02 Pages : 10-20      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-III).02      Published : Sep 2022

Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan

    This study was conducted to evaluate the factors influencing youth sports participation in different districts of Balochistan, a province of Pakistan. The current study was carried out in male and female degree colleges from six (06) randomly chosen Balochistan districts. In all, 824 students512 men and 312 women representing 10% of the student body at 18 men's colleges and 14 women's institutions participated in the study. The researcher created and employed a structured five-point Likert scale questionnaire, with responses ranging from Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), and Disagree (DA), to Strongly Disagree (SDA). The significant level for the p-value that the researcher used to accept or reject the given hypotheses was 0.05. The study's findings showed that youth sports involvement in various districts of Balochistan is influenced by a number of factors, including parental financial resources, a lack of access to sports equipment due to high marketing costs.

    Factors, Influencing, Youth Sports Participation and Case Study of Baluchistan, Province of Pakistan.
    (1) Muhammad Aslam
    Lecturer, Department of Health and Physical Education, Government College of Physical Education, Quetta, Balochistan.
    (2) Syed Asim Hussain
    Assistant Professor, Department of Centre for Physical Education, Health & Sports Science, University of Sindh, Jamsoro, Sindh
    (3) Zulakha Karim
    Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Physical Education/Principal, Government College of Physical Education, Quetta, Balochistan.
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    APA : Aslam, M., Hussain, S. A., & Karim, Z. (2022). Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VII(III), 10-20.
    CHICAGO : Aslam, Muhammad, Syed Asim Hussain, and Zulakha Karim. 2022. "Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VII (III): 10-20 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-III).02
    HARVARD : ASLAM, M., HUSSAIN, S. A. & KARIM, Z. 2022. Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, VII, 10-20.
    MHRA : Aslam, Muhammad, Syed Asim Hussain, and Zulakha Karim. 2022. "Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VII: 10-20
    MLA : Aslam, Muhammad, Syed Asim Hussain, and Zulakha Karim. "Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, VII.III (2022): 10-20 Print.
    OXFORD : Aslam, Muhammad, Hussain, Syed Asim, and Karim, Zulakha (2022), "Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan", Global Regional Review, VII (III), 10-20
    TURABIAN : Aslam, Muhammad, Syed Asim Hussain, and Zulakha Karim. "Factors Influencing Youth Sports Participation in Different Districts of Balochistan, A Province of Pakistan." Global Regional Review VII, no. III (2022): 10-20.