Authored by : SohailRizwan

14 Pages : 126-133


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  • Chordia, T., Roll, R., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2000a). Co-movements in bid-ask spreads and market depth. Financial Analysts Journal, 56(5):23-27.
  • Chordia, T., Roll, R., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2000b). Commonality in liquidity. Journal of financial economics, 56(1):3-28
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  • Jain, P. K. &Kim, J. (2006). Investor recognition, liquidity, and exchange listings in the reformed markets. Financial Management, 35(2):21-42
  • Jain, P. K., Kim, J., &Rezaee, Z. (2008). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Market Liquidity. Financial Review, 43(3):361-382
  • Lee, C. M., Mucklow, B., &Ready, M. J. (1993). Spreads, depths, and the impact of earnings information: An intraday analysis. The Review of Financial Studies, 6(2):345-374
  • Murphy, D. L., Shrieves, R. E., &Tibbs, S. L. (2009). Understanding the penalties associated with corporate misconduct: An empirical examination of earnings and risk. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 44:55-83
  • Pritchard, A. &Ferris, S. (2001). Stock price reactions to securities fraud class actions under the private securities litigation reform act. Michigan Law and Economics
  • Raju, M. T. &Ghosh, A. (2004). Stock Market Volatility: An International Comparison. Securities and Exchange Board of India
  • Stoll, H. R. (2000). Presidential address: friction. The Journal of Finance, 55(4):1479-1514
  • Verrecchia, R. E. (2001). Essays on disclosure. Journal of accounting and economics, 32(1-3), 97-1
  • Amihud, Y. and Mendelson, H. (1986). Asset pricing and the bid-ask spread. Journal of Financial Economics,17:223-249
  • Anderson, R., Martin, G. S., and Reeb, D. (2015). Family ownership and financial misrepresentation. Report, Working paper. Temple University
  • Atiase, R. K. and Bamber, L. S. (1994). Trading volume reactions to annual accounting earnings announcements: The incremental role of predisclosure information asymmetry. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 17:309-329
  • Bacidore, J. M., Battalio, R. H., and Jennings, R. H. (2002). Depth improvement and adjusted price improvement on the New York Stock Exchange. Journal of Financial Markets, 5(2):169-195
  • Bonini, S., & Boraschi, D. (2010). Corporate scandals and capital structure. Journal of business ethics, 95(2), 241-269.
  • Brennan, M. J. & Subrahmanyam, A. (1998). The determinants of average trade size. The Journal of Business, 71(1):1-25
  • Chen, Y., Zhu, S., & Wang, Y. (2011). Corporate fraud and bank loans: Evidence from china. China Journal of Accounting Research, 4:155-165
  • Chordia, T., Roll, R., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2000a). Co-movements in bid-ask spreads and market depth. Financial Analysts Journal, 56(5):23-27.
  • Chordia, T., Roll, R., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2000b). Commonality in liquidity. Journal of financial economics, 56(1):3-28
  • Coffee, J. C. (2005). A theory of corporate scandals: Why the USA and Europe differ. Oxford review of economic policy, 21(2), 198-211.
  • Easley, D. & OÂ’hara, M. (1992). Time and the process of security price adjustment. The Journal of finance, 47(2):577-605
  • Gande, A., & Lewis, C. M. (2009). Shareholder-initiated class action lawsuits: Shareholder wealth effects and industry spillovers. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 44, 823-850
  • Huang, R. D. & Stoll, H. R. (1996). Dealer versus auction markets: A paired comparison of execution costs on NASDAQ and the NYSE. Journal of Financial Economics, 41:313-357
  • Huang, R. D. & Stoll, H. R. (1997). The components of the bid-ask spread: A general approach. The Review of Financial Studies, 10(4):995-1034
  • Jain, P. K. &Kim, J. (2006). Investor recognition, liquidity, and exchange listings in the reformed markets. Financial Management, 35(2):21-42
  • Jain, P. K., Kim, J., &Rezaee, Z. (2008). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Market Liquidity. Financial Review, 43(3):361-382
  • Lee, C. M., Mucklow, B., &Ready, M. J. (1993). Spreads, depths, and the impact of earnings information: An intraday analysis. The Review of Financial Studies, 6(2):345-374
  • Murphy, D. L., Shrieves, R. E., &Tibbs, S. L. (2009). Understanding the penalties associated with corporate misconduct: An empirical examination of earnings and risk. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 44:55-83
  • Pritchard, A. &Ferris, S. (2001). Stock price reactions to securities fraud class actions under the private securities litigation reform act. Michigan Law and Economics
  • Raju, M. T. &Ghosh, A. (2004). Stock Market Volatility: An International Comparison. Securities and Exchange Board of India
  • Stoll, H. R. (2000). Presidential address: friction. The Journal of Finance, 55(4):1479-1514
  • Verrecchia, R. E. (2001). Essays on disclosure. Journal of accounting and economics, 32(1-3), 97-1

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    CHICAGO : Rizwan, Sohail. 2019. "Corporate Frauds, Information Asymmetry and Stock Market Reaction." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 126-133 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).14
    HARVARD : RIZWAN, S. 2019. Corporate Frauds, Information Asymmetry and Stock Market Reaction. Global Regional Review, IV, 126-133.
    MHRA : Rizwan, Sohail. 2019. "Corporate Frauds, Information Asymmetry and Stock Market Reaction." Global Regional Review, IV: 126-133
    MLA : Rizwan, Sohail. "Corporate Frauds, Information Asymmetry and Stock Market Reaction." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 126-133 Print.
    OXFORD : Rizwan, Sohail (2019), "Corporate Frauds, Information Asymmetry and Stock Market Reaction", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 126-133