The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students
This study aimed to investigate the role of the backward design approach to improve undergraduate students' writing skills. A limited number of studies have been conducted on this issue internationally; however, this was the first study undertaken in the Pakistani context. The study employed a quantitative approach and quasi-experimental design. The data was collected through a quantitative pre and post questionnaire dispensed to 175 undergraduate students enrolled in the first year of the Bachelor of Studies program in a university in Pakistan. The findings offered a broad picture of the positive role of the intervention on undergraduate students writing skills. The difference proved that the backward design approach has a substantial effect on improving students' writing skills in this study.
English as a Second Language (ESL), Backward Design (BD), Writing Skills, Undergraduate Students, Pakistan
(1) Farheen Saeed
PhD Scholar, Faculty of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Fareeha Javed
Head of TESOL Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Saeed, F., & Javed, F. (2021). The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 78-85.
CHICAGO : Saeed, Farheen, and Fareeha Javed. 2021. "The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 78-85 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).09
HARVARD : SAEED, F. & JAVED, F. 2021. The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students. Global Regional Review, VI, 78-85.
MHRA : Saeed, Farheen, and Fareeha Javed. 2021. "The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students." Global Regional Review, VI: 78-85
MLA : Saeed, Farheen, and Fareeha Javed. "The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 78-85 Print.
OXFORD : Saeed, Farheen and Javed, Fareeha (2021), "The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 78-85
TURABIAN : Saeed, Farheen, and Fareeha Javed. "The Role of Backward Design in Improving Writing skills of Pakistani Undergraduate Students." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 78-85.