Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students
Scientific reasoning ability is considered as developing ability and is improved through knowledge acquisition. So, the study was opted to find out the relationship between the scientific reasoning ability and the achievement marks of SSC science graduates. All SSC science graduates enrolled in intermediate 1st year class in any public or private college of Punjab were the population. 1620 students from four districts were conveniently selected. The suitable test Lawson reasoning ability test was adapted with permission to make it bilingual and pilot testing brought Cronbachs α value 0.914. Test was administered to 1620 students of both public and private colleges whereas returned rate was 93.7%. Results calculated through descriptive statistics and Pearson Correlation was no significant relationship between reasoning ability test scores and the SSC marks. It was recommended that assessment agencies i.e. Board of intermediate and Secondary education may include the items of higher order thinking in assessment.
Scientific Reasoning, Ability testing, Academic Achievement & Secondary School Science Students
(1) Mushtaq Ahmad
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) M. Anees-ul- Husnain Shah
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Education, DG Khan Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Arslan Raheem
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Education, DG Khan Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Ahmad, M., Shah, M. A. H., & Raheem, M. A. (2020). Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Global Regional Review, V(I), 356-363.
CHICAGO : Ahmad, Mushtaq, M. Anees-ul- Husnain Shah, and Muhammad Arslan Raheem. 2020. "Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students." Global Regional Review, V (I): 356-363 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).39
HARVARD : AHMAD, M., SHAH, M. A. H. & RAHEEM, M. A. 2020. Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Global Regional Review, V, 356-363.
MHRA : Ahmad, Mushtaq, M. Anees-ul- Husnain Shah, and Muhammad Arslan Raheem. 2020. "Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students." Global Regional Review, V: 356-363
MLA : Ahmad, Mushtaq, M. Anees-ul- Husnain Shah, and Muhammad Arslan Raheem. "Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 356-363 Print.
OXFORD : Ahmad, Mushtaq, Shah, M. Anees-ul- Husnain, and Raheem, Muhammad Arslan (2020), "Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students", Global Regional Review, V (I), 356-363
TURABIAN : Ahmad, Mushtaq, M. Anees-ul- Husnain Shah, and Muhammad Arslan Raheem. "Scientific Reasoning Ability and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 356-363.