Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto
The present study investigates the different encoding possibilities of the dative argument in Pashto. The study specifically focuses on pragmatic propositions for dative argument realization in the language. The data for the present was selected from the corpora of natural discourse and texts. The data showed that there are three encoding possibilities for a dative argument, i.e., the dative argumentcan occur alone as NP-exclusive without a VC; the dative argument may also be realized by the VC as VC-only without overt dative argument in the clause and the dative argument may occur with the VC causing clitic doubling in the language. The dative argument itself appears in different forms driven by different pragmatic conditions. The study investigates these pragmatic conditions and their influence on the morphosyntactic properties of the dative arguments. The clitic alone is the unmarked way of encoding dative argument and clitic doubling appears to be the marked realization when the referents deviate from the expected accessibility level.
Dative, Verbal Clitic, NP, Pashto, Argument, Clitic Doubling, Pragmatic Conditions, Accessibility Level
(1) Ghani Rahman
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP. Pakistan
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APA : Rahman, G. (2023). Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto. Global Regional Review, VIII(IV), 51-61.
CHICAGO : Rahman, Ghani. 2023. "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto." Global Regional Review, VIII (IV): 51-61 doi: 10.31703/grr.2023(VIII-IV).05
HARVARD : RAHMAN, G. 2023. Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto. Global Regional Review, VIII, 51-61.
MHRA : Rahman, Ghani. 2023. "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto." Global Regional Review, VIII: 51-61
MLA : Rahman, Ghani. "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto." Global Regional Review, VIII.IV (2023): 51-61 Print.
OXFORD : Rahman, Ghani (2023), "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto", Global Regional Review, VIII (IV), 51-61
TURABIAN : Rahman, Ghani. "Pragmatic Propositions for Dative Argument Realization in Pashto." Global Regional Review VIII, no. IV (2023): 51-61.