11 Pages : 93-105      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).11      Published : Jun 2019

Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues

    The banking industry is shifting from old traditional banking systems to virtual banking around the world. As it is moving towards online, the issues related to it are also increasing. Most common issues faced by e-banking around the globe are security, fraud, customer awareness, trust, risk, privacy, phishing attacks and government laws. The objective of this study is to highlight the issues faced by e-banking in developing countries like Pakistan. For this purpose, five national banks were selected. Interviews and discussions with the senior managers were conducted and transcribed. The critical issues identified were mostly related to security, regulatory and reversal of wrong transaction. Lack of awareness and knowledge about technical systems are also found as the major concerns of the senior management of these banks. The findings of this research will help the senior management to successfully develop proactive strategies for e-banking in Pakistan.

    E-banking, Online Banking, Pakistan, Issues of E-Banking
    (1) Abdul Zahid Khan
    Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Technology Management,International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Hafiz Ghufran Ali Khan
    Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences,International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Jam e Kausar Ali Asghar
    Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, University of South Asia, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Khan, A. Z., Khan, H. G. A., & Asghar, M. J. e. K. A. (2019). Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 93-105.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Abdul Zahid, Hafiz Ghufran Ali Khan, and Muhammad Jam e Kausar Ali Asghar. 2019. "Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 93-105 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).11
    HARVARD : KHAN, A. Z., KHAN, H. G. A. & ASGHAR, M. J. E. K. A. 2019. Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues. Global Regional Review, IV, 93-105.
    MHRA : Khan, Abdul Zahid, Hafiz Ghufran Ali Khan, and Muhammad Jam e Kausar Ali Asghar. 2019. "Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues." Global Regional Review, IV: 93-105
    MLA : Khan, Abdul Zahid, Hafiz Ghufran Ali Khan, and Muhammad Jam e Kausar Ali Asghar. "Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 93-105 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Abdul Zahid, Khan, Hafiz Ghufran Ali, and Asghar, Muhammad Jam e Kausar Ali (2019), "Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 93-105
    TURABIAN : Khan, Abdul Zahid, Hafiz Ghufran Ali Khan, and Muhammad Jam e Kausar Ali Asghar. "Issues of E-Banking in Pakistan: Managers' Perceptions about E-Banking Issues." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 93-105.