16 Pages : 158- 172      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).16      Published : Mar 2022

The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China

    Health is fundamental for human well-being and economic growth and the development of an economy. Particularly, poor health has a perpetually damaging effect on the well-being of people and consequently, lowers life expectancy. Our study explores the influence of trade openness(domestic-invested enterprises (DIEs) and foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) trade) on life expectancy in China and across gender using Chinese provincial panel data. The results reveal that trade openness significantly promotes life expectancy. We find a positive relationship between trade openness (DIEs and FIEs trade) and life expectancy in China and across gender. Our findings are robust to the inclusion of other control variables for the overall and female cases but not the male. The policy implication is that the government should open the economy more for international trade to benefit more, especially in the health sector and improve the health of its population.

    Domestic and Foreign-invested Enterprises Trade, Trade Openness, Health, Life Expectancy, China
    (1) Hubert Visas
    Associate Professor, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China.
    (2) Jabbar Ul-Haq
    Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Sana Khanum
    MPhil Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Visas, H., Ul-Haq, J., & Khanum, S. (2022). The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China. Global Regional Review, VII(I), 158- 172.
    CHICAGO : Visas, Hubert, Jabbar Ul-Haq, and Sana Khanum. 2022. "The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 158- 172 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).16
    HARVARD : VISAS, H., UL-HAQ, J. & KHANUM, S. 2022. The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China. Global Regional Review, VII, 158- 172.
    MHRA : Visas, Hubert, Jabbar Ul-Haq, and Sana Khanum. 2022. "The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China." Global Regional Review, VII: 158- 172
    MLA : Visas, Hubert, Jabbar Ul-Haq, and Sana Khanum. "The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 158- 172 Print.
    OXFORD : Visas, Hubert, Ul-Haq, Jabbar, and Khanum, Sana (2022), "The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 158- 172
    TURABIAN : Visas, Hubert, Jabbar Ul-Haq, and Sana Khanum. "The Impact of Domestic and Foreign-Invested Enterprises Trade on Life Expectancy in China." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 158- 172.