. J. (May 2000). Teacher morale in Western Australia: A multilevel model. Journal of Learning Environments Research. Retrieved November 26, 2007 from: .

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    APA : Fatima, Z., bibi, S., & Qadeer, M. Z. (2019). Do Internal Working Conditions Affect Morale of Teaching? A Study of Teachers9apos9 Perception. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 166-173.
    CHICAGO : Fatima, Zunaira, Shazia bibi, and Muhammad Zaigham Qadeer. 2019. "Do Internal Working Conditions Affect Morale of Teaching? A Study of Teachers9apos9 Perception." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 166-173 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).18
    HARVARD : FATIMA, Z., BIBI, S. & QADEER, M. Z. 2019. Do Internal Working Conditions Affect Morale of Teaching? A Study of Teachers9apos9 Perception. Global Regional Review, IV, 166-173.
    MHRA : Fatima, Zunaira, Shazia bibi, and Muhammad Zaigham Qadeer. 2019. "Do Internal Working Conditions Affect Morale of Teaching? A Study of Teachers9apos9 Perception." Global Regional Review, IV: 166-173
    MLA : Fatima, Zunaira, Shazia bibi, and Muhammad Zaigham Qadeer. "Do Internal Working Conditions Affect Morale of Teaching? A Study of Teachers9apos9 Perception." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 166-173 Print.
    OXFORD : Fatima, Zunaira, bibi, Shazia, and Qadeer, Muhammad Zaigham (2019), "Do Internal Working Conditions Affect Morale of Teaching? A Study of Teachers9apos9 Perception", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 166-173
    TURABIAN : Fatima, Zunaira, Shazia bibi, and Muhammad Zaigham Qadeer. "Do Internal Working Conditions Affect Morale of Teaching? A Study of Teachers9apos9 Perception." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 166-173.