Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh
Many reforms have been taking place in the development and implementation of education curriculum across the globe to uplift the standard of education. In 2006, the Government of Pakistan had revised the science curriculum of secondary grades after few decades to meet the challenges of modern times. The current study has adopted a quantitative approach it the descriptive research design was used. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was found to Cronbach alpha =0.723 which is reliable. The percentages, mean and standard deviation was calculated. The findings of the study revealed that the science curriculum could not be implemented properly due to the inclusion of extra topics in the science curriculum of secondary grade, time constraints and availability of laboratory equipment. This study recommends the syllabus should be condensed and extra topics from the syllabus must be removed.
Curriculum Implementation, National Science Curriculum, Curriculum Upgradation, Pakistan
(1) Shazma Nandwani
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Iqra University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
(2) Amjad Ali Rind
MPhil Research Scholar, Department of Education, Sukkur IBA University, Sindh, Pakistan.
(3) Masood Ahmed Dool
MPhil Research Scholar, Department of Education, Sukkur IBA University, Sindh, Pakistan.
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APA : Nandwani, S., Rind, A. A., & Dool, M. A. (2021). Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 165-173.
CHICAGO : Nandwani, Shazma, Amjad Ali Rind, and Masood Ahmed Dool. 2021. "Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 165-173 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).18
HARVARD : NANDWANI, S., RIND, A. A. & DOOL, M. A. 2021. Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh. Global Regional Review, VI, 165-173.
MHRA : Nandwani, Shazma, Amjad Ali Rind, and Masood Ahmed Dool. 2021. "Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh." Global Regional Review, VI: 165-173
MLA : Nandwani, Shazma, Amjad Ali Rind, and Masood Ahmed Dool. "Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 165-173 Print.
OXFORD : Nandwani, Shazma, Rind, Amjad Ali, and Dool, Masood Ahmed (2021), "Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 165-173
TURABIAN : Nandwani, Shazma, Amjad Ali Rind, and Masood Ahmed Dool. "Science Curriculum Implementation in Educational Settings: A Case of Public Secondary Schools of Sukkur, Sindh." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 165-173.