21 Pages : 194-205      10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).21      Published : Jun 2020

The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students

    The arrival of technology has opened doors to different opportunities. A number of institutions have integrated technology effectively in their learning environments to improve teamwork as well as to reform education as a whole. The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of EyeRIS to improve English Communication skills at the Primary School level at one of the elite private schools in Lahore, Pakistan. The study employed a qualitative structured interview for data collection. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. The sample comprised five primary English language teachers. The findings of the study revealed that EyeRIS has a significant impact on improving the Communicative Skills of primary students. It helps to improve the receptive as well as productive skills of the primary level English language learners. Moreover, it is a powerful engagement and motivational tool in educational institutions. Overall, EyeRIS holds the potential for improving students' English language learning, academic performance as well as classroom behaviour.

    Communicative Competence, Instructional Strategies, EyeRIS, Sensor Technology, English Language Teaching
    (1) Fareeha Javed
    Head, Department of TESOL, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Saher Tariq
    MA, Department of TESOL, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Sana Baig
    Lecturer, Department of TESOL, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Javed, F., Tariq, S., & Baig, S. (2020). The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students. Global Regional Review, V(II), 194-205.
    CHICAGO : Javed, Fareeha, Saher Tariq, and Sana Baig. 2020. "The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students." Global Regional Review, V (II): 194-205 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).21
    HARVARD : JAVED, F., TARIQ, S. & BAIG, S. 2020. The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students. Global Regional Review, V, 194-205.
    MHRA : Javed, Fareeha, Saher Tariq, and Sana Baig. 2020. "The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students." Global Regional Review, V: 194-205
    MLA : Javed, Fareeha, Saher Tariq, and Sana Baig. "The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students." Global Regional Review, V.II (2020): 194-205 Print.
    OXFORD : Javed, Fareeha, Tariq, Saher, and Baig, Sana (2020), "The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students", Global Regional Review, V (II), 194-205
    TURABIAN : Javed, Fareeha, Saher Tariq, and Sana Baig. "The Effectiveness of using EyeRIS to Improve English Communication Skills of Primary Students." Global Regional Review V, no. II (2020): 194-205.