Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective
This article provides a conceptual and theoretical framework to analyze motivations of China in BRI, which is conceived as a project of the 21st century for the revival of erstwhile Asian values, this paper is not a critique on BRI, but it securitizes India's concern whose policymakers consider that it can harm the strategic interest of India. This paper investigates why Indian policymakers have demonstrated reluctance to join BRI. Moreover, the study also explores the major reasons behind India's belligerent policy against BRI because they conceive it as a danger for their national sovereignty. Besides, this research has applied realist theory as an investigative tool to prove Indian concerns. As a whole, the paper analyses that how far the rivalry between both states can harm regional peace if they fail to find any suitable solution considering the BRI project.
India, China. Strategic, BRI, Security
(1) Shabnam Gul
Ph.D. Political Science, Department of International Relations, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Faizan Asghar
Terrorism Analyst Course from RSIS, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, United Nations Protection of Civilians and Critical Infrastructures Course, CIPS, NUST Pakistan.
(3) Iram Naseer Ahmed
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Visiting Scholar, Arizona State University, USA.
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APA : Gul, S., Asghar, M. F., & Ahmed, I. N. (2021). Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 136-144.
CHICAGO : Gul, Shabnam, Muhammad Faizan Asghar, and Iram Naseer Ahmed. 2021. "Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 136-144 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).15
HARVARD : GUL, S., ASGHAR, M. F. & AHMED, I. N. 2021. Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective. Global Regional Review, VI, 136-144.
MHRA : Gul, Shabnam, Muhammad Faizan Asghar, and Iram Naseer Ahmed. 2021. "Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective." Global Regional Review, VI: 136-144
MLA : Gul, Shabnam, Muhammad Faizan Asghar, and Iram Naseer Ahmed. "Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 136-144 Print.
OXFORD : Gul, Shabnam, Asghar, Muhammad Faizan, and Ahmed, Iram Naseer (2021), "Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 136-144
TURABIAN : Gul, Shabnam, Muhammad Faizan Asghar, and Iram Naseer Ahmed. "Modi's Strategic Concerns and China's Belt & Road Imitative (BRI): A Realist Perspective." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 136-144.