Authored by : DostMuhammadKhan , TariqAzizRao , FaisalShahzad

18 Pages : 154-163


  • Ali, M., Khan, S.U., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2015). Security in cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges. Information Sciences, 305, 357-383.
  • Alizadeh, M., Abolfazli, S., Zamani, M., Baharun, S. & Sakurai, K. (2016). Authentication in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 61, 59-80.
  • Bahrami, M. & Singhal, M. (2015). A Light-Weight Permutation based Method for Data Privacy in Mobile Cloud Computing, In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services and Engineering, pp. 189-198.
  • Fernandes, D. A. B., Soares, L. F. B., Gomes, J. V., Freire M. M., & Indcio, P. R. M. (2014). Security issues in cloud computing. International Journal of Information Security, 13, 113-170.
  • Gu, Q. & Guirguis, M. (2013). Secure Mobile Cloud Computing and Security Issues, High Performance Cloud Auditing and Applications, 65-90.
  • Khan, A. N. , Kiah, M. L. M., Khan, S. U., & Madani, S. A.(2013). Towards Secure Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey, Future Generation Computer Systems, 29 (5), 1278-1299.
  • Kulkarni, P.& Khanai, R. (2015). Addressing Mobile Cloud Computing Security Issues: A Survey, In IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), pp. 1463-1467.
  • Kulkarni, P., Khanai, R.& Bindagi, G. (2016). Security Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey, In IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), pp. 2507-2511.
  • Noor, T. H., Zeadally, S., Alfazi, A., & Sheng, Q. Z. (2018). Mobile Cloud Computing: Challenges and Future Research Directions, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 115(1), 70-85.
  • Pasupuleti, S. K., Ramalingam, S., & Buyya, R. (2016). An efficient and secure privacy-preserving approach for outsourced data of resource constrained mobile devices in cloud computing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 64, 12-22.
  • Sahmim, S.& Gharsellaoui, H. (2017). Privacy and Security in Internet-based Computing: Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cloud of Things: a review. Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference, pp.1516-1522.
  • Shariati, S. M., Abouzarjomehri & Ahmadzadegan, M. H. (2016). Challenges and Security Issues in Cloud Computing from two perspective: Data Security and Privacy Protection, In IEEE International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), pp. 1078-1082.
  • Savu, L. (2011). Cloud Computing: Deployment models, delivery models, risks and research challenges, In IEEE International Conference on computer and management, pp. 1-4.
  • Singh, ,S., Jeong, Y. S., & Park, J. H. (2016). A survey on cloud computing security: issues, threats and solutions, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 75, 200-222.
  • Suo, H., Liu, Z., Wan, J. & Zhou, K. (20130. Security and Privacy in Mobile Cloud Computing, In IEEE 9th International Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), pp. 665-659.
  • Subashini, S., Kavitha, V. (2011). A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34, 1-11.
  • Yang, S. J., Lai, P. C., & Lin, J. (2013). Design role-based-multi-tenancy access control scheme for cloud services, In IEEE International Symposium on Biometrics and security technologies, pp. 273-279
  • Ali, M., Khan, S.U., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2015). Security in cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges. Information Sciences, 305, 357-383.
  • Alizadeh, M., Abolfazli, S., Zamani, M., Baharun, S. & Sakurai, K. (2016). Authentication in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 61, 59-80.
  • Bahrami, M. & Singhal, M. (2015). A Light-Weight Permutation based Method for Data Privacy in Mobile Cloud Computing, In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services and Engineering, pp. 189-198.
  • Fernandes, D. A. B., Soares, L. F. B., Gomes, J. V., Freire M. M., & Indcio, P. R. M. (2014). Security issues in cloud computing. International Journal of Information Security, 13, 113-170.
  • Gu, Q. & Guirguis, M. (2013). Secure Mobile Cloud Computing and Security Issues, High Performance Cloud Auditing and Applications, 65-90.
  • Khan, A. N. , Kiah, M. L. M., Khan, S. U., & Madani, S. A.(2013). Towards Secure Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey, Future Generation Computer Systems, 29 (5), 1278-1299.
  • Kulkarni, P.& Khanai, R. (2015). Addressing Mobile Cloud Computing Security Issues: A Survey, In IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), pp. 1463-1467.
  • Kulkarni, P., Khanai, R.& Bindagi, G. (2016). Security Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey, In IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), pp. 2507-2511.
  • Noor, T. H., Zeadally, S., Alfazi, A., & Sheng, Q. Z. (2018). Mobile Cloud Computing: Challenges and Future Research Directions, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 115(1), 70-85.
  • Pasupuleti, S. K., Ramalingam, S., & Buyya, R. (2016). An efficient and secure privacy-preserving approach for outsourced data of resource constrained mobile devices in cloud computing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 64, 12-22.
  • Sahmim, S.& Gharsellaoui, H. (2017). Privacy and Security in Internet-based Computing: Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cloud of Things: a review. Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference, pp.1516-1522.
  • Shariati, S. M., Abouzarjomehri & Ahmadzadegan, M. H. (2016). Challenges and Security Issues in Cloud Computing from two perspective: Data Security and Privacy Protection, In IEEE International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), pp. 1078-1082.
  • Savu, L. (2011). Cloud Computing: Deployment models, delivery models, risks and research challenges, In IEEE International Conference on computer and management, pp. 1-4.
  • Singh, ,S., Jeong, Y. S., & Park, J. H. (2016). A survey on cloud computing security: issues, threats and solutions, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 75, 200-222.
  • Suo, H., Liu, Z., Wan, J. & Zhou, K. (20130. Security and Privacy in Mobile Cloud Computing, In IEEE 9th International Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), pp. 665-659.
  • Subashini, S., Kavitha, V. (2011). A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34, 1-11.
  • Yang, S. J., Lai, P. C., & Lin, J. (2013). Design role-based-multi-tenancy access control scheme for cloud services, In IEEE International Symposium on Biometrics and security technologies, pp. 273-279

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    APA : Khan, D. M., Rao, T. A., & Shahzad, F. (2019). Challenges of Confidentiality and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing and Protective Measures. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 154-163.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. 2019. "Challenges of Confidentiality and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing and Protective Measures." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 154-163 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).18
    HARVARD : KHAN, D. M., RAO, T. A. & SHAHZAD, F. 2019. Challenges of Confidentiality and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing and Protective Measures. Global Regional Review, IV, 154-163.
    MHRA : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. 2019. "Challenges of Confidentiality and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing and Protective Measures." Global Regional Review, IV: 154-163
    MLA : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. "Challenges of Confidentiality and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing and Protective Measures." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 154-163 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Rao, Tariq Aziz, and Shahzad, Faisal (2019), "Challenges of Confidentiality and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing and Protective Measures", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 154-163
    TURABIAN : Khan, Dost Muhammad, Tariq Aziz Rao, and Faisal Shahzad. "Challenges of Confidentiality and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing and Protective Measures." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 154-163.