37 Pages : 344-351      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).37      Published : Mar 2021

Role of Bacha Khan in Educating the Pakhtoon Society

    History has rarely recorded such leaders who raised their nation from the darkness of ignorance to the light of glory. BachaKhan (Abdul Ghaffar Khan) was one of them. When the society was under the powers of lords, he gave the lesson of equality, blowing new life in the dead society.It was his struggle, his tiresome efforts, his tolerance, the devotion that he uplifted his people from serving their lords to become a respectable, educated nation. He dedicated his entire life to the service of the Pashtun nation and strongly believed that if any change had to come, it would come only through education. For this purpose, he established in various parts of the province where teachers used to teach on voluntary bases. This study highlights the hardships faced by Bacha Khan in promoting education among the pakhtoons and his struggle for the awakening of pakhtoon society.

    Pakhtoon's, Bacha Khan, Madrassa, Struggle, Education, Charsadda
    (1) Brekhna Gul
    Lecturer in Political Science, University College for Women, AWKUM, KP, Pakistan
    (2) Younas Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Pakistan Studies, Islamia College University, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
    (3) Sana Pervez
    Lecturer in Pakistan Studies, University College for Women, AWKUM, KP, Pakistan
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    CHICAGO : Gul, Brekhna, Younas Khan, and Sana Pervez. 2021. "Role of Bacha Khan in Educating the Pakhtoon Society." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 344-351 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).37
    HARVARD : GUL, B., KHAN, Y. & PERVEZ, S. 2021. Role of Bacha Khan in Educating the Pakhtoon Society. Global Regional Review, VI, 344-351.
    MHRA : Gul, Brekhna, Younas Khan, and Sana Pervez. 2021. "Role of Bacha Khan in Educating the Pakhtoon Society." Global Regional Review, VI: 344-351
    MLA : Gul, Brekhna, Younas Khan, and Sana Pervez. "Role of Bacha Khan in Educating the Pakhtoon Society." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 344-351 Print.
    OXFORD : Gul, Brekhna, Khan, Younas, and Pervez, Sana (2021), "Role of Bacha Khan in Educating the Pakhtoon Society", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 344-351