The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration
No other piece of cloth has ever caused this much debate as the headscarf. This paper examines the headscarf debate in three European countries i.e., France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Firstly, the headscarf affair depicts different state policies developed and implemented by three countries, to integrate the Muslim immigrants. Secondly, an analysis of different approaches used by these countries regarding the headscarf issue highlights the place of Muslims and Islam in the European countries. Lastly, this paper contends that the headscarf controversy in France, Germany and the United Kingdom revolves around the issues of secularity vs. Islamic fundamentalism, gender equality vs. religious rights, modernity vs. backwardness and integration vs. assimilation. In this paper, we argue that contrary to the common perception that Muslims are intolerant, backward, and theocratic; the act of banning the headscarf by some of the European countries, in fact, proved these countries to be intolerant and authoritarian towards Muslims.
Islamic Headscarf, Europe, Secularism, Modernity, Integration
(1) Tayyaba Batool Tahir
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
(2) Rafida Nawaz
Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
(3) Muqarrab Akbar
Chairman, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
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APA : Tahir, T. B., Nawaz, R., & Akbar, M. (2021). The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration. Global Regional Review, VI(II), 269 - 275.
CHICAGO : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. 2021. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review, VI (II): 269 - 275 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-II).30
HARVARD : TAHIR, T. B., NAWAZ, R. & AKBAR, M. 2021. The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration. Global Regional Review, VI, 269 - 275.
MHRA : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. 2021. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review, VI: 269 - 275
MLA : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review, VI.II (2021): 269 - 275 Print.
OXFORD : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Nawaz, Rafida, and Akbar, Muqarrab (2021), "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration", Global Regional Review, VI (II), 269 - 275
TURABIAN : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review VI, no. II (2021): 269 - 275.