28 Pages : 316 -324      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).28      Published : Mar 2022

Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education

    The institution has been forced to close and shift from face-to-face teaching toward online teaching due to drastic changes in the shape of COVID-19. The teachers are at the forefront of the institution to successfully implement this technological transition. This study aimed to explore faculty preparedness to adopt online teaching based on gender. A total of 220 samples are drawn from a population of 1200 at public higher education institutions situated in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Readiness instruments were tested using Cronbach alpha reliability analysis. The accurate value measured by the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was 0.84. The study findings were, the level of preparedness in the context of performance Expectancy as high as the mean score was 3.41 level of preparedness in the context of Effort Expectancy was high as the means score was 3.68 level of social influence was at a medium level as the means score was 3.05 level of facilitating conditions and Hedonic Motivation was low as compared to other factors as mean scores shown 2.58 and 2.28 according to the gender base analysis, the overall study found no significant differences in the analysis.

    Technology, COVID-19, Higher Education, Teachers, Online Teaching
    (1) Samia Zaheer
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Saira Nudrat
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Farkhanda Tabassum
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Zaheer, S., Nudrat, S., & Tabassum, F. (2022). Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education. Global Regional Review, VII(I), 316 -324.
    CHICAGO : Zaheer, Samia, Saira Nudrat, and Farkhanda Tabassum. 2022. "Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 316 -324 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).28
    HARVARD : ZAHEER, S., NUDRAT, S. & TABASSUM, F. 2022. Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education. Global Regional Review, VII, 316 -324.
    MHRA : Zaheer, Samia, Saira Nudrat, and Farkhanda Tabassum. 2022. "Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education." Global Regional Review, VII: 316 -324
    MLA : Zaheer, Samia, Saira Nudrat, and Farkhanda Tabassum. "Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 316 -324 Print.
    OXFORD : Zaheer, Samia, Nudrat, Saira, and Tabassum, Farkhanda (2022), "Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 316 -324
    TURABIAN : Zaheer, Samia, Saira Nudrat, and Farkhanda Tabassum. "Faculty Preparedness to Adopt Technological Change during COVID-19 at Higher Education." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 316 -324.