36 Pages : 330 - 343      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).36      Published : Mar 2021

Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees

    This study explores the work environment of media organizations in Pakistan compared to international standards under the set rules of the International Labor Organization and its implementation level in large- and small-scale media organizations. The study explored the relationship of job satisfaction of media employees with facilities provided to them at their workplace, their health issues,and awareness level of ILO safety standards at work environment considering their gender, age, education, experience, job status, and job position. Two hundred fifty-four respondents submitted their responses. The results showed that most media employees were not aware of their rights, and there was no concept of occupational safety in a third-world country like Pakistan, where the unemployment rate is high.Salary and perks are a prime concern to fulfill the requirements of their families and ignore their health. The media industry's work environment standards in Pakistan are far behind the international world, especially in developed countries. This study finds out that the majority of employees were not aware of their rights, and ILO safety standards were not followed.

    Media Employees, ILO, Working Conditions, Job Satisfaction, Health Issues
    (1) Saadia Anwar Pasha
    Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Humaira Sharif
    Sub Editor, Associated Press of Pakistan
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    APA : Pasha, S. A., & Sharif, H. (2021). Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 330 - 343.
    CHICAGO : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. 2021. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 330 - 343 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).36
    HARVARD : PASHA, S. A. & SHARIF, H. 2021. Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees. Global Regional Review, VI, 330 - 343.
    MHRA : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. 2021. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review, VI: 330 - 343
    MLA : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 330 - 343 Print.
    OXFORD : Pasha, Saadia Anwar and Sharif, Humaira (2021), "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 330 - 343
    TURABIAN : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 330 - 343.