22 Pages : 214-229      10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).22      Published : Sep 2020

Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore

    The urban transportation system impacts the sustainable development of a country. Ride sourcing is a transportation model that operates under the notion of sharing economy. This study attempts to identify the changes in travel patterns of the users, particularly female users and their access to space. Focusing on how for the women in Lahore, the mobility has changed? The data for this research has been collected from passengers and drivers of ride-sourcing in Lahore through structured questionnaires. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to do the econometric analysis of consumers and drivers. Main findings indicate that for females, there is a significant shift in travel patterns from conventional modes (family car, public transportation) towards ride-sourcing. The results indicate that Uber and Careem has improved mobility as women feel secure in ride-sourcing services compared to public transportation. The female population of Lahore have started taking more trips because of car availability. The paper also tries to calculate the carbon emissions of ride-sourcing. The increasing number of cars is contributing to the city's worsening air pollution as the concept of 'one person in one car' prevails. The social impacts are positive, where women have become more mobile and independent because of app-based transportation.

    App Based Transportation, On-Demand Ride Service, Online Taxi, Ride Sharing, RideHailing and Transportation Network Companies
    (1) Hammna Jillani
    Teaching Associate, Department of Environmental Science & Policy (Lahore School of Economics), Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Hesan Zahid
    Department of Commerce & Finance (G C University, Lahore), Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Nosheen Rasool
    In-Charge, Department of Commerce & Finance (G C University, Lahore), Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Jillani, H., Zahid, H., & Rasool, N. (2020). Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore. Global Regional Review, V(III), 214-229.
    CHICAGO : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. 2020. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review, V (III): 214-229 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).22
    HARVARD : JILLANI, H., ZAHID, H. & RASOOL, N. 2020. Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore. Global Regional Review, V, 214-229.
    MHRA : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. 2020. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review, V: 214-229
    MLA : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 214-229 Print.
    OXFORD : Jillani, Hammna, Zahid, Hesan, and Rasool, Nosheen (2020), "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore", Global Regional Review, V (III), 214-229
    TURABIAN : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 214-229.