Authored by : NugrahaFitrahHarnugama , ChablullahWibisono , Indrayani

49 Pages : 451-461


    Subdistrict is a district/city regional apparatus as well as general government administrators to streamline the implementation of regional government and optimize public services as regional apparatuses that deal directly with the community. To carry out the Main Tasks and Functions of the Districts, competent human resources are needed in carrying out the tasks of achieving organizational work performance goals. For this reason, the researcher examines the relationship between these factors, with sub-districts in Tanjung pinang City as the place of research. Researchers used processed data using SEM with AMOS v.24 software, with 104 respondents. Squared Multiple Correlation whose value is respectively for Work Performance = 71.8%. Thus, it can be stated that Work Performance changes are influenced by Competence, Discipline, Work Culture, and Job Satisfaction of 71.8%. For job satisfaction R2 = 17.6%. Thus, it can be stated that changes in job satisfaction are influenced by Competence, Discipline.

    Key Words

    District, Competence, Discipline, Work Culture, Job Satisfaction, Job Performance.


    The continuity of an organization cannot be separated from excellent employee performance, and good employee performance also influences employee's work performance. Performance is basically what employees do or don't do. The concert will affect how much they contribute to the organization, among others, in the form of quantity and quality of service, duration, and cooperative attitude in the organization (Malthis: 2006). To achieve work performance, optimal employees, organizations must be able to create conditions that can result in disciplined employees at work and enable employees to develop and improve their abilities and skills optimally.

    Job performance is a result obtained from the activities carried out by someone who is seen from an increase in the status of someone in the organization where he works (Steers, 1984: 150). More achievement can be achieved if someone uses regular work patterns, discipline, and concentration. The concentration of a person in the work referred to is the concentration of thought on his work to the exclusion of other things that are not related to the job. To reach the level of attention, a worker requires employee discipline at work. Work performance is influenced by factors that support, including work discipline and work experience that comes from individuals and organizations.

    Human resources are the main factor in the organization to achieve organizational goals. Organizational goals will be more easily achieved if, within the organization, there are potential and competent human resources, to provide increased quality and quality. An organization's success will be seen whether it can manage existing human resources better than before in achieving organizational goals. Human resources have value and a strategic position in developing organizations. These vital values and beliefs are necessary because of the role and contribution played by human resources in advancing and growing organizations.

    Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable is also a factor that can improve employee performance in an organization or company. Job satisfaction as a positive or negative attitude carried out individually towards their work. This can be seen from the positive attitude of employees towards work and everything that is encountered in their work environment. The company management must always monitor each employee's job satisfaction because this will affect the attitude of attendance, labor turnover, and other vital issues.

    Formulation of the Problem

    Based on the background described above, the researcher formulate the research problem as follows:

    a) Does competence determine job satisfaction among Tanjung Pinang City District employees?

    b) Does discipline determine job satisfaction among Tanjung Pinang City District employees?

    c) Does the Work Culture determine job satisfaction among Tanjung Pinang City District employees?

    d) Does the competency determine the Job Performance of Sub-District employees in Tanjung Pinang City?

    e) Does the discipline determine the Work Achievement of Tanjung Pinang City District employees?

    f) Does the Work Culture determine the Work Achievement of the District Employees in Kota Tanjungpinang?

    g) Does Job Satisfaction determine Employees' Job Performance in Sub-Districts of Tanjung Pinang City?

    Theoretical Basis

    Work Performance

    According to Sunyoto (2013: 17), work performance is a manifestation of someone in doing work. Someone can be said to excel, when they can carry out the work well, meaning achieving goals with predetermined standards. (Sunyoto, Danang, 2013: 17) According to Handoko (2014: 135), performance appraisal is a process through which organizations evaluate or assess employee work performance. This activity can improve personnel decisions and provide feedback to employees about the implementation of their work. (Handoko, T. Hani, 2014: 135).

    According to Sutrisno (2016: 151) defines work performance as a result of work that has been achieved by someone of his work behavior in carrying out work activities. Information about the high and low of an employee's work performance cannot be obtained just like that but got through a long process that is the employee performance appraisal process called the performance appraisal. According to Mangkunegara (2013: 9), the notion of work performance is also called performance, or in English, production. In principle, there is another term that better describes "achievement" in English; the word "achievement." But because the name comes from the word "to achieve," which means "to achieve," then in Indonesian, it is often interpreted as "achievement" or "what is achieved." Based on the above understanding, the term work performance is equated with performance. Someone achieves work performance by carrying out the tasks assigned to him based on skill, experience, sincerity, and time (Hasibuan, 2013: 143).

    Figure 1

    Competency Level

    Source: Wibowo (2014: 278)


    According to Rivai & Sagala (2013: 825), a work discipline is a tool used by managers to communicate with employees so that they are willing to change behavior and to increase awareness as well as someone's willingness to obey all the rules and social norms that apply in a company.

    In line with Rivai & Sagala, for Sintaasih & Wiratama (2013: 129), work discipline is a management action to encourage awareness and willingness of its members to obey all regulations determined by organizations or companies and voluntary social norms.

    According to Setyaningdyah (2013: 145), work discipline is a policy of shifting individuals to become themselves accountable for compliance with environmental (organizational) regulations. According to Harlie (2010: 117), work discipline is essentially how to raise awareness for its workers to perform the tasks that have been given, and the formation of this work discipline does not arise by itself.

    Discipline is a form of obedience or compliance with applicable regulations, both written and unwritten. According to Hasibuan (2010: 193), discipline is one's awareness and willingness to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms. This observance can be realized in the form of attitudes, behavior, and actions that comply with these regulations. As stated by Nitisemito in Rohman (2011: 15), discipline is an attitude, ethics, and deeds in the rules of the company written or not. Discipline in practice contains the understanding of two elements, namely:

    a. The decisive element is the attitude in carrying out the task of the person concerned willingly accepting the job and taking responsibility for the completion and success of the task.

    b. The negative element, which is the discipline that is dead or soulless, the discipline that belongs to people who are not honest in their souls. When a task is carried out by a person like this, it is challenging to develop, and accountability will not be proper.

    Another opinion regarding work discipline, according to Heidjrachman and Hunan, (2012: 6), revealed, "Discipline is every individual and also a group that guarantees compliance with orders." It took the initiative to take any action required if there were no orders "And" Discipline is management action to encourage the implementation of organizational standards, this is training that leads to efforts to justify and involve knowledge of employees' attitudes and behaviors so that there is a willingness on the part of employees to lead to better cooperation and achievement. "

    Discipline is thus an attitude of obedience to the rules. This trait is the basis of the subject without regard to the right or corrupt practices. Control has nothing to do with the value to be achieved by a government. An employee must be aware of a rule in which he is involved in it to carry out these rules with the nature of disciplined, aware of what they do. Work Culture

    Definition of Work Culture

    Edgar H. Schein (2010: 18) defines culture as a pattern of shared underlying assumptions studied by certain groups to overcome the problem of external adaptation and internal integration that is official and has worked well and is therefore taught/passed on to new members as a way appropriately understand, think and feel related to these problems. According to Widagdho (2010: 20), the word culture itself is a development of the Sanskrit language 'Buddhism,' which is the plural form of Buddhism or reason. Compound words of cultivation mean the power of the mind; in other words, "culture is the power of the brain in the form of copyright, intention, and taste. While religion is the development of a culture that is the result of copyright, plan and feeling ".

    The notion of culture is raised by many experts, such as Koentraningrat (2009: 2). Namely, "Culture is the whole of human behavior, and the results of behavior that is ordered by the behavior that must be obtained by learning and everything is arranged in people's lives." According to Nawawi (2013: 65), work culture is a habit that is carried out repeatedly by employees in an organization, violation of this habit does not have strict sanctions, but from the morality of the organizational actors have agreed that the practice is a habit that must be obeyed in the implementation of the work to achieve goals.

    According to Triguno (2015: 13), Work culture is a philosophy that is based on a view of life as values that become the nature, habits, and driving forces, entrenched in the presence of a community group or organization that is reflected in attitudes into behavior, beliefs, ideals ideas, opinions and actions that manifest as work or work.

    According to Amnuhai (2014: 76), to improve a good work culture takes years to change it. It is necessary to reform, starting from the attitudes and behaviors of leaders and then followed by their subordinates, the formation of work culture begins with the level of leader awareness or appointed official where the magnitude of the relationship between the leader and his subordinates so that it will determine a separate way what is carried out in the work unit or organization.

    Job Satisfaction Theory

    Theories about job satisfaction proposed by Mangkunegara (2007: 120-122) are as follows:

    Equity Theory (Balance Theory):This theory explains that a person will feel satisfied and dissatisfied, depending on whether he feels the existence of justice (equity). Feelings of equity and inequity over the situation obtained by people by comparing themselves with others in the same class, office, and government are influenced by motivation.

    Discrepancy Theory (Theory of Difference):Porter first pioneered this theory. It measures someone's job satisfaction by calculating the difference between what should be and perceived reality. Then Locke explained that someone's job satisfaction depends on the discrepancy between should be (expectation needs or value) with what, according to his feelings or perceptions, have been obtained through work. Employees who get benefits more significant than expected will feel satisfied; on the contrary, if employees' interests are lower than expected, it causes them to be dissatisfied.

    Need Fulfilment Theory (Theory of Fulfilling Needs):This theory explains that employee job satisfaction depends on whether or not the employee needs are met. The employee will feel satisfied if he gets what he needs, the higher the employee's needs are met, the more satisfied if he gets what y

    Two Factor Theory:The two-factor theory is a theory of job satisfaction that advocates that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are part of a different group of variables, namely motivators and hygiene factors. In general, people expect that certain factors provide comfort when available and cause dissatisfaction if none exists. In this theory, dissatisfaction is associated with conditions around work (such as working conditions, wages, security, quality of supervision, and relationships with others), and not with the work itself. This factor prevents adverse reactions, called hygiene factors or maintenance factors. Instead, satisfaction is drawn from considerations related to the work itself or direct results thereof, such as the nature of the work, achievement at work, promotion opportunities, and opportunities for self-development and recognition. Because these factors are associated with high levels of job satisfaction, they are called motivators.

    Theory Social Reference Group (Group View Theory):This theory argues that employee job satisfaction does not depend on meeting needs but highly dependent on the views and opinions of groups that are considered by employees as a reference group. The reference group is used by employees as a benchmark to assess themselves and their environment. Employees will be satisfied if their work results are by the interests and needs expected by the reference group.

    Expectancy Theory (Theory of Hope):Expectancy theory explains that motivation is a product of how someone wants something, and someone's estimation allows specific actions to guide them.

    Framework for Thinking

    Figure 2: Research Model


    The problem formulated is relevant to the proposed hypothesis. The hypothesis is a provisional answer that is the researcher's suspicion of the questions questioned in the formulation of the problem (Rumengan, 2013: 14). A hypothesis must show a clear structure so that it is easy to know the type of the variable and the direction of the relationship between variables, whether positive or negative. From the formulation of the problem observed with the proposed theory so that the conceptual research model can be formulated the hypothesis, as follows:

    1. The competence determines the job satisfaction of the District Employees in Kota Tanjung pinang,

    2. Discipline determines work satisfaction among Sub-District Employees in Tanjung Pinang City,

    3. The work culture determines the job satisfaction of the District Employees in Kota Tanjung pinang,

    4. The competence determines the Work Achievement of Sub-District Employees in Tanjung Pinang City,

    5. Discipline determines the Work Achievement of District Employees in Tanjung Pinang City,

    6. The work culture determines the Work Achievement of Sub-District Employees in Tanjung Pinang City,

    7. Job satisfaction determines the Job Performance of Sub-District Employees in Tanjung Pinang City,


    Research Methods

    The location of this research was conducted at sub-district offices in Tanjung pinang City

    Population: The population is all employees in the District of Tanjung pinang City. The size of the population is 103 people.

    Sample: In this study, the sample size is adjusted to the analysis model used, namely the Structural Equation Model (SEM). In this regard, the sample size for SEM using the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) estimation model is 100-200 samples (Ghozali,2013: 17), or as much as 5-10 times the number of parameters. In this study, the number of respondents obtained was 103 respondents; then, the name was sampled using the census method of 103 respondents.

    Data collection Technique

    For the analysis of the problem under study, the data collection is carried out using techniques:

    1. Questionnaire distribution with Likert scale format, which contains questions from each research variable. Respondents were asked to state the level of agreement with the statement submitted by the researcher based on the perception of each respondent. The answer consists of five choices, namely: Strongly Disagree (STS), Disagree (TS), Fairly Agree (CS), Agree (S), and Strongly Agree (SS). 

    2. Grading. For the Strongly Agree (SS) answers given a value of 5, and so on decreases until the Strongly Disagree answer (STS) is given a value of 1.

    Research variable

    This research was conducted using three exogenous variables, namely product (X1), price (X2) quality of service (X3), customer satisfaction (Y) as an intervening variable, one endogenous variable buying decision (Y).

    Data Analysis Method

    The analysis used by researchers in this study is path analysis by describing a flow chart that can make it easier to see the relationships to be tested. Data analysis was performed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method, and the software used for structural analysis was Amos version 24 of Arbuckle and for descriptive using SPSS 24. In this step, the suitability of the model was evaluated by examining the various Goodness of Fit criteria. For this reason, the first step taken is to assess whether or not the data used can meet the SEM assumptions. If these assumptions are met, the model can be tested.

    Discussion and Discussion

    Regression Coefficient Model Variable Competence, Discipline and Work Culture, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

    Figure 3

    Full Research Model

    Table 1. Regression Weight (Lamda) Indicator Variable Competence, Discipline, and Work Culture, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance.









    , 331

    , 160


    , 039





    - 158

    , 151


    , 297





    , 250

    , 117


    , 033





    , 259

    , 103


    , 012





    , 208

    , 094


    , 027





    , 212

    , 075


    , 004





    , 226

    , 068





    Table 2. Standardized Regression Weight (Lamda) Indicators of Competence, Discipline and Work Culture Variables, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance.





    , 366




    -, 205




    , 289




    , 293




    , 278




    , 251




    , 231


    Table 3. Standardized Direct Effects Variables Competence (COM), Discipline (DISCIP), WorkCulture (CULTURE), Job Satisfaction (SETIS) and Job Performance (ACHIEVE)







    , 289

    -, 205

    , 366

    , 000

    , 000


    , 251

    , 278

    , 293

    , 231

    , 000


    The Goodness of Fit Analysis

    Based on test criteria, Chi-square (?2), Relative Chi-square (?2 / Df), RMSEA, GFI, AGFI, TLI, and CFI above and Goodness of Fit values ??Amos processing results as shown in the figure above, it can be prepared the following table.


    Table 4. The Goodness of Fit Evaluation

    The goodness of Fit Index

    Cut-of Value

    Model Results


    Chi-square (?2)

    Is expected Small



    Relative Chi-square (?2/ df)


    2,432 *)



    > 0.05


    Not good


    £ .8




    ³ .9




    ³ .9


    Not good


    ³ .94




    > 0.94



    *) Meets Goodness of fit (+) Marginal


    By paying attention to the cut-of-value and goodness of fit, the results model in the table above shows the seven criteria that are met; eight tests were used. The requirements are met by the Chi-square (c2), Relative Chi-square (c2 / Df) RMSEA, GFI, TLI, AGFI, and CFI. After theoretical discussion and research, the results of this study can be described as follows:

    1.  Determining the latent competency variable (COM) to the potential variable Job satisfaction (SETIS) is a significant positive. Based on the results of research conducted that the effect of competence on job satisfaction has a positive but not significant impact according to Wibowo's theory (2012: 43) states that power is an ability to carry out or do a job or task based on skills and knowledge and is supported by the work attitude demanded by the situation. Then it can be concluded that competence influences the Job Satisfaction of employees in sub-district offices in Tanjung Pinang city and this influence is very significant, significant this can be based on the even distribution of skills and knowledge and supported by work attitudes demanded by existing employees. While the empirical view of the significant positive results in this study because the competence or expertise possessed by employees will significantly facilitate the employee in completing work that is mandated and ordered to him. So that it will cause job satisfaction on these employees because it can quickly complete the work given.

    2.  Determination of the Discipline latent variable (DISCIP) to the latent variable Job satisfaction (SETIS) has a standardized estimate (regression weight) of 0.151, with Cr (Critical ratio = identical to the t-count value) of -1.1043 at probability = 0.297 1.1043 <2,000 and Probability = 0.297> 0.05 shows that the influence of the Discipline latent variable (DISCIP) on the latent variable Job satisfaction (SETIS) is positively insignificant. In theory, according to Hasibuan (2010: 193) argues that discipline is the awareness and willingness of a person to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms. This observance can be realized in the form of attitudes, behavior, and actions that comply with these regulations. The study results stated that discipline does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction in the observation of researchers that there are still many employees who have not consciously and voluntarily implemented the rules and norms that apply in the work environment. This results in a sense of lack of satisfaction in working within some employees where there is a sense of compulsion in working by existing regulations.

    3.  Determination of the latent variable Work Culture (CULTURE) to the latent variable Job satisfaction (SETIS) has a standardized estimate (regression weight) of 0.117 with Cr (Critical ratio = identical to the t-count value) of 2.128 at probability = 0.033. CR value = 2.128> 2,000 and Probability = 0.033 <0.05 shows that the influence of the Work Culture variable (CULTURE) on the latent variable Job satisfaction (SETIS) is significantly positive. Work culture is a guideline for employees to behave and be a guide in interacting with coworkers, and a guide in decision making. Job satisfaction is obtained if the expectations of the work can be met. By taking that thought, it is possible that work culture can have a positive influence on employee job satisfaction. This is by the results of this study where there is a significant influence between work culture and employee job satisfaction. As stated by Nawawi (2013: 65), work culture is a habit that is repeated by employees in an organization, violation of this habit does not have strict sanctions, but from the organizational actors morally it has been agreed that the habit is a habit which must be obeyed in the course of carrying out the work to achieve the goal

    4.  Determination of the Competency latent variable (COM) to the Job Performance latent variable (ACHIEVE) has a standardized estimate (regression weight) of 0.103 with Cr (Critical ratio = identical to the t-count value) of 2.518 at probability = 0.012. CR value of 2.518> 2,000 and probability = 0.012 <0.05 indicates that the influence of the Competency latent variable (COM) on the Job Performance latent variable (ACHIEVE) is significantly positive. These results suggest that the competencies of the employee can influence the ups and downs of employee performance. The higher the level of skill, the better the performance the employee will get. Through excellent and adequate competence, employees will be more capable and able to carry out the tasks assigned. The factors that influence the level of employee competence in this study are strongly influenced by work experience, education that has been taken, extensive knowledge, and skills possessed. Capability explains what employees do at work at various levels. It breaks down the standards of each level. It identifies the characteristics of knowledge and skills needed by individuals that enable them to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively to achieve professional-quality standards at work and produce an excellent performance.

    5.  Determination of the Discipline latent variable (DISCIP) to the work Achievement latent variable (ACHIEVE) has a standardized estimate (regression weight) of 0.094, with Cr (Critical ratio = identical to the t-count value) of 2.205 at probability = 0.027. CR value 2.205> 2,000 and Probability = 0.027 <0.05 indicates that the influence of Discipline latent variable (DISCIP) on latent variables Job Performance (ACHIEVE) Positive Not Significant. In theory, according to Nitisemito (2011: 15) is as an attitude, behavior, and actions by the regulations of the company written or not. Empirically, the study results that were found to be positive were not significantly related to the above theory that many employees behaved; his behavior and actions are still contrary to the rules and norms that apply in the workplace. This results in it will be difficult for employees to get good work performance if they have not been able to maintain their attitudes, behavior, and actions by correct rules and norms.

    6.  Determination of the Work Culture latency variable (CULTURE) to the Work Achievement latency variable (ACHIEVE) has a standardized estimate (regression weight) of 0.075, with Cr (Critical ratio = identical to the t-count value) of 2.844 at probability = 0.004. CR -2.844> 2,000 and Probability = 0.004 <0.05 indicate that the influence of the Work Culture latency variable (CULTURE) on the Work Achievement latency variable (ACHIEVE) is significantly positive. Based on Triguno's theory (2015: 13), Work culture is a philosophy that is based on a view of life as values ??that become the nature, habits, and driving forces, entrenched in the life of a community group or organization that is reflected in attitudes into behavior, trust, ideas, opinions, and actions that manifest as work or work. Based on the results of research that a significant influence between work culture and achievement when associated with the theory above, it can be concluded that work culture is a value system that is believed, can be learned, can be applied and developed. Work culture functions as an adhesive, unifier, identity, image, motivator for all staff, and the people in it.

    7.  Furthermore, the value system is passed on to the next generation or the next generation and can be used as a reference for human behavior oriented towards achieving an achievement. Work culture functions as an adhesive, unifier, identity, image, motivator for all staff, and the people in it. Furthermore, the value system is passed on to the next generation or the next generation and can be used as a reference for human behavior oriented towards achieving an achievement. Work culture functions as an adhesive, unifier, identity, image, motivator for all staff, and the people in it. Furthermore, the value system is passed on to the next generation or the next generation and can be used as a reference for human behavior oriented towards achieving an achievement.

    8.  Determination of latent variables Job Satisfaction of latent variables Job Performance has a standardized estimate (regression weight) of 0.068 with Cr (Critical ratio = identical to the t-value) of 3.309 at probability = ***. CR value 3.309> 2,000 and likelihood = *** <0.05 shows that the influence of the Job Satisfaction latent variable (SETIS) on the Job Performance latent variable (ACHIEVE) is significantly positive. Conformity with the theory, according to Siegall, (2010: 112). Job satisfaction is an emotional attitude that is fun and loves the job. This attitude is reflected by work morale, discipline, and work performance. Employee job satisfaction must be created as well as possible so that employee morale, dedication, love, and discipline increase. Empirically in this study, significant positive results affect work performance. Job satisfaction is a general perception shared by all members of the organization so that every employee who is a member of the organization will have values, beliefs, and behavior to impact high performance.

    9.  Squared Multiple Correlation whose value is respectively for Work Performance = 0.718, for job satisfaction = 0.176. Squared Multiple Correlation value for Work Performance variable times 100% = 0.718 x 100% = 71.8%. Thus, it can be stated that changes in Work Performance are influenced by Competence, Discipline, Work Culture, and Job Satisfaction of 71.8%. For job satisfaction R2 = 0.176, the effect size = 0.176 X 100% = 17.6%. Thus, it can be stated that changes in job satisfaction are influenced by Competence, Discipline, and Work Culture by 17.6%.


    Based on the results of this study can be summarized as follows:

    1. Determination of latent variables Competence for latent variables Job satisfaction is a significant positive.

    2. Determination of latent variables Discipline on latent variables Job satisfaction is positively insignificant. 

    3. Determination of latent variables Works culture towards latent variables Job satisfaction is a significant positive.

    4. Determination of latent variables Competence for latent variables Job Performance is a significant positive. 

    5. Determination of latent variables Disciplines on latent variables Positive Achievement Not Significant.

    6. Determining the latent variables of Work Culture to the latent variables of Job Performance is a significant positive.

    7. Determination of latent variables Job Satisfaction towards latent variables Job Performance is a significant positive.


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  • AA, Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2013)... Corporate Human Resource Management, Bandung. Rosdakarya Youth, Edy, Sutrisno (2016), Human Resource Management, Jakarta. Kencana Prenada Media Group.
  • Ghozali, I. (2013), Application of Multivariate Analysis with SPSS Program Edition 7. Semarang: BP Diponegoro University, Indonesia.
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  • Hasibuan, Malayu Sp (2016) Human Resource Management. Revised Edition. Jakarta. Bumi Aksara
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  • Ismiyanto, & Riyadi, B. (2014), Effect of leadership behavior, job satisfaction, work environment, and workability on the performance of employees of PT. BPR Central Artha - Tegal. Media Economics and Management Vol. 29 No. July 2, 152-165, (Journal Style)
  • Nawawi, Ismail. (2013) Organizational culture of leadership and performance. Jakarta: PT. Fajar Iterpratama Mandiri,
  • Perdanawati, LV, Rasmini, NK, & Wirama, DG 6. (2014) The Influence of User Satisfaction Elements on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Users of the Application of Accounting Institution Systems at Higher Education Work Units in the Province of Bali. E-Journal of Economics and Business, Udayana University, 478-493,
  • Rivai and Ella Sagala (2013), Human Resource Management for Companies, Jakarta. Rajawali Press, Rumengan, J., & Idham (2015). Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods. Bandung. Citapustaka Media.
  • Now, U (2011), Research Methods for Business Issues 1 and 2. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
  • Setyaningdyah, Endang, Nirman K, U,. and Armani Thoyib. (2013), The Effects of Human Resource Competence, Organizational Commitment, and Transactional Leadership on Work Discipline, Job Satisfaction, and Employee's Performance. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. Vol 5, No. 4. p. 140-153.
  • Sugiyono (2012) Quantitative, Qualitative, and R&D Research Methods, Bandung. Alfabeta,.
  • Sunyoto, Danang (2013), Human Resource Management. Jakarta. Center for Academic Publishing Service.
  • Supriyanto, Acmad Sani, and Masyhuri Machfudz. (2010), Research Methodology in Human Resource Management. Poor. UIN Maliki Press.
  • Wibowo (2014), Performance Management. Jakarta. PT Raja Grafindo,. (Book Style)
  • Wibisono, Chablullah (2017) Human Resource Management as Spiritual Motivation. Field. Perdana Publishing.
  • Wirawan (2012), Evaluation of Human Resource Performance: Application Theory and Research. Jakarta. Salemba Empat,.
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    APA : Harnugama, N. F., Wibisono, C., & Indrayani. (2019). Determination of Competence, Discipline, and Culture of Work on Employee Work Achievements Work Satisfaction in District Employees City of Tanjungpinang. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 451-461 .
    CHICAGO : Harnugama, Nugraha Fitrah, Chablullah Wibisono, and Indrayani. 2019. "Determination of Competence, Discipline, and Culture of Work on Employee Work Achievements Work Satisfaction in District Employees City of Tanjungpinang." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 451-461 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).49
    HARVARD : HARNUGAMA, N. F., WIBISONO, C. & INDRAYANI. 2019. Determination of Competence, Discipline, and Culture of Work on Employee Work Achievements Work Satisfaction in District Employees City of Tanjungpinang. Global Regional Review, IV, 451-461 .
    MHRA : Harnugama, Nugraha Fitrah, Chablullah Wibisono, and Indrayani. 2019. "Determination of Competence, Discipline, and Culture of Work on Employee Work Achievements Work Satisfaction in District Employees City of Tanjungpinang." Global Regional Review, IV: 451-461
    MLA : Harnugama, Nugraha Fitrah, Chablullah Wibisono, and Indrayani. "Determination of Competence, Discipline, and Culture of Work on Employee Work Achievements Work Satisfaction in District Employees City of Tanjungpinang." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 451-461 Print.
    OXFORD : Harnugama, Nugraha Fitrah, Wibisono, Chablullah, and Indrayani, (2019), "Determination of Competence, Discipline, and Culture of Work on Employee Work Achievements Work Satisfaction in District Employees City of Tanjungpinang", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 451-461
    TURABIAN : Harnugama, Nugraha Fitrah, Chablullah Wibisono, and Indrayani. "Determination of Competence, Discipline, and Culture of Work on Employee Work Achievements Work Satisfaction in District Employees City of Tanjungpinang." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 451-461 .