05 Pages : 53-63      10.31703/grr.2024(IX-I).05      Published : Mar 2024

Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions

    This discussion paper examines the potential of e-learning for promoting inclusive education in Pakistani schools, providing equal opportunities for all stakeholders to enhance their capacity. However, there are issues and implications of technology-mediated and technology-delivered instruction for school education in rural areas, given their limited knowledge about technology use. The study reviews literature, investigating the influence of technology use and e-learning on the physical and organisational environment of multi-grade schools. It provides an overview of how e-learning in Pakistan could promote inclusion by comparing the technological changes that have taken place worldwide and in Pakistan recently. The paper considers technical, organisational, and pedagogical issues and developments likely to shape the future use of technology in inclusive education and training, and the extent to which this vision might be realised. It also examines the influence of other sectors' development on the shape of e-learning in inclusive education.

    E-learning, Inclusive Education, Pakistan, Technology-mediated Instruction, Accessibility, Educational Equity, Personalised Learning
    (1) Yaar Muhammad
    Associate Professor, Department of Education, Govt College Women University, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Yasira Waqar
    Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Faisal Anis
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Muhammad, Y., Waqar, Y., & Anis, F. (2024). Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions. Global Regional Review, IX(I), 53-63.
    CHICAGO : Muhammad, Yaar, Yasira Waqar, and Faisal Anis. 2024. "Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions." Global Regional Review, IX (I): 53-63 doi: 10.31703/grr.2024(IX-I).05
    HARVARD : MUHAMMAD, Y., WAQAR, Y. & ANIS, F. 2024. Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions. Global Regional Review, IX, 53-63.
    MHRA : Muhammad, Yaar, Yasira Waqar, and Faisal Anis. 2024. "Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions." Global Regional Review, IX: 53-63
    MLA : Muhammad, Yaar, Yasira Waqar, and Faisal Anis. "Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions." Global Regional Review, IX.I (2024): 53-63 Print.
    OXFORD : Muhammad, Yaar, Waqar, Yasira, and Anis, Faisal (2024), "Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions", Global Regional Review, IX (I), 53-63
    TURABIAN : Muhammad, Yaar, Yasira Waqar, and Faisal Anis. "Enhancing Inclusive Education in Pakistan through E-Learning: A Review of Current Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions." Global Regional Review IX, no. I (2024): 53-63.