Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential
Journalism is entrusted with delivering high-quality information, not just for the truth but perhaps more significantly for peace. This research examines the role media plays in promoting peace,as shown by the personal experiences of media professionals. Research demonstrates that the media seems to have a vital role in encouraging positive peace by (1) educating viewers about the government's current plans and (2) promoting shows/programs that encourage positive peace, which connects citizens with their government. These rising themes demonstrate the usefulness of government media,via peace journalism, in promoting the public's interest in peace building. Peace can be instilled in the press and maintained if the government and media stay committed. The findings demonstrate that journalists are highly proactive and seek to utilize their positions to influence and engage the public. In this manner, journalists have a close relationship to the function of public organizers.
Peace Journalism, Journalists' Roles, Public Mobilizer, Pakistan
(1) Sanan Waheed Khan
PhD Research Scholar, School of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication University, Putra Malaysia, 43400, Selangor, Malaysia
(2) Muhammad Bilal Nawaz
Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
(3) Malik Adnan
Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
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APA : Khan, S. W., Nawaz, M. B., & Adnan, M. (2022). Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential. Global Regional Review, VII(I), 244-252 .
CHICAGO : Khan, Sanan Waheed, Muhammad Bilal Nawaz, and Malik Adnan. 2022. "Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 244-252 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).22
HARVARD : KHAN, S. W., NAWAZ, M. B. & ADNAN, M. 2022. Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential. Global Regional Review, VII, 244-252 .
MHRA : Khan, Sanan Waheed, Muhammad Bilal Nawaz, and Malik Adnan. 2022. "Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential." Global Regional Review, VII: 244-252
MLA : Khan, Sanan Waheed, Muhammad Bilal Nawaz, and Malik Adnan. "Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 244-252 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Sanan Waheed, Nawaz, Muhammad Bilal, and Adnan, Malik (2022), "Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 244-252
TURABIAN : Khan, Sanan Waheed, Muhammad Bilal Nawaz, and Malik Adnan. "Mapping Journalists' Perspectives on Peace Journalism in Pakistan: Evaluating News Media War and Peace Potential." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 244-252 .