03 Pages : 27-39      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-IV).03      Published : Dec 2021

Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab

    Youth enters universities to engage in reasonable occupations in the future. Different organizations demand employees who have high emotional intelligence (EI) as well as good organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Universities struggle to nurture these skills among the students . The present study explored the association between students' EI and their OCB . The study was descriptive and 650 students from two universities of Punjab were selected as a sample through simple random sampling. A questionnaire-based on two self-reporting scales was developed as a survey instrument to measure students' EI and OCB . The collected data were examined employing descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation. Results demonstrated that university students possessed a high level of EI and OCB. Moreover, students' EI was directly correlated with their OCB. The study exhibits that expressions of emotions intelligently together with the expressions of OCB eventually enhance students' academic performance that is subsequently improving the performance of the universities.

    Emotional Intelligence, Industrial Psychology, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, University Students
    (1) Shahnaz Perveen
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Masood Ahmad
    Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Saba Ashiq
    M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Perveen, S., Ahmad, M., & Ashiq, S. (2021). Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab. Global Regional Review, VI(IV), 27-39.
    CHICAGO : Perveen, Shahnaz, Masood Ahmad, and Saba Ashiq. 2021. "Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VI (IV): 27-39 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-IV).03
    HARVARD : PERVEEN, S., AHMAD, M. & ASHIQ, S. 2021. Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab. Global Regional Review, VI, 27-39.
    MHRA : Perveen, Shahnaz, Masood Ahmad, and Saba Ashiq. 2021. "Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VI: 27-39
    MLA : Perveen, Shahnaz, Masood Ahmad, and Saba Ashiq. "Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VI.IV (2021): 27-39 Print.
    OXFORD : Perveen, Shahnaz, Ahmad, Masood, and Ashiq, Saba (2021), "Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab", Global Regional Review, VI (IV), 27-39
    TURABIAN : Perveen, Shahnaz, Masood Ahmad, and Saba Ashiq. "Relationship between University Students' Emotional Intelligence and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Punjab." Global Regional Review VI, no. IV (2021): 27-39.