BENEFITING SCIENCE STUDENTS WITH SYNECTICS AN SR APPROACH      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).46      Published : Jun 2
Authored by : MuhammadSamiullah , AftabAhmad , GulzarAhmed

46 Pages : 427-437


  • Abed, S., Davoudi, A. H., & Hoseinazadeh, D. (2015). The effect of Synectics pattern on increasing the level of problem solving and critical thinking skills in student of Alborz province. WALLA Journal,31 (S1), 110-118
  • Afshari, G., & Ghaemi, N. (2014). Synectics Teaching Effect on the Academic Performance of Students' Composition among Male Fifth Grade Students in Dezful City.Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine,448-451
  • Ahmad Khan, A., & Mahmood, N. (2017). The Role ofSynectics Model In Enhancing Student's Understanding Of Geometrical Concepts. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education,253-264.
  • Aiamy, M., & Haghani, F. (2012). The Effect of Synectics & Brainstorming on 3 rd Grade Students' development of Creative Thinking on Science. Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences, (pp. 610-613). Iran.
  • Ali, T. (2011). Exploring Students' Learning Difficulties in Mathematics Classroom in Gilgit Baltistan Teachers' Effort to Help Students Overcome These Difficulties. Bulletin of Education Research,33(1) 47-67
  • Anders, B., & Anna, E. (2009). LearningComputer Science: Perceptions, Actions and Roles. Educational Research Impacting Engineering Education,327-338
  • Arye Dika, W. (2014). Improving Students' Writing Skill Using Synectics Model. Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo,45
  • Asmalı, M., & Dilbaz Sayın, S. S. (2016). The Effects of the Synectics Model on Vocabulary Learning, Attitude and Desire to Learn English.Asian EFL Journal,321-344
  • Balkır, N., & Topkaya, E. Z. (2017). Synectics asPrewriting Technique: Its Effect On Writing Fluency And Lexical Complexity. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistic,325-347
  • Barone, E., & Olivieri, D. (2006). Music education and critical thinking in early adolescence: A synectic literacy intervention.9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition,(pp. 238-289). Itlay.
  • Chandrasekaran, S. (2014). Effectiveness of Synectics Techniques in Teaching of Zoology at Higher Secondary Level. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Invention,37-40.
  • Conley, D. (2001). Deliciously Ugly: Pursuing creativity in feature writing. Austrailian Journalisim Review.
  • Dastjerdi, N. (2001). Studying the effect of Synectics teaching pattern on educational attainment and fostering creativity of students in social education in female and male primary schools in Isfahan. Alborz province WALLA Journal,110-118
  • Dykstra, Jeanne, Dykstra, & E, F. (1996). Imagery and Synectics for Modeling Poetry Writing. Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association.Cheyenne.
  • Erik, M. (2011). A Study of Student Problems in Learning to Program. Department of Computing Science Umea University Swedan
  • ERİŞTÄ°, B., & POLAT, M. (2017). The Effectiveness of Synectics Instructional Model on foreign Language Vocabulary Teaching. International Journal of LanguagesÂ’ Education and Teaching,59-76
  • Evans, J. R. (1996). Creativity in OR/MS: Creativity Enhancing Strategies.Interfaces.
  • Fariha, G., Mumtaz, A., & Mehwish, A. (2011). Secondary School Computer Science Curriculum: Perceptions of Stakeholders. Pakistan Journal of Education,Vol XXVIII.
  • Fatemipour, H., & Kordnaeej, M. (2014). The Effect of Synectics and Journal Creative Writing Techniques on EFL Stduents' Creativity. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World,412-424
  • Gail, L. (1988). Using Synectics to Enhance The Evaluation of Works of Art. SAGE Journals
  • Gendrop, S. C. (1996). Effect an Intervention in Synectics on the Creative Thinking of Nuses. Creativity Research Journal, 201-209
  • Georgiou, S. N. (1994). Synectics: A problem solvingtool for educational leaders. International Journal of Educational Management, 5-10
  • Girija, C. (2014). How learning techniques initiate simulation of human mind. Educational Research and Reviews, 606-609.
  • González, D. (2001). The Art of Solving Problems: Comparing the Similarities and Differences Between Creative Problem Solving (CPS), Lateral Thinking and Synectics: a Project for Studies in Creativity.New York
  • Heiko, D. (2013). An Ideation game conception based on synectics method. Journal of Science and Technology.
  • Hsiao, H.-C., Liang, Y.-H., & Lin, T.-Y. (2004). A creative thinking teaching model in a computer network course for vocational high school students. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 243-248.
  • Khatoon, R., Sachan, B., Khan, M. A., & Srivastava, J. P. (2017). Impact of school health education program on personal hygiene among school children of Lucknow district.Journal of family medicine and primary care,6(1), 97
  • Josephat O, O., Herbert, W., & Fredrick, N. (2012).Challanges of Teaching and Learning Computer Programming in Developing Countries. INTED2012 Conference.Valencia, Spain: ResearchGate.
  • Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2014). Models of Teaching (9th Ed).Allyan and Bacon
  • Kane, M. J., & Engle, R. W.(2002). The Role of Prefrontal cortex in working memory capacity, executive attention and general fluid intelligence: An individual differences perspective. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 9(4), 637-671
  • Kantunyaluk, D., & Boonlue, S. (2015). A Development of Blended Classroom by Synectics Technique to Enhance Creative Thinking. ICEMIS.Thonburi Thailand
  • Kaplan, A. Ö., & Ercan, S. (2011). A sample study on synectics activities from creative thinking methods: creativity from the perspective of children. Journal of Human Science.
  • Kaur, K., & Pany, S. (2014). Creative Teaching: The Need of the Hour. Scolarly Reseach Journal for humanity Science and English Language, 2348-3083.
  • Khan, A. A., & Mahmood, N. (2017). The Role of the Synectics Model in Enhancing Students' Understanding of Geometrical Concepts. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 253-264
  • Kim, E. (2017). Workshop Design for Enhancing the Appropriateness of Idea Generation Using Analogical Thinking. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 134-143
  • Koziołek, S. (2016). Design by Analogy: Synectics and Knowledge Acquisition Network. Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference.Poland
  • Kyaw, E. K., & Sinhaneti, k. (2012). A Study of the Role of Rote Learning in Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Burmese Students. US-China Education Review, 12, 987-1005.
  • Laura. (2006). Synectics for Creative Thinking in Technology Education. International Technology Education Association, 22-27.
  • Loy, C. J. (2011). The Impact of Synectics on Engagement, Quality, and Enjoyment of Creative Writing. SAGE Journal
  • Lutz, S. T., & Huitt, W. G. (2003). Information Processing and Memory: Theory and Applications.Retrieved 2003, from Educational Psychology Interactive, Valdosta State University:
  • Maureen, B., Anne, B., & Tuba, Y. (2008). Student Perceptions of Computer Science: a retention study comparing graduating seniors with cs leavers. SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education(pp. 402-406). Portland, USA: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin
  • Meador, K. S. (1995). The Effect of Synectics Training on Gifted and Nongifted Kindergarten Students.SAGE Journals
  • Michal, F., & Monika, S. (2012). Metaphors and Analogies for Teaching Algorithms. SIGCSE' 12, North Carolina, USA
  • Mishra, D. B., & Choudhury, R. (2015). A study on the Importance of William Gordon's Synectic Model of Teaching on Creative Teaching for Secondary Students in Malda District.International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research,2237-224
  • Monk, J. J., Gupta, A. K., & Wei, L. (2016). An Adaptation of the Synectics Model for Effective Physician Counseling. Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine,53-59
  • Moreira, A. M. (2011). Why concepts, Why Meaningful Learning, Why Collaborative Activities and Why Concept Maps? Meaningful Learning Review,1(3), 1-1
  • Murat, G. (2013). The Effect of Analogy based Teaching on students' Achievement and Students' views about Analogies. Asia Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching,Vol 14,Issue 2, Article 14
  • Nalini, V. H. (2013). Cognitive Science Perspective: Synectics asA Model Of Learning Metaphor. International Journal of Scientific Research,143-148
  • Nolan, V. (2003). Whatever Happened to Synectics? Creativity and Innovation Managment
  • Nurhariy, T. M., Waluyo, B., & Wardon. (2015). Analysis of Literacy Abilities and Self-Efficacy Mathematics through PBI-Synectics Gordon with Scientific Approach. International Conference on Mathematics Science and Education.Indonesia
  • Paltasingh, S. (2008). IMPACT OF Synectics Model of Teaching in Life Science to Develop Creativity Among Pupils. E-journal of All India Association for Educational Research
  • Patil, R. (2012). Effectiveness of Synectics Model. Indian Stream Research Journal, 1-4.
  • Rashid, K., & Mukhtar, S. (2012). Education in Pakistan: Problems and their solution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(11).
  • Reigeluth, C. M., & Stein, F. (1983). The Elaboration Theory of Instruction. Hillsdale, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Association
  • Ryan, C. E. (2006). Analogies are like Bowling Balls or Why Analogies to English need some Explanation to help students learn scheme. MSc CS thesis, Berkeley University of California
  • Sadat Sadathoseini, A., & Memarian, R. (2010). The Effect of empooying synectic model in teaching Palliative Care in children on nursing students writing creativity and academic performance. Iranian Journal of Medical Education, 239-24
  • Sedaghat, H., Darivash, Y., & Fooladi, M. (2015). Investigating the impactof synectics teaching pattern on training the composition lesson creativity for the Third Grade Elementary School girls in the first district schools of Bandar Abbas. Australian Journal of International Social Research, 23-31
  • Seligmann. (2007). Reaching Students Through Synectics: A Creative Solution.Retrieved from seligmann.pdf.
  • Shabani, & Hassan. (2003). Advance Teaching Methods: teaching skills and strategies of thinking. Creative Research Journal
  • Sierra-Jones, C. (2011). Applied synectics to teach community development for living and learning communities to resident advisors and community assistants at California State University Monterey Bay. California
  • Srisawat, S. (2017). The Development of Creative Writing Skills for Undergratuate Students through the Instructional Package of Creative Writing with Synectics Instruction Technique. Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University, 199-210.
  • aimur-ul-Hassan, & Abdul Raheem, S. (2013). ICTs in Learning: Problems faced by Pakistan. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 52-64
  • Tajari, T., & Tajari, F. (2011). Comparison of effectiveness of synectics teaching methods with lecture about educational Progress and creativity in social studies lesson in Iran at 2010. Procedia Socail and Behavioral Sciences(pp. 451-454). Iran: SciVerse ScienceDirect
  • Tajiri, T. (2006). Studying and comparing Synectics teaching method and lecture method in fostering creativity and educational attainment in social education. Alborz province WALLA Journal, 110-118.
  • Tanga, H.-H., Chena, Y.-L., & Gerob, J. S. (2011). The Influence of Design Methods on the Design Process: Effect of Use of Scenario, Brainstorming, and Synectics on Designing. Proceedings of Design Research Society, (pp. 324-353). Bangkok Thailand
  • apleshay, J. (1986). Synectics: Applying its methods and techniques to the composition class.CA United State
  • Tumangger, M., & Ernidawati, T. (2012). The Application of Synectics Model to improve Students's Speaking Ability., (pp. 302-340). Indonesia
  • Walker, D. E. (2009). Promoting Metaphorical Thinking through Synectics: Developing deep thinking utilizing Abstractions. Journal of Advance Active Learning
  • Yousefi, A. (2014). The Effects of Synectics Teaching Model in Fostering Creativity. Management and Administrative Sciences Review, 1225-1231.
  • Abed, S., Davoudi, A. H., & Hoseinazadeh, D. (2015). The effect of Synectics pattern on increasing the level of problem solving and critical thinking skills in student of Alborz province. WALLA Journal,31 (S1), 110-118
  • Afshari, G., & Ghaemi, N. (2014). Synectics Teaching Effect on the Academic Performance of Students' Composition among Male Fifth Grade Students in Dezful City.Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine,448-451
  • Ahmad Khan, A., & Mahmood, N. (2017). The Role ofSynectics Model In Enhancing Student's Understanding Of Geometrical Concepts. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education,253-264.
  • Aiamy, M., & Haghani, F. (2012). The Effect of Synectics & Brainstorming on 3 rd Grade Students' development of Creative Thinking on Science. Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences, (pp. 610-613). Iran.
  • Ali, T. (2011). Exploring Students' Learning Difficulties in Mathematics Classroom in Gilgit Baltistan Teachers' Effort to Help Students Overcome These Difficulties. Bulletin of Education Research,33(1) 47-67
  • Anders, B., & Anna, E. (2009). LearningComputer Science: Perceptions, Actions and Roles. Educational Research Impacting Engineering Education,327-338
  • Arye Dika, W. (2014). Improving Students' Writing Skill Using Synectics Model. Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo,45
  • Asmalı, M., & Dilbaz Sayın, S. S. (2016). The Effects of the Synectics Model on Vocabulary Learning, Attitude and Desire to Learn English.Asian EFL Journal,321-344
  • Balkır, N., & Topkaya, E. Z. (2017). Synectics asPrewriting Technique: Its Effect On Writing Fluency And Lexical Complexity. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistic,325-347
  • Barone, E., & Olivieri, D. (2006). Music education and critical thinking in early adolescence: A synectic literacy intervention.9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition,(pp. 238-289). Itlay.
  • Chandrasekaran, S. (2014). Effectiveness of Synectics Techniques in Teaching of Zoology at Higher Secondary Level. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Invention,37-40.
  • Conley, D. (2001). Deliciously Ugly: Pursuing creativity in feature writing. Austrailian Journalisim Review.
  • Dastjerdi, N. (2001). Studying the effect of Synectics teaching pattern on educational attainment and fostering creativity of students in social education in female and male primary schools in Isfahan. Alborz province WALLA Journal,110-118
  • Dykstra, Jeanne, Dykstra, & E, F. (1996). Imagery and Synectics for Modeling Poetry Writing. Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association.Cheyenne.
  • Erik, M. (2011). A Study of Student Problems in Learning to Program. Department of Computing Science Umea University Swedan
  • ERİŞTÄ°, B., & POLAT, M. (2017). The Effectiveness of Synectics Instructional Model on foreign Language Vocabulary Teaching. International Journal of LanguagesÂ’ Education and Teaching,59-76
  • Evans, J. R. (1996). Creativity in OR/MS: Creativity Enhancing Strategies.Interfaces.
  • Fariha, G., Mumtaz, A., & Mehwish, A. (2011). Secondary School Computer Science Curriculum: Perceptions of Stakeholders. Pakistan Journal of Education,Vol XXVIII.
  • Fatemipour, H., & Kordnaeej, M. (2014). The Effect of Synectics and Journal Creative Writing Techniques on EFL Stduents' Creativity. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World,412-424
  • Gail, L. (1988). Using Synectics to Enhance The Evaluation of Works of Art. SAGE Journals
  • Gendrop, S. C. (1996). Effect an Intervention in Synectics on the Creative Thinking of Nuses. Creativity Research Journal, 201-209
  • Georgiou, S. N. (1994). Synectics: A problem solvingtool for educational leaders. International Journal of Educational Management, 5-10
  • Girija, C. (2014). How learning techniques initiate simulation of human mind. Educational Research and Reviews, 606-609.
  • González, D. (2001). The Art of Solving Problems: Comparing the Similarities and Differences Between Creative Problem Solving (CPS), Lateral Thinking and Synectics: a Project for Studies in Creativity.New York
  • Heiko, D. (2013). An Ideation game conception based on synectics method. Journal of Science and Technology.
  • Hsiao, H.-C., Liang, Y.-H., & Lin, T.-Y. (2004). A creative thinking teaching model in a computer network course for vocational high school students. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 243-248.
  • Khatoon, R., Sachan, B., Khan, M. A., & Srivastava, J. P. (2017). Impact of school health education program on personal hygiene among school children of Lucknow district.Journal of family medicine and primary care,6(1), 97
  • Josephat O, O., Herbert, W., & Fredrick, N. (2012).Challanges of Teaching and Learning Computer Programming in Developing Countries. INTED2012 Conference.Valencia, Spain: ResearchGate.
  • Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2014). Models of Teaching (9th Ed).Allyan and Bacon
  • Kane, M. J., & Engle, R. W.(2002). The Role of Prefrontal cortex in working memory capacity, executive attention and general fluid intelligence: An individual differences perspective. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 9(4), 637-671
  • Kantunyaluk, D., & Boonlue, S. (2015). A Development of Blended Classroom by Synectics Technique to Enhance Creative Thinking. ICEMIS.Thonburi Thailand
  • Kaplan, A. Ö., & Ercan, S. (2011). A sample study on synectics activities from creative thinking methods: creativity from the perspective of children. Journal of Human Science.
  • Kaur, K., & Pany, S. (2014). Creative Teaching: The Need of the Hour. Scolarly Reseach Journal for humanity Science and English Language, 2348-3083.
  • Khan, A. A., & Mahmood, N. (2017). The Role of the Synectics Model in Enhancing Students' Understanding of Geometrical Concepts. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 253-264
  • Kim, E. (2017). Workshop Design for Enhancing the Appropriateness of Idea Generation Using Analogical Thinking. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 134-143
  • Koziołek, S. (2016). Design by Analogy: Synectics and Knowledge Acquisition Network. Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference.Poland
  • Kyaw, E. K., & Sinhaneti, k. (2012). A Study of the Role of Rote Learning in Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Burmese Students. US-China Education Review, 12, 987-1005.
  • Laura. (2006). Synectics for Creative Thinking in Technology Education. International Technology Education Association, 22-27.
  • Loy, C. J. (2011). The Impact of Synectics on Engagement, Quality, and Enjoyment of Creative Writing. SAGE Journal
  • Lutz, S. T., & Huitt, W. G. (2003). Information Processing and Memory: Theory and Applications.Retrieved 2003, from Educational Psychology Interactive, Valdosta State University:
  • Maureen, B., Anne, B., & Tuba, Y. (2008). Student Perceptions of Computer Science: a retention study comparing graduating seniors with cs leavers. SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education(pp. 402-406). Portland, USA: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin
  • Meador, K. S. (1995). The Effect of Synectics Training on Gifted and Nongifted Kindergarten Students.SAGE Journals
  • Michal, F., & Monika, S. (2012). Metaphors and Analogies for Teaching Algorithms. SIGCSE' 12, North Carolina, USA
  • Mishra, D. B., & Choudhury, R. (2015). A study on the Importance of William Gordon's Synectic Model of Teaching on Creative Teaching for Secondary Students in Malda District.International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research,2237-224
  • Monk, J. J., Gupta, A. K., & Wei, L. (2016). An Adaptation of the Synectics Model for Effective Physician Counseling. Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine,53-59
  • Moreira, A. M. (2011). Why concepts, Why Meaningful Learning, Why Collaborative Activities and Why Concept Maps? Meaningful Learning Review,1(3), 1-1
  • Murat, G. (2013). The Effect of Analogy based Teaching on students' Achievement and Students' views about Analogies. Asia Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching,Vol 14,Issue 2, Article 14
  • Nalini, V. H. (2013). Cognitive Science Perspective: Synectics asA Model Of Learning Metaphor. International Journal of Scientific Research,143-148
  • Nolan, V. (2003). Whatever Happened to Synectics? Creativity and Innovation Managment
  • Nurhariy, T. M., Waluyo, B., & Wardon. (2015). Analysis of Literacy Abilities and Self-Efficacy Mathematics through PBI-Synectics Gordon with Scientific Approach. International Conference on Mathematics Science and Education.Indonesia
  • Paltasingh, S. (2008). IMPACT OF Synectics Model of Teaching in Life Science to Develop Creativity Among Pupils. E-journal of All India Association for Educational Research
  • Patil, R. (2012). Effectiveness of Synectics Model. Indian Stream Research Journal, 1-4.
  • Rashid, K., & Mukhtar, S. (2012). Education in Pakistan: Problems and their solution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(11).
  • Reigeluth, C. M., & Stein, F. (1983). The Elaboration Theory of Instruction. Hillsdale, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Association
  • Ryan, C. E. (2006). Analogies are like Bowling Balls or Why Analogies to English need some Explanation to help students learn scheme. MSc CS thesis, Berkeley University of California
  • Sadat Sadathoseini, A., & Memarian, R. (2010). The Effect of empooying synectic model in teaching Palliative Care in children on nursing students writing creativity and academic performance. Iranian Journal of Medical Education, 239-24
  • Sedaghat, H., Darivash, Y., & Fooladi, M. (2015). Investigating the impactof synectics teaching pattern on training the composition lesson creativity for the Third Grade Elementary School girls in the first district schools of Bandar Abbas. Australian Journal of International Social Research, 23-31
  • Seligmann. (2007). Reaching Students Through Synectics: A Creative Solution.Retrieved from seligmann.pdf.
  • Shabani, & Hassan. (2003). Advance Teaching Methods: teaching skills and strategies of thinking. Creative Research Journal
  • Sierra-Jones, C. (2011). Applied synectics to teach community development for living and learning communities to resident advisors and community assistants at California State University Monterey Bay. California
  • Srisawat, S. (2017). The Development of Creative Writing Skills for Undergratuate Students through the Instructional Package of Creative Writing with Synectics Instruction Technique. Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University, 199-210.
  • aimur-ul-Hassan, & Abdul Raheem, S. (2013). ICTs in Learning: Problems faced by Pakistan. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 52-64
  • Tajari, T., & Tajari, F. (2011). Comparison of effectiveness of synectics teaching methods with lecture about educational Progress and creativity in social studies lesson in Iran at 2010. Procedia Socail and Behavioral Sciences(pp. 451-454). Iran: SciVerse ScienceDirect
  • Tajiri, T. (2006). Studying and comparing Synectics teaching method and lecture method in fostering creativity and educational attainment in social education. Alborz province WALLA Journal, 110-118.
  • Tanga, H.-H., Chena, Y.-L., & Gerob, J. S. (2011). The Influence of Design Methods on the Design Process: Effect of Use of Scenario, Brainstorming, and Synectics on Designing. Proceedings of Design Research Society, (pp. 324-353). Bangkok Thailand
  • apleshay, J. (1986). Synectics: Applying its methods and techniques to the composition class.CA United State
  • Tumangger, M., & Ernidawati, T. (2012). The Application of Synectics Model to improve Students's Speaking Ability., (pp. 302-340). Indonesia
  • Walker, D. E. (2009). Promoting Metaphorical Thinking through Synectics: Developing deep thinking utilizing Abstractions. Journal of Advance Active Learning
  • Yousefi, A. (2014). The Effects of Synectics Teaching Model in Fostering Creativity. Management and Administrative Sciences Review, 1225-1231.

Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Samiullah, Muhammad, Aftab Ahmad, and Gulzar Ahmed. 2019. "Benefiting Science Students with Synectics: An SR Approach." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 427-437 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).46
    HARVARD : SAMIULLAH, M., AHMAD, A. & AHMED, G. 2019. Benefiting Science Students with Synectics: An SR Approach. Global Regional Review, IV, 427-437.
    MHRA : Samiullah, Muhammad, Aftab Ahmad, and Gulzar Ahmed. 2019. "Benefiting Science Students with Synectics: An SR Approach." Global Regional Review, IV: 427-437
    MLA : Samiullah, Muhammad, Aftab Ahmad, and Gulzar Ahmed. "Benefiting Science Students with Synectics: An SR Approach." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 427-437 Print.
    OXFORD : Samiullah, Muhammad, Ahmad, Aftab, and Ahmed, Gulzar (2019), "Benefiting Science Students with Synectics: An SR Approach", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 427-437
    TURABIAN : Samiullah, Muhammad, Aftab Ahmad, and Gulzar Ahmed. "Benefiting Science Students with Synectics: An SR Approach." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 427-437.