05 Pages : 40 - 49      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).05      Published : Mar 2022

Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools

    The policy “MAAR NAHI PIYAR” (Not to beat but Love) is the initiative taken by the government of Punjab education department, which intends to enhance children's academic performance and improve their behavior. This study aimed at exploring the effects of the policy “MAARNAHI PIYAR” on students’ behavior and their academic performance in public schools of Pakistan through the lens of teachers and students. The study sample consisted of two groups of respondents i.e. teachers and students. The study surveyed opinions of a randomly sampled 100 teachers, 100 students, and ten public schools in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The quantitative method approach was adopted. Data were collected through self-developed questionnaires. Five Point Likert scale was used.Findings illustrated a need for continued research of the policy “MAAR NAHI PIYAR” and its impact to a district-by-district and a school-by-school basis. The findings of the study have indicated that the behavior of a teacher profoundly influences students’ behavior and their academic performance.

    Effects, Corporal Punishment, Academic Performance, Behavior, Initiative
    (1) Huseena Rashid
    PhD Scholar, Department of Psychology and Education, Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan
    (2) Shagufta Akhtar
    Director ORIC, Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Allah Baksh Malik
    Ex-Head, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Rashid, H., Akhtar, S., & Malik, A. B. (2022). Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools. Global Regional Review, VII(I), 40 - 49.
    CHICAGO : Rashid, Huseena, Shagufta Akhtar, and Allah Baksh Malik. 2022. "Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools." Global Regional Review, VII (I): 40 - 49 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-I).05
    HARVARD : RASHID, H., AKHTAR, S. & MALIK, A. B. 2022. Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools. Global Regional Review, VII, 40 - 49.
    MHRA : Rashid, Huseena, Shagufta Akhtar, and Allah Baksh Malik. 2022. "Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools." Global Regional Review, VII: 40 - 49
    MLA : Rashid, Huseena, Shagufta Akhtar, and Allah Baksh Malik. "Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools." Global Regional Review, VII.I (2022): 40 - 49 Print.
    OXFORD : Rashid, Huseena, Akhtar, Shagufta, and Malik, Allah Baksh (2022), "Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools", Global Regional Review, VII (I), 40 - 49
    TURABIAN : Rashid, Huseena, Shagufta Akhtar, and Allah Baksh Malik. "Exploring the Effects of the Policy "Maar Nahi Piyar" On Students' Behavior and their Academic Performance in Public Schools." Global Regional Review VII, no. I (2022): 40 - 49.