07 Pages : 57-66      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).07      Published : Jun 2019

Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan

    Over the last four decades, the Afghan crisis has become a source of unease and turmoil in the region. It remained the cornerstone of the interests of regional as well as global powers. Moscow's mistake to intervene in Afghanistan revealed its unassailable vulnerability. After the disintegration of Soviet Union Kabul has again become the center of attention of 9/11 terror attacks and importance of US policy in the region. The United States' consistent set of interests and concerns in Afghanistan are in flux as well and many sanctuaries are deemed to be found in Pakistan from where militants can target US and its allies. Pakistan remained locked in the Afghan conflict and faced a threat of extremism and militancy in various forms. Further complicating the situation is what can only be described as rivalry among the regional powers particularly India, Iran, and Pakistan as they pursue their competing interests. The paper examines the concerns and interests of major powers in continuing conflict in Afghanistan.

    Turmoil, Vulnerability, 9/11, Sanctuaries, Interests
    (1) Ghulam Muhammad Nagra
    PhD Scholar,Department of Political Science & International Relations,Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Ghulam Mustafa
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & International Relations, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Imran
    PhD Scholar, Department of Political Science & International Relations, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. 2019. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 57-66 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).07
    HARVARD : NAGRA, G. M., MUSTAFA, G. & IMRAN, M. 2019. Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 57-66.
    MHRA : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. 2019. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 57-66
    MLA : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 57-66 Print.
    OXFORD : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Mustafa, Ghulam, and Imran, Muhammad (2019), "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 57-66
    TURABIAN : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 57-66.