Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad
The attitude of prospective teachers regarding educational research is one of the challenges that is linked with education.It's not commonly known that why teachers do not use research to solve instructional problems, but probably it is in connection with the attitude of teachers regarding educational research. A group of prospective teachers was administered by the updated scale. In the final scale, exploratory factor analysis had a significant relationship. The main factors that have an effect on the attitudes of teachers regarding educational research were; teachers' individual interest in conducting research, educational research's value, and benefits of research skills for teachers. The study concluded that teachers' attitude was connected to and in the influence with frequency and intensity of their experience to education research. Those teachers have a more positive attitude towards educational research and have just done a professional development course that has a focus on education research.
Research, Research Attitude, Prospective Teachers
(1) Nazir Haider Shah
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
(2) Robina Kausar
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakista
(3) Sidra Younas
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Mohi-Ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
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APA : Shah, N. H., Kausar, R., & Younas, S. (2020). Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Global Regional Review, V(II), 246-256.
CHICAGO : Shah, Nazir Haider, Robina Kausar, and Sidra Younas. 2020. "Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad." Global Regional Review, V (II): 246-256 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).26
HARVARD : SHAH, N. H., KAUSAR, R. & YOUNAS, S. 2020. Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Global Regional Review, V, 246-256.
MHRA : Shah, Nazir Haider, Robina Kausar, and Sidra Younas. 2020. "Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad." Global Regional Review, V: 246-256
MLA : Shah, Nazir Haider, Robina Kausar, and Sidra Younas. "Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad." Global Regional Review, V.II (2020): 246-256 Print.
OXFORD : Shah, Nazir Haider, Kausar, Robina, and Younas, Sidra (2020), "Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad", Global Regional Review, V (II), 246-256
TURABIAN : Shah, Nazir Haider, Robina Kausar, and Sidra Younas. "Research Attitude of Prospective Teachers: An Analysis of Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad." Global Regional Review V, no. II (2020): 246-256.