38 Pages : 354 - 363      10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).38      Published : Sep 2020

Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners

    The primary concern of this paper is to find out the use of the first language among English language learners belonging to diverse cultures and linguistic backgrounds. The studies conducted in the past have shown serious concern about shuttling between multiple languages, known as, Translanguaging; others have found it highly beneficial. Therefore, the primary aim is to explore the strategies adopted via translanguaging practices of learners with multiple literacies, using translanguaging in the university classroom as a valuable strategy. A qualitative research paradigm has guided the study,based on the theoretical framework of Creese and Blackledge's (2010) language ecology approach which exhibits the interdependence of existing linguistic knowledge acquired across languages. Sixty undergraduate students, both male and female, participated in this study selected purposively. Two data collections, i.e. Classroom observations and Focused Group Discussions were utilised. The findings revealed that translanguaging accommodates the learners in achieving communicative proficiency and makes learning effective.

    Translanguaging, Bilingualism, linguistic knowledge, diverse backgrounds, Communicative Proficiency
    (1) Muhammad Farooq Alam
    PhD Scholar, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Alam, M. F. (2020). Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners. Global Regional Review, V(III), 354 - 363.
    CHICAGO : Alam, Muhammad Farooq. 2020. "Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners." Global Regional Review, V (III): 354 - 363 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).38
    HARVARD : ALAM, M. F. 2020. Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners. Global Regional Review, V, 354 - 363.
    MHRA : Alam, Muhammad Farooq. 2020. "Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners." Global Regional Review, V: 354 - 363
    MLA : Alam, Muhammad Farooq. "Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 354 - 363 Print.
    OXFORD : Alam, Muhammad Farooq (2020), "Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners", Global Regional Review, V (III), 354 - 363
    TURABIAN : Alam, Muhammad Farooq. "Translanguaging Practices in the Multilingual Classroom: A Case Study of Pakistani University English Language Learners." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 354 - 363.