From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective
The article converses how the culture and history of the Indians and Nigerians were mutilated by the colonists by creating the adverse stereotypes of the indigenous people as uncivilized whose history and societal ideals were annulled as mock and vicious that required the instructive mediation of the Europeans and, correspondingly how the dramatists of the two said countries interrupt and oust overriding and tyrannical European data. I have explored in the article through which technique the biculturalism in Rabindranath Tagore and Wole Soyinka's temperament and background enabled them both to develop a style of syncretic dramaturgy for the cultural relations that imperialism created in their nations. Primarily expert in abilities that empowered them to accomplish noteworthy functions in the lives of their countries, together Tagore and Soyinka was particularly ingrained in their specific cultures. Though the authors did not discard the past, they did not urge a return to it.
Badal Sircar, Biculturalism, Culture, Dramaturgy, Imperialism, Rabindranath Tagore, Wole Soyinka
(1) Amara Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Khan, A. (2021). From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 59-68.
CHICAGO : Khan, Amara. 2021. "From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 59-68 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).07
HARVARD : KHAN, A. 2021. From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective. Global Regional Review, VI, 59-68.
MHRA : Khan, Amara. 2021. "From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective." Global Regional Review, VI: 59-68
MLA : Khan, Amara. "From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 59-68 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Amara (2021), "From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 59-68
TURABIAN : Khan, Amara. "From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Indian and Nigerian Nationalism and Colonial Encounter in Comparative Perspective." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 59-68.