11 Pages : 92 - 100      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-III).11      Published : Sep 2021

Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan

    Gender advertisement is the depiction of stereotypical gender roles presented in billboard advertisements. Advertisers frequently employ gendered presentations to emphasize women's sexual orientation in the advertisements. The present qualitative descriptive research tried to examine the multi-layered significance of billboards advertisements by extension, investigation and explication of intentions, motives and societal practices displayed in billboard advertisements. For this reason, the text of two (2) billboard advertisements were systematically examined employing Fair clough's Three-Dimensional Framework. These three aspects are description,interpretation, and explanation. The acquired findings demonstrated that both these billboards have underneath connotations regarding gender roles, feminine depiction, and patriarchal notions as significant aspects.

    Billboard Advertisements, Description, Interpretation, Explanation, Fairclough, Gender Exploitation, Feminine Depiction, Patriarchal Notions, 3-Dimensional Model
    (1) Rukhshanda Mushtaq
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Wah (UW), Wah Cantonment, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Naveed Ahmad Taseer
    MPhil English, Department of English, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. & MPhil Education, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Shabir Ullah
    MPhil Scholar, Department of English, Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, D. I. Khan, KP, Pakistan.
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    APA : Mushtaq, R., Taseer, N. A., & Ullah, S. (2021). Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VI(III), 92 - 100.
    CHICAGO : Mushtaq, Rukhshanda, Naveed Ahmad Taseer, and Shabir Ullah. 2021. "Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VI (III): 92 - 100 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-III).11
    HARVARD : MUSHTAQ, R., TASEER, N. A. & ULLAH, S. 2021. Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VI, 92 - 100.
    MHRA : Mushtaq, Rukhshanda, Naveed Ahmad Taseer, and Shabir Ullah. 2021. "Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VI: 92 - 100
    MLA : Mushtaq, Rukhshanda, Naveed Ahmad Taseer, and Shabir Ullah. "Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VI.III (2021): 92 - 100 Print.
    OXFORD : Mushtaq, Rukhshanda, Taseer, Naveed Ahmad, and Ullah, Shabir (2021), "Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, VI (III), 92 - 100
    TURABIAN : Mushtaq, Rukhshanda, Naveed Ahmad Taseer, and Shabir Ullah. "Women Objectification and Gender Roles: Discourse Analysis of Billboard Advertisements in Pakistan." Global Regional Review VI, no. III (2021): 92 - 100.