37 Pages : 340-345      10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).37      Published : Mar 2020

Media, War and Peace: Towards Peace Journalism Strategies in Pakistan

    In this article, the researchers have examined various factors that affect reporting of two deadly conflicts in Pakistan and identify peace-oriented strategies to help resolve these conflicts. For this purpose, comprehensive and inclusive interviews were conducted with reporters covering the Taliban conflict and the ethno-political conflict in Karachi. The researchers found that the nature of a conflict and threats from conflict stakeholders were the important factors that shape the production of conflict news. As far as peace journalism strategies are concerned, it was found that a more contextual way of reporting alongside humanization those sufferers would facilitate broader understanding and resolution of these conflicts in Pakistan.

    Peace Journalism, Propaganda, Conflict Escalation, Terrorism, Structural and Ideological Factors, Semi Structured Interviews.
    (1) Inamullah Jan
    Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Relations, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shabir Hussain
    Associate Professor, Department of Media Studies, Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Jan, Inamullah, and Shabir Hussain. 2020. "Media, War and Peace: Towards Peace Journalism Strategies in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V (I): 340-345 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).37
    HARVARD : JAN, I. & HUSSAIN, S. 2020. Media, War and Peace: Towards Peace Journalism Strategies in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V, 340-345.
    MHRA : Jan, Inamullah, and Shabir Hussain. 2020. "Media, War and Peace: Towards Peace Journalism Strategies in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V: 340-345
    MLA : Jan, Inamullah, and Shabir Hussain. "Media, War and Peace: Towards Peace Journalism Strategies in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 340-345 Print.
    OXFORD : Jan, Inamullah and Hussain, Shabir (2020), "Media, War and Peace: Towards Peace Journalism Strategies in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, V (I), 340-345
    TURABIAN : Jan, Inamullah, and Shabir Hussain. "Media, War and Peace: Towards Peace Journalism Strategies in Pakistan." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 340-345.