20 Pages : 211-220      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).20      Published : Jun 2022

The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan

    This study explores the editorial coverage of climate change in terms of increasing unpredictable changes in weather conditions and its associated problems in Pakistan. The main focus of the researcher is to analyze the editorial coverage on the issue of Climate Change in Pakistani print media. For this, primary data have been collected from editorials published in two renowned newspapers of Pakistan, the Daily Dawn and the Daily Jang, from the year 2018 to 2019. Results showed that the Daily Jang had given more coverage to the emerging environmental issues than the Daily Dawn during a particular time. But when it comes to a specific environmental issue like Climate Change, the Daily Dawn has given more coverage to the said issue as compared to its counterpart. An exploratory quantitative research paradigm is used to perform content analysis. The research aims to sensitise all concerned stakeholders in making environment-friendly policies for the well-being of the public.

    Climate Change, Emerging Environmental Issues, Editorial Coverage, Print Media.
    (1) Faraz Ahmad Barri
    Ph. D Scholar, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur/Lecturer in Journalism, Department of Higher Education, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Shahzad
    Professor of Media Studies, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
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    APA : Barri, F. A., & Shahzad, M. (2022). The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VII(II), 211-220.
    CHICAGO : Barri, Faraz Ahmad, and Muhammad Shahzad. 2022. "The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VII (II): 211-220 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).20
    HARVARD : BARRI, F. A. & SHAHZAD, M. 2022. The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VII, 211-220.
    MHRA : Barri, Faraz Ahmad, and Muhammad Shahzad. 2022. "The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VII: 211-220
    MLA : Barri, Faraz Ahmad, and Muhammad Shahzad. "The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VII.II (2022): 211-220 Print.
    OXFORD : Barri, Faraz Ahmad and Shahzad, Muhammad (2022), "The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan", Global Regional Review, VII (II), 211-220
    TURABIAN : Barri, Faraz Ahmad, and Muhammad Shahzad. "The Editorial Coverage on Climate Change in Context of Other Emerging Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis of English and Urdu Print Media of Pakistan." Global Regional Review VII, no. II (2022): 211-220.