59 Pages : 571-577      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).59      Published : Jun 2019

Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation

    Apocryphal materials are different from the biblical accounts. During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Western scholars of Qur'an & Islam applied the historical-critical method to decide apocryphal elements in the Quranic stories about Marry & Jesus, who are figures known from the Bible. The most common apocryphal sources that figures in the so-called copying are The Protevangelium of James, The Infancy Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, and Coptic Gospel. The earliest person who popularized the hypothesis of origin/original sources of the Qur'anic accounts from these apocryphal stories into the Qur'an was Abraham Geiger in his book Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthume aufgenommen? and on the same methodology, Rev. W. St. Clair Tisdall presented Christian apocryphal literature as sources of Qur'anic Jesus and Mary. Later on, apologists and missionaries, particularly orientalists claimed that the verses of the Qur'an are drawn from the apocryphal source material. The main object of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it analyses how the Qur'an and apocryphal infancy literature presents Marry & Jesus's infancy stories, on the other hand, it examines historical interrelations between Quranic & apocryphal texts can be described as the approaches in which texts refer to, and construct on other text.

    Apocryphal Materials, Marry & Jesus, Abraham Geiger, Infancy Literature
    (1) Muhammad Tayyab Usmani
    Lecturer Islamic Studies, Government Murray College, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Samiullah
    Assistant Professor Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Muhammad Mustafa
    Director Seerat Chair, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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    APA : Usmani, M. T., Samiullah, M., & Mustafa, M. M. (2019). Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 571-577.
    CHICAGO : Usmani, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Muhammad Muhammad Mustafa. 2019. "Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 571-577 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).59
    HARVARD : USMANI, M. T., SAMIULLAH, M. & MUSTAFA, M. M. 2019. Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation. Global Regional Review, IV, 571-577.
    MHRA : Usmani, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Muhammad Muhammad Mustafa. 2019. "Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation." Global Regional Review, IV: 571-577
    MLA : Usmani, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Muhammad Muhammad Mustafa. "Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 571-577 Print.
    OXFORD : Usmani, Muhammad Tayyab, Samiullah, Muhammad, and Mustafa, Muhammad Muhammad (2019), "Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 571-577
    TURABIAN : Usmani, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Samiullah, and Muhammad Muhammad Mustafa. "Infancy Apocryphal Literature as Source of Quranic Mary and Jesus: A Chronological Investigation." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 571-577.