07 Pages : 60-66      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-III).07      Published : Sep 2021

War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland

    The US-led war on terror against Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda network has brought gigantic socio-political and economic impacts on the overall population of Pashtuns of FATA and KP. The US drone strikes largely targeted the Pashtuns population in the tribal belt of Pakistan while the Pakistani security forces particularly conducted various operations in the Pashtuns areas, being a partner/ally of the get praise. In the war, thousands of innocent civilians, including children and women of the Pashtuns population,have been killed, injured and millions remained displaced. Infrastructure, including roads, public and private buildings, bridges,educational institutions, tourism, etc, in the Pashtuns' land, has been destroyed. This paper is an attempt to analyze the so-called war on terror and how it turned against the Pashtuns of FATA and KP. The suffering of the Pashtuns population as targeted by the US drone strikes, Pakistan security forces, and terrorists attacks have been examined in this paper.

    War on Terror, Pak-Afghan Borderland, Osama bin Laden,
    (1) Fazal Rabbi
    Associate Professor, Department of Pakistan Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad
    Assistant Professor, Centre for Policy Studies, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
    (3) Munib Ahmed
    Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Rabbi, Fazal, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, and Munib Ahmed. 2021. "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland." Global Regional Review, VI (III): 60-66 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-III).07
    HARVARD : RABBI, F., AHMAD, M. S. & AHMED, M. 2021. War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland. Global Regional Review, VI, 60-66.
    MHRA : Rabbi, Fazal, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, and Munib Ahmed. 2021. "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland." Global Regional Review, VI: 60-66
    MLA : Rabbi, Fazal, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, and Munib Ahmed. "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland." Global Regional Review, VI.III (2021): 60-66 Print.
    OXFORD : Rabbi, Fazal, Ahmad, Muhammad Shakeel, and Ahmed, Munib (2021), "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland", Global Regional Review, VI (III), 60-66