20 Pages : 192-203      10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).20      Published : Sep 2020

Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students

    Career planning is an intensive process that is directed towards the achievement of career goals. One needs to have a career direction to move forward, along with a passion for that career. People desire to achieve professional goals through career planning and seeking counselling at various stages. This research explores the understanding of career planning and counselling among the students and identifies the factors playing a critical role in the career choice of an individual. It also focuses on hurdles faced during the process and the ways to address those issues. The results suggest that factors affecting career planning are environment-based. The hurdles that students come across are also aligned with that. Therefore to strengthen the ability of individuals to have better career planning, career counselling is required to tone up the thoughts of students and make them productive human resource for the country. The practical implications and prospects are discussed.

    Career Planning, Counselling, Student's Perceptions, Attitudes
    (1) Shuja ul Islam
    Assistant Professor, FAST School of Management, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shahida Noor
    Lecturer, Department of Governance and Public Policy, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Haider Ali Malik
    Assistant Professor, FAST School of Management, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Islam, S. u., Noor, S., & Malik, H. A. (2020). Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students. Global Regional Review, V(III), 192-203.
    CHICAGO : Islam, Shuja ul, Shahida Noor, and Haider Ali Malik. 2020. "Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students." Global Regional Review, V (III): 192-203 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).20
    HARVARD : ISLAM, S. U., NOOR, S. & MALIK, H. A. 2020. Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students. Global Regional Review, V, 192-203.
    MHRA : Islam, Shuja ul, Shahida Noor, and Haider Ali Malik. 2020. "Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students." Global Regional Review, V: 192-203
    MLA : Islam, Shuja ul, Shahida Noor, and Haider Ali Malik. "Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 192-203 Print.
    OXFORD : Islam, Shuja ul, Noor, Shahida, and Malik, Haider Ali (2020), "Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students", Global Regional Review, V (III), 192-203
    TURABIAN : Islam, Shuja ul, Shahida Noor, and Haider Ali Malik. "Exploring Perceived Barriers in Career Planning And Counseling Among Students." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 192-203.