Authored by : SohailAhmad , SadiaSohail , MuhammadRizwan

05 Pages : 64-75


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  • Xinhua. (2015, March13). CPEC transforming pakistan's energy sector. Pakistan Today .
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  • Ali, K. (2018, april 27). cpec dominates transport sector. DAWN
  • Anwar, M.W. (2018, october 13). CPEC and importance of economic zones . The Nation
  • APP. (2016, May 15). Pakistan Today . Pakistan and China relations: 65 years of friendship to strategic partnership.
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  • Baider, L. (2015, August). China's 6 Magical Economic Corridors
  • BRI. (n.d.). Retrieved january 27, 2019, from European bank:
  • Falak, J. (2016). CPEC;internal significance and challenges.
  • Hopwell, K. (2015). Different paths to power: The rise of Brazil, India and. Review of International Political Economy, 312-313.
  • India, Iran and Afghanistan sign Chabahar port agreement. (2016, may 24). HIndustan Times
  • Irshad, M. S. (2015). One Belt and One Road: Dose China-Pakistan Economic Corridor beenfir for pakistan's economy . Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ,200-201.
  • Javed, U. (2016). Assessing CPEC: Potential Threats and Prospects. JRSP
  • Khalid, M. K. (2016). The Politics of Interdependence: A Case of ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor. South Asian Studies, 668-669.
  • Khan, B. (2018, april 18). CPEC's impact on the energy sector. Pakistan observer.ministry of planning development and reforms. (2017). islamabad.
  • Muneer, S. (2016, Dec 15). Economic relations between Pakistan and China. Business Recorder
  • Nye, R. O. (1977). Power and Interdependence :World Politics in Transition .Boston : Brown &Co.
  • Pakistan, China sign cultural agreement to raise people-to-people contact. (2018, feb 6). Retrieved 01 28, 2019, from Pakistan Defence :
  • People-to-people contact to transform CPEC . (2016, may 23). Pakistan Observer
  • Rana, W. (2015). Theory of Complex Interdependence: A Comparative Analysis of Realist and Neo libersl Thought . International Journal ofBusiness and Social Science , 2-3.
  • Sattar, A. (2010). Relations with China and other developments . In A. Sattar, Pakistan's ForeignPolicy :A concise history (pp. 76-78). Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Sial, S. (2014). The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: an assessment ofpotential threats and constraints . PIPS, 12-13.
  • Voice. P.K. (2015, may 9). Energy Crises in Pakistan. Retrieved january 27, 2019, from Voice of Pakistan:
  • Xinhua. (2015, March13). CPEC transforming pakistan's energy sector. Pakistan Today .

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    CHICAGO : Ahmad, Sohail, Sadia Sohail, and Muhammad Rizwan. 2018. "China Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Complex Interdependence." Global Regional Review, III (I): 64-75 doi: 10.31703/grr.2018(III-I).05
    HARVARD : AHMAD, S., SOHAIL, S. & RIZWAN, M. 2018. China Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Complex Interdependence. Global Regional Review, III, 64-75.
    MHRA : Ahmad, Sohail, Sadia Sohail, and Muhammad Rizwan. 2018. "China Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Complex Interdependence." Global Regional Review, III: 64-75
    MLA : Ahmad, Sohail, Sadia Sohail, and Muhammad Rizwan. "China Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Complex Interdependence." Global Regional Review, III.I (2018): 64-75 Print.
    OXFORD : Ahmad, Sohail, Sohail, Sadia, and Rizwan, Muhammad (2018), "China Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Complex Interdependence", Global Regional Review, III (I), 64-75
    TURABIAN : Ahmad, Sohail, Sadia Sohail, and Muhammad Rizwan. "China Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Complex Interdependence." Global Regional Review III, no. I (2018): 64-75.