14 Pages : 147-155      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).14      Published : Jun 2022

Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations

    Media shapes the mind of the people but also creates the perception that they wanted people to build. In other words, we can say that media controls the minds of the people and work it accordingly as it wants to. Besides getting people informed about what is going on around the world, the media also show things that are in their favor and can also give them ratings and circulation. There is no better illustration than the India-Pakistan relationship is something that is a crucial matter, and the media acts according to how the situation is and is not act restricted in any term. The role of the media has been progressive in both India and Pakistan, distinguishing the quality of the media. The qualitative research focuses on the critical part of media that has been playing in the Indo-Pak relations since their inception. During the study, different past published researches have been analyzed, and it is found that the important role of media cannot be underestimated.

    Media, Narrative Building, Pakistan India Relations
    (1) Muhammad Arif Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
    (3) Iltaf Khan
    Subject Specialist in Pakistan Study, Elementary and Secondary Education Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. 2022. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review, VII (II): 147-155 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).14
    HARVARD : KHAN, M. A., KHAN, S. M. & KHAN, I. 2022. Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations. Global Regional Review, VII, 147-155.
    MHRA : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. 2022. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review, VII: 147-155
    MLA : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review, VII.II (2022): 147-155 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Khan, Shahnawaz Muhammad, and Khan, Iltaf (2022), "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations", Global Regional Review, VII (II), 147-155
    TURABIAN : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review VII, no. II (2022): 147-155.