15 Pages : 148 - 157      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).15      Published : Mar 2022

The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media

    India and Pakistan share a border that enables them for an economic collaboration to minimize their mutual conflicts which are there since their partition. This study aims at identifying those economic obstacles which hinder their mutual economic cooperation. It further examines the framing trends through which media from both countries showcase each other's economic issues in certain ways. News headlines and lead paragraphs from two English dailies each from India and Pakistan, were analyzed. "Economic consequences" frame was identified among the selected data of 4086 news stories. The findings revealed that both countries blame about unstable bilateral trades, loss in import and exports deals, underdeveloped national and international businesses and economic deficits on each other. CPEC, political instability and terrorism were framed as major blaming claims by each side. The study further recommends professional news coverage with productive framing of issues than biased and based on certain framing.

    Economics, Framing, India, Pakistan
    (1) Abul Hassan
    Assistant Professor, School of Creative Arts, University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Tanveer Hussain
    Assistant Professor, School of Media and Communication Studies, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Farrukh
    Lecturer, School of Creative Arts, University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Hassan, A., Hussain, T., & Farrukh, M. (2022). The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media. Global Regional Review, VII(I), 148 - 157 .
    CHICAGO : Hassan, Abul, Tanveer Hussain, and Muhammad Farrukh. 2022. "The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 148 - 157 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).15
    HARVARD : HASSAN, A., HUSSAIN, T. & FARRUKH, M. 2022. The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media. Global Regional Review, VII, 148 - 157 .
    MHRA : Hassan, Abul, Tanveer Hussain, and Muhammad Farrukh. 2022. "The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media." Global Regional Review, VII: 148 - 157
    MLA : Hassan, Abul, Tanveer Hussain, and Muhammad Farrukh. "The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 148 - 157 Print.
    OXFORD : Hassan, Abul, Hussain, Tanveer, and Farrukh, Muhammad (2022), "The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 148 - 157
    TURABIAN : Hassan, Abul, Tanveer Hussain, and Muhammad Farrukh. "The Economics of Race and Blame: News Frame Analysis of Cross- Border Economic Consequences by Indian and Pakistani Media." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 148 - 157 .